Spoilers Warning: That is if you care.
I think I just stumbled across the biggest Anime abomination ever in my life. I mean, Shitcom and No Littering were stupid and hilarious, but Pinky...? To an extent, I'd probably call it one of the most gruesome, disturbing, and graphically dark ONAs that exist. Only reason you should watch this ONA is to probably have a blast (sarcasm) and be purposely disturbed by it. Or of course, just to fill in that completed anime list.
Story is super quick. A guy and a girl have an idea of filming something, so then he starts filming, then she whoops out
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Dec 1, 2018
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Not Recommended
The feels, Meh feels, so romantic, oh the sadness and makes me wanna cri evrytiem all aboard the feel trip.
This is all I have been hearing from people who have watched Your Lie in April and given the show masterpiece praise for it's "feel factor" "good characters", and beautiful animation. So as almost everyone loved this Anime, I decided to give it a try hoping that I would also go through the same emotion and personal joy watching this Anime. Instead, no offense but all I see is a bunch of melodramatic teenage idiots trying WAY TOO HARD to make everything look sad and emotional ... while nearly every scene being plagued with unfunny and baffling comedy that pretty much ruins the so called emotion. I don't have problems with comedy, contrary I love it but Your Lie in April doesn't do it well. Not to mention that the story is a drag and pretty much the stays very much the same and takes up a whole episode list just to get straight to one point and plagued with very stupid and pointless arcs. Let me explain the problem with this Anime, oh and the romance is POOR! I MEAN REALLY POOR! Story: 3/10 Your Lie in April's story is dry as dried omelet. The story had a promising start and for about the first few episodes seemed like a good field trip runner. But the problem already began quick. The story starts with a depressed young boy by the name of Kousei Arima who is depressed in life because of a dark past that ended in a very tragic manner and is now lost in life and is scared to play the piano again because he lost his touch with the piano. Sounds understandable at first, but the problem is the approach to this manner. Because of all of a sudden... ALL OF SUDDEN! A blonde chick named Kaori Miyazono enters his life and because he sees her playing the violin and keeps getting convinced from her and his friends in order to play the piano once again and then he is at it at long last. That to me is a awfully poor way to progress the story with that sudden change. It's not that it was handled bad, it's just that there was literally no emotion to put into it whatsoever and the way that it was handled was so forced and to an extent questionable since the drama and emotion was so forced and melodramatic that the emotion I felt was completely cut off. The feel factor is mostly the most important part of the show. But I'm going to say something about this part. I didn't feel ANY feel factor whatsoever. Almost half of the scenes are forced as hell and the drama and crying are so melodramatic that I sometimes thought to myself if these were real emotions or just the script and the scenario trying their very hard to make me feel super sad. People claim the scenes are sad and while there can be some little emotion on what happens at the end this all feels like forced trashed melodrama to me and the fact that I was told by everyone that I was going to be very sad and going through a post depression feeling with this Anime made me even more angry. I mean, come on here! So many scenes like Tsubaki's stupid cry or kousei's worry for Kaori or trying hard to get him hearing the piano again. It's just so obscure to me that I didn't even notice that was suppose to be the focus of the show. I have seen more emotional and feel triggered emotions. No offense again, but these people that consider your lie in april to be one of the most emotional Anime's ever are the same ones that go on saying that shows like Elfen Lied or Kanon are edgy and bad at doing romance scenes and try way too hard to be emotional and heartbreaking for the audience. For me honestly it's the exact contrary to what I believe. It's not those 2 that are like that. It's this overrated pile of crap that is what I described earlier. Now I am going to be completely honest on this subject. The romance between kousei and Kaori is perhaps the worst aspect of the show. People claim that the romance in this anime is good. But I'v noticed that no one can really give a good reason on why the romance is good. All I see is praise like *oh it's because of the feels, feels, feels, and feels". No one can literally explain why the romance in this Anime is good. Sometimes when watching this Anime I kept forgetting that this was a romance Anime since I LITERALLY DON'T SEE ANYTHING ROMANTIC IN THIS ANIME! They just have a thing for each other and say emotional things to each other and give them motivational speeches and wish each other the best of luck. THAT'S NOTHING ROMANTIC RIGHT THERE! YOU SEE THIS CRAP LITERALLY IN ANYTHING FREAKING GENRE! Like seriously, how the heck can this be considered a good "romance Anime" when both Kousei and Kaori literally do absolutely NOTHING with each other other than oh just think of each other and do nothing else. Sometimes when watching this Anime I wondered to myself if there really was a romantic connection between the two. There are no heartwarming scenes between the both. No deep affection, deep love, and stuff that will literally make you blush and make your heart turn all bubbly because of how damn cute it is. THERE'S NOT EVEN A KISS FOR CRYING OUT! Now I know that not all romance Anime's have a kiss but at least they progress the relationship. Ylia does NO SUCH THING AT ALL! So to me this is TERRIBLE romance and this is the plague that is killing romance Anime nowadays. The only 2 dumb meaningful things that happened between the both of them was some stupid scene where they started at each other with fireflies and another in the final episode where some very hardcore and forced melodramatic scene happens where it's [SPOILERS!] just him crying that he's gonna lose her with stupid flashing sparkles and visuals. Seriously how lame... Art/Animation 8/10 The Art style is good. It's very pretty and the eyes, noses, and mouths look pretty cute too. I'd call it a bit aesthetic and spot on. The animation is pretty good too. Beautiful 4K like visuals that are at least enough to wow your eyes and the scenes being played were quite a pleasure to watch from the eye. Especially the music play scenes. Overall I give praise to the Art and Animation. Sound/Soundtrack 7/10 The soundtrack is pretty good. There are some nice songs and believe or not but some songs are played well too. Just the problem is they can get really repetitive at times and sometimes they spam Pianos and try to force sad piano songs that just cut off the emotion. But a still good soundtrack at least. Characters 1/10 THE CHARACTERS ARE A FREAKING ABOMINATION! LIKE SERIOUSLY THESE CHARACTERS ARE HONESTLY SOME OF THE WORST ANIME CHARACTERS I HAVE EVER SEEN! Look, it may look like that I am over exaggerating, but honestly this is how I felt and I will give my reasons to explain why I think these characters are poor as hell and didn't enjoy them at all. kousei Armia is a pianist prodigy who excelled very well at the Piano and won numerous competitions to claim the ultimate prize. But look from my perspective he is one of the most blandest and dull protagonists I have ever seen. He is beta for pretty much the whole show and he is a bore to watch and is no cool badass guy like we like to see. His lameness is just there to progress the story and had no alpha motives and remains a generic nice nerdy dork-like personality. His motivation to play the Piano is pretty hilarious since it seems like it was thanks to blonde poster chick that motivated him to play the piano through a very poor manner. Even though he had his friends for 2 years and were always by his side including a female childhood friend who was always there to support him and liked him at a young age but suddenly he doesn't like her and didn't like her at all since it seems like their support to him didn't mean crap all until the blonde chick suddenly comes to change his life. Wow... How strange is that...? What makes it even more funnier is that a age 14 Kousei acts like he's a 5 year old boy and pretty much does nothing else for his entire life which is also pretty hilarious considering that realistically boys around his age would probably be going under Tsubaki's skirt already because that's just how people are naturally. But instead remains an innocent and oblivious minded kid throughout the entire show is utterly stupid because lets be honest, THAT WOULD NOT HAPPEN AT ALL! You want an example? Go read Goodnight Punpun. It perfectly sums up youth very well. His romance with Kaori is poor as crap and as I stated before he does nothing romantic with her whatsoever at all. Nothing deep just hints and self thought feelings that he likes her. Kaori is another disaster. She is an annoying stuck up blonde chick that meets Kousei and now suddenly bosses him around with a forced motivation. She is annoying, just there to be the poster chick, and has this illness that plays an important role for the show and because of that illness for the rest of the show, she doesn't really develop well at all and pretty much remains absent throughout the entire show. Honestly that illness hindered her progress really badly and quite sad how other side characters got more development than she did. There really is nothing much to say about her other than be there because again she is the poster chick of the show. She's the main girl and the main girl has to win for the sake of a poor story. Also, her encounter and personality with Kousei is unbearable to watch as she teases him with unfunny attempts to play with him and her romance with Kousei sucks because all she does is... Nothing... Tsubaki is another pathetic character. She is one of those tomboy side chicks that are destined to get beaten by the main chick Kaori because it's some stupid dumb trope that's been there in romance Anime's since the late 2000s. She is good at baseball, bosses Kousei around, likes him, was always there for him to support him, but he doesn't like her back and then she becomes the side chick that losses. Yep, seen this stupid trope over and over again and hilarious enough this one is done the worst. She is literally just there to fill in the side chick role. Ryouta is Japanese Soccer player who is currently negotiating a transfer to Manchester United for a record fee of a fee that is bigger than all of Japan's economy. The rest of Ylia's support characters are obscure and irrelevant to the story. Kousei's mom is this evil wicked witch that abuses him, but then shows him sympathy. This causes a whole confusion if she really is evil. But all we know is that she is an abusive doofus and there is nothing else known about her. The rivals are just rivals and are there to put this DBZ like tournament feeling that goes flushed down the toilet since they are pretty much obscure. Nagi was just this girl to waste time and lead to a useless and pointless arc that really resulted in it being a waste. Enjoyment 4/10 I didn't enjoy the annoying melodrama feeling at all. There was no enjoyment felt for me at all and most of the time I was waiting and hoping that at least something romantically meaningful was going to happen or least something that wowed me but nope. None of that happened at all... Instead all I got was pretty colors and pretty backgrounds with piano music that sounded nice but not enough to keep me pleased at all. Overall 4/10 I did not enjoy Your Lie in April at all! I found this Anime to be extremely disappointing and a huge letdown. This Anime SUFFERS from melodrama, overuse of shock factor, scenes that are trying WAAAAY to hard to make me feel sad and worst of all the characters are an absolute mess to watch. I can't believe that I literally wasted at least 22 episodes of my life just to watch something that would let me down in the end. This Anime is not good in my opinion, the romance is one of the worst I have ever seen and it's pretty sad and hilarious too how a vanilla doujinshi or an incest Anime like Yosuga No Sora can capture the theme of love in a more romantic and deep way than this pile of disappointing garbage. The fact that it's compared to Clannad too makes me ask myself just what the heck is so emotional about it other than shock factor or forced melodrama. Sorry, to me this Anime is a HUGE disappointment and a letdown. Only the soundtrack and the animation was good. But that doesn't save it from being a bad Anime for me. Because if that were the case, then Sonic the Hedeghog 2006 would be the best video game in history am I right?
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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![]() Show all Nov 7, 2018
Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven
Mixed Feelings
Eureka Seven was truly a HUGE letdown for me. I was quite baffled by the experience of watching this Anime because prior to watching it, all I heard was praise for the show only to let me down. Instead, this show felt more like a chore for me to watch rather than actually enjoying it.
Eureka Seven is an Anime from the mid 2000s created by studio Bones. When it first began airing on the spring of 2005, it went on to become one of the most critically successful Anime's of the first decade of the new millennium. The show won numerous awards from both Japan ... and the West. Most notably winning the 2006 Tokyo International Anime Fair. The series is often praised for it's interesting story with unique concept and theme along with it's character development with symbolic messages and mix usage and references of 1980s and 1990s music. Not to mention that almost every episode is named after real songs. But my perspective with the show is much different to what it was and what it's said about it. Story: 4/10 Eureka Seven actually had an interesting story. Set on a alternative Earth where the story is about some little pipsqueak named Renton Thurston who is striving to have his life changed because he is bored with his life and that his town sucks because there is nothing to do there. Of course suddenly a chick with blue hair named Eureka appears to him and then he is suddenly dragged into conflict and is allowed to go with her and be with a mercenary group called Gekko State that treats him like absolute garbage in the beginning so that his boring life can change forever! The setting is humanity is living on somewhat of a post apocalyptic setting with rather unique giant robots called LFOs being one of the main focus of the show and the deep lore and it's deep background history. Like trees, plants, and bushes, clouds, robots surfboarding, religious cults, with the military trying to kill those who oppose them, and some chick with pink hair holding an importance to the story. This all sounds interesting at first. But when you realize it, it's really only interesting on paper. You see, do you wanna know the real problem with the story for me is? Eureka Seven is to me a prime example of when concept itself can't save a series from being boring. Sometimes even Anime with the most crappiest and horrible concept can be interesting. E7 does no such thing. The majority of the Anime revolves around mundane filler episodes which really result in absolutely nothing other than nonsense and being a HUGE waste of time. For most of the show I had to literally wait for the *it starts to get good now syndrome*. Around episode 21-28 is when I thought things really were about to start getting good, and for a short while, it ACTUALLY DID GET GOOD. Until on episode 29 and onward it was back to the same problem with the show for me. For most part, the entire show is literally just talking, talking, talking, and talking. For most part most of the episodes were mundane filler of our cast doing normal things in life. And if there was a serious episode most of the time it was talking about the whole entire topic for at least 15-20 minutes of the entire episode and then important things are shown at the very end of the episode and then it repeats. Half of the topics were really boring and for the most part struggled to keep me interested. Some of the focus on the topics too were so pointless and unnecessary. The drama is lame and stupid. Just pointless upsets and a stupid way to progress the story. At the beginning, Renton is going through BDSM from the Gekkostate crew because suddenly he's the biggest scum on earth for NO GOOD FREAKING REASON all because he's thinking about his beloved Eureka. The drama between him and Eureka was probably some of the most garbage and annoying thing to get through the show and the cause of the drama between the both of them results in some HUGE dumb reason which would take up at least half of the show and dictate the progress resulting once again in unnecessary arcs. Perhaps the biggest problem of the show for me was the pacing. Eureka Seven is SLOW! Again, I thought I would suffer from the *it gets good later on so be patient syndrome*. But after around episode 30, I realize that the pacing of the Anime would very much remain the same until it finishes. This caused me to go through an episodic struggle of dropping it, and then watching it again, dropping it, and watching again, and rinse and repeat. I am still surprised that I didn't drop the Anime till the very end when I had the chance too. I will admit that I was becoming crazy in the head and getting literally bored to death to the point where I was doing other things because I couldn't keep my interest. I guess it was a mistake for me to even have believed that I thought it would get good later on. Instead it just became a chore later on. SPOILERS: Did you know that on episode 39 of Eureka Seven. The episode was about playing Soccer. Yes... Playing Soccer for the entire freaking episode. Like seriously... Is this Eureka Seven or Captain Tsubasa now...? Art/Animation: 9/10 I have always been a sucker for early to mid 2000s art theme. The art designs were really good. I liked the way the characters were designed. A almost real, yet traditional Anime art style of the characters. that have some early-mid 2000s pop vibe and outfit. The animation was spot on too. For a 2005 Anime, I'd say that it was way beyond it's time. Especially the scenery. I'd say Studio Bones nailed it on this one really well. Sound/Music: 8/10 The music was actually pretty good. The Anime itself had mixture of music. Ranging from the traditional Anime music, to music that sounds like retro pop music and Disco, to orchestra, and did I mention that the OPs and EDs had nice music? That's definitely another praise I'll give to the show. Characters: 6/10 Oh boy... This is when things get REALLY complicating. The character development of Eureka Seven is spot on and at the same time an absolute mess for me and I'll explain why. The characters of Eureka Seven have one thing in common and it's that sometimes I really like them, and then they really TICK me off. For starters I'm going to be mainly talking about the important characters of Eureka Seven. Renton Thurston is one of those characters that "mature". At the beginning he is literally what you call a wuss. A coward, a crybaby, and a weakling. But despite being that, he can pilot the oldest LFO called Nirvash along with his beloved Eureka. He has a sudden love interest for Eureka and the love interest was started from love at first sight. At the later half he grows up to be a so called "cooler and more mature" guy. Renton is hard to endure at the first half. His crying, yapping, and moaning and complaining about almost anything is what drives me up the roof. Not to mention that he vomits a lot during the first season and can't even clean things for crap. Sure he does things that at least matter like always doing something useful, and not standing their and do screw all for the entire problem. At first yes he is a kid, and that's understandable because what he is seeing with his own eyes is adult problems and war, and lets be honest. War is something none of us want to see. Especially if the person is being literally killed in front of your eyes. Death is sad and we mourn for it all the time. But surprisingly the pipsqueak matures later on. He turns from this little weakling to someone that can actually do things and change the tide of the ranking of what's around him. In fact, the final episodes were his peak as a character. Renton isn't that half bad at all. In fact, of all ordinary guys that are losers, he is probably one of the best ones around in Anime. He is certainly much better than the ordinary light novel losers you see in Anime. But here is the problem about Renton. It's his love for Eureka and the way it's displayed and progressed through the show. Renton's love for Eureka is VERY questionable for me because no offense. But his romance with Eureka is some of the most stupidest, lamest, and boring things he does with her. Now I love me some Romance Anime. I love the romance genre, but Eureka Seven doesn't do it well and to be honest. Renton and Eureka are honestly a lame couple in my opinion. It's not cheesy, it just feels bland and forced. There was nothing deep and emotional and over the top. It was him just caring and saying he loves her. Also his constant shouting of Eureka's name would give me anxiety attacks of how annoying and irritating it was to hear this over and over again. EUREKA!EUREKA!EUREKA!EUREKA!EUREKA!EUREKA!EUREKA!EUREKA!EUREKA! The way he acts with others is a 50/50. At times he shows adamant courage, and then he squeaks out like a coward. Not surprising with an young protagonist he shows some teenager problems *like Charles said about him*. I admire him for standing up against his odds and enduring the pain and mistreatment of the Gekko state crew. *Especially Holland, Talho, and those 3 annoying little craps*. Alright. I'm going to make everyone mad here. But I personally DESPISE Eureka. Eureka is one of the most irritating Anime heroines ever. She is to me the most BIPOLAR doofus I have ever seen in Anime. Eureka is happy, and then sad. Her cold treatment towards Renton REALLY MADE ME FREAKING MAD. Renton does SO much for her and then all she does is act all cold, mean, and then starts getting all moody. Come to think of it, this isn't just in the beginning. IT'S FOR ALMOST THE WHOLE ENTIRE FREAKING SHOW. She's mainly there just to fill in the story and she is one of those chicks that need to be there because they hold the key to the cluster mess of a story that happens. She also has her romance with Renton and it's pretty much the same thing. Lame, and boring. I really have nothing much to say about her except that she is a cold clutch that is there for the story. That's all. Also she suffers the same problem Renton has. RENTON! RENTON! RENTON! RENTON!RENTON! RENTON! RENTON! The rest of the Gekko state is a mix bag. Holland and Talho were also irritating jerks and pricks that gave Renton the BDSM for stupid reasons. But they changed later on and honesty they turn to my favorites later on. Yes I'm not kidding you. At times I kinda wish they were both the main characters. The rest are alright, and I like it on how at times they stand for up for Renton against Holland's abuse towards Renton. Those 3 little craps were annoying, but understandable at times. Rei and Charles were the most underrated characters in Eureka Seven and I really wished there was more of them. Watching them was like watching sunshine for me. Domenic is a normal dood that is part of the military and wants to do good for the world but keeps seeing injustice and suffering through the world and is in love with this pink haired chick named anemone who is just as annoying as Eureka because she is bipolar just like her. Like Renton and Eureka there romance is also poor and there love for each other is questionable and it's bland and boring. The rest are standards for Anime. Enjoyment: 5/10 It depends really. If you can stomach the slow pace of the story of having to watch and listen to at least 15-20 minutes of very useless and pointless topics along with filler madness of playing soccer or trying to play pranks and maybe enjoy some of the characters development while admiring the theme and concept of the show with it's beautiful scenery and designs then maybe you'll enjoy it. Personally for me the enjoyment was a mediocre experience. Overall: 5/10 As I said in the beginning Eureka Seven was a HUGE letdown for me. I expected to see myself marathoning the entire show only to find myself being BORED to death and trying my best to keep myself interested. But instead I went through a crisis of either dropping it or watching it while doing other things simply because I'm not interested. You can say watching the show turned into a chore for me which is something I really hate when watching Anime. Eureka Seven is an Anime for me that simply suffers from poor pacing, some episodes being really pointless with added filler, and a overall lame experience. I would say that the characters were decent and maybe a bit interesting to watch. The art designs were good and so was the soundtrack but that theme and concept don't save an Anime from being boring and it certainly doesn't mean that having a good theme and concept would keep me interested in watching something especially if the story is boring and a chore to watch. This Anime was a huge disappointment and I have no interest in this Anime whatsoever anymore and I have NO plans to watch it's sequel AO.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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