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Ga-Rei: Zero
The story in both anime revolves around teenage girls who live their stereotypical highschool lives full of yuri tendencies and word jokes, all the while fighting evil monsters which seem to flood both worlds for no apparent reason. The most striking similarity between the two shows is the use of spiritual beasts in battle, known as Ga-Rei in Ga-Rei Zero, and Childs in Mai-HiME. The twist in both stories is that soon, things start to get serious - main characters start to die, friends battle to the death and angst ensues. On top of these similarities, Ga-Rei also seems to rip some characters completely from Mai-HiME, but frankly, Ga-Rei Zero offers the most convincing drama in my opinion.
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Death Note
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Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
From the general idea behind both shows, to subtle details, Code Geass IS Death Note, but with mechs. Seeing as how Death Note was first and also, in my opinion, easily the better of the two shows, Code Geass can be considered a Death Note-ripoff. If you like exotic character design and giant robots, you may enjoy Code Geass more, but overall, Death Note does a much better job of telling the story of a young man who gains a supernatural power and wishes to improve society through controversial means. Death Note is more thought-provoking while Code Geass emphasizes the typical shounen aspects more.