WARNING: As of writing this preview, there are only four episodes out. It may get better or worse than what it is currently. I noticed there were no reviews yet and decided it would be good to have a review of the first two episodes to give people a feel of how the show is shaping up, without spoiling it of course :P
Now on to the review.
Story - 9
As this has so far been rather well adapted from the Visual Novel of the same name, the story is pretty well the same. It is really good in my opinion and the MAIN difference
Jul 17, 2013
Suki tte Ii na yo.
From the perspective of a male viewer:
I am normally the kind of guy that will enjoy maybe one or two chick flick movies or a shoujo anime here and there but most of my favorites are things like Cowboy Bebop, Gurren Lagann, Mirai Nikki, Gosick, and other anime similar to those. That being said, I loved this anime. I do enjoy a good love story every now and then because it does you some good. The Story (8/10): Well it revolves around our main character, Yamato, winning over Mei (the girl that has had no REAL friends her whole life) and he struggles a little ... Jun 26, 2013
So, this anime was something I decided to watch for no reason at all. I saw it and somehow expected something other than what it was.
Long story short, I only rated it as a 5/10 because it made me laugh. Other than being funny at times, this anime was awful but you can't expect much because it's a borderline hentai. There is a tiny bit of a story but that is mostly there to be funny. |