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Jan 19, 2025
Medalist (Anime) add
Preliminary (3/13 eps)
One of, if not, the best drama show we've got in years. A beautiful story, with beautiful message portray from 2 different perspective.

All drama show, after passing the point of how good the production is, will came down to how good the directing is, and how relatable it is to you and its message, to determine how much you will ike it. I think this show done all of that well, and for sure will touch your heart on some aspect. The wholesome, hard fought, and inspiring journey of this anime, is definitely a full on recommend no hold back from me. I will be ...
Jan 17, 2025
Preliminary (3/12 eps)
For something that's been done to death thousands time by now, this is quite interesting somehow.

First of all, let me preface this that, most of this anime can be line down to just another generic rom-com feel good funny goofy haha anime. However most the things they done are quite just aaa bit better than anything else we've seen from the same premise so far, and actually made me quite intrigue, so lets get started on why that is. Also I might be hugely bias since I love short hair female MCs.

Recommend for: Character, Wholesome Feel good vibe, rom-com
Not recommend for: drama, troupe-ness

So let me ...
Oct 30, 2024
Preliminary (3/24 eps)
Good time killer with a new fresh taste.
This anime while of course is no masterpiece or anything, is a pretty good fun, funny, and light headed anime you can watch without expecting much.

Recommend for: Gag humor (comedy), Adult cast, Chillness > characters
Not recommend for: plot, seriousness

First and most importantly, this anime is a comedy anime through and through. Do not expect deep plots, 5head level character, pristine world building, or eye watering animation. This is something you should watch through out long period (weekly, not binge), as if you watch it through in little time sitting, you will get burnt out and bored pretty ...
Oct 21, 2024
Preliminary (3/12 eps)
Mid slice of life at best.
Let me keep this review short a brief, as there's not much to review for this anime other than it being NOT a comedy, but generally just a wholesome slice of life with comedy theming. The type (1 male 1 female MCs live tgt wholesomely, and one of them overcome some kind of burden) that have been done to death by thousands of show before, so this is just another ok one to the addition.

Recommend for: Slice of life, wholesome, chill
Not Recommend for: "comedy", character
mid: production quality, directing

First of all, let me say that this anime listing as a ...
Oct 21, 2024
Preliminary (4/25 eps)
One of if not the BEST Philosophical Historical (+drama) Anime ever!!!
This anime literally have no flaws right now, and set out to looking to be like one of the classics and best of all time anime we will ever had. Just from the plot and main memo of the story, being the quest of finding the truth, and the curiosity of human rising against the established oppressive idea, and taking full advantage of it, give this anime a huge up and be a masterpiece.

Recommend for: Thought provoking (philosophy), Historical + Science, Plot, Drama, Character, directing + production quality

FULL REVIEW (+Conclusion/TLDR at the end):
First of all, ...
Oct 19, 2024
Preliminary (3/24 eps)
The best mid harem romance ever???
Many people might get put off by this anime stereotypical-ness and things that have been done to death by thousands of harem romance anime before this already in the first episode, but let me tell you dear reader, they are self aware of the fact, and it get better later on, this is much better than you think.

Recommend for: Chillness+Comfy > Fan service > Harem > Gimmick+settings+story > production quality
Not Recommend for: Serious romance
Mid: Character

First of all let me start off with the DECIDING FACTOR of weather you might like or dislike this show. Many people seem to have ...
Oct 17, 2024
Dandadan (Anime) add
Preliminary (3/12 eps)
Dandadan is the best unconventional shounen action show available right now.
This show while may not be the literal perfect in any side, is very good in every thing. Now most of the time anime like this (jack of all trade) doesn't fare well with the audience, but this show make everything count and somehow pull through, with one of the most interesting world, character, story, and production quality

Recommend for: Character > Premise (scifi+supernatural) > romance > Production quality
Not recommend for: "Comedy"

First of all, let me talk about the comedy. Now the comedy is not bad by shounen standard, the reason I put in the ...
Sep 19, 2024
Average rom-com, A bit too much drama, Useless gimmick, and Damaging Unnecessary Plot line
Ever wonder why most form of "election" (in this case student council) plot/arc is kept to the minimal in most shows? especially in rom-com? You can now see in this show because it've been the one and only single major downside of this show.

Recommend for: Character, Fan service
Not Recommend for: Drama, Plot, Gimmick, and especially one single plot point (election)
Mid: Comedy, Romance

First of all lets get the goods out of the way first, I can't deny that characters in this anime, albeit ranged from smart to very dumb sometime, is something. ...
Jul 29, 2024
Preliminary (3/12 eps)
This show is SO flawless, stainless steel got nothing on this absolutely stain-less of an anime.
This show got EVERYTHING done right, so in this review I will only cover what it mostly shines from and highlight the super good of this show.

Recommend for: *Romance, *Directing, *Production Quality, Character, Pacing, and script

First and most of all is the directing. I feel like I've been transported to the era where A-1 pictures peak as a studio again, with "Your lie in April". A-1 truly struck ...
Jul 24, 2024
Preliminary (3/12 eps)
A Good Funny parody take on Isekai Genre.
The most comparable anime to this one would be kunosuba, but this take on a more dark tone, with more real life and adult perspective, a bored to death adult writer one as that. As well as this is one of the few isekai that the MC is not from the present day world, but the 1900s instead, so there's also many interesting aspect in that.

Recommend for: Isekai, parody, comedy
Not recommend for, if you don't like: Isekai, Travel/journey style story
Neutral: Animation, production quality, directing

Full review:
First of all, the concept and parody itself is pretty good, funny, and unique. ...

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