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Mar 17, 2016
This review will be rigged with League of Legends references. If you don't get it, you obviously need to start playing the game right now. And no there's no spoiler.
Konosuba > DotA 2 *Grabs boobs*.
At a quick glance, Konosuba might be as average as any other RPG harem where the MC is Faker playing against a bunch of Crowns and Kuros, where all he has to do is perform a barrel roll on stage then proceed to win Worlds. Three times.
WRONG. It's far from that yet it was so good that I would consider this anime to be THE anime of
the season. How? (MF support duh)
After 10 episodes directed by Mr. Michael Bay, our party of Bronze V garbage feeders still hasn't managed to get out of the ghetto ass town made for noobs and losers, let alone destroying the enemy Nexus. Basically, the plot moved SLOWER THAN THE FUCKING CLOCK WHEN I'M AT WORK. At the very least, they did manage to slay a super fed Mordekaiser (but he did nothing wrong ;_;), farm that clueless Tahm Kench over and over and survive a debacle of One-for-all Renekton gank.
The art was bright and colorful, reflecting the overall mellow mood. the background and water art were especially beautiful that they gave me eyegasm. The skin, textures and animation is fairly good, but at times they were sloppy like a bunch of chimpanzees were substituted in to take charge of production.
The soundtracks and OP/ED songs were okay, fairly relaxing, mellow which captured the overall silly and light-hearted nature of the series but not that impressive (to me at least). It would've been better if the troll music from Random LoL Moments on Youtube were used. On the other hand, the voice acting was superb which greatly contributed to the comedy and overall enjoyment of the series. Kazuma's "Hai, Kazuma desu", Aqua's cries and rants were so hilarious I can't even.
What made Konosuba highly enjoyable was the team of 5 totally dysfunctional, insufferable trash players and the comedy that resulted from their inability to cooperate, which led to their flaming one another and getting utterly raped by whatever's going on around them. Konosuba makes fun of the RPG genre and its cliches in general instead of following them, leaving a stronger impression on me, the viewer who's obviously tired of SAO, Log Horizons and such. Furthermore, no anime would be complete without this most fundamental rule: Cute girls. Konosuba's cast of girls (and Kazuma) were cute, yes, they're even highly distinctive and did not fall into apparent tropes that are so overused nowadays, making them relatively fresh.
"Baa.......kaaaa Ta...taaa......taric-kun, it's not like I wanted to go bot lane with you or anything... Don't misunderstand" - Tsundere Ezreal.
"I'm sorry Lux-chan, I, Taric, Ezreal-tan's eternal lover will be the only one allowed to go bot lane with him" *Swings hammer* - *Rainbow splatters* - Yandere Taric
No, no, we don't need any of that, get outta here.
- The adc: Satou Kazuma, leader, our hella weak dickwad of an adc compared to Jesus-kun of the RPG world Kirito, but he's got the brain and he actually fights smart despite his auto-flaming. His cynical and realist attitude separated him from our usual never-give-up nakama-powered MCs, which might as well make him the best MC of the season. He's the only adc to not dive into the middle of the enemy team, as rare as it sounds. He's surrounded by idiots and the way he deals with them is uber hilarious, reminds me of how I deal with my own League party. You did not realize that the adc is a melee, and you're not going to question it. Move on
- The Mid Laner, One Explosion Girl a.k.a Michael Bay's waifu: She's basically Ziggs but with only the Ult, thus she's literally useless after using it, requiring someone to carry her (literally and figuratively) else she'll feed the enemy team's Tahm Kench and Mordekaiser. She is, of course, flamed by Kazuma throughout the series. She's cute, yeah, but she's not like your average moeblob. She's got explosive personalities, explosive ambitions and explosive love for explosions. Hue
- The Top Laner, a.k.a MasoLeona: What's better than a tank? A MASOCHISTIC TANK!!!!!!! She's tankier than Rammus, Malphite, and Alistar w/ full tank build combined but her aim is worse than mine in the morning trying to piss while blinded by the Satan God Teemo (he's the real Demon King they have to kill). Needlessly to say, she joyously took all the aggro and flaming like a real M. Scenes where she verbally "abused" the honorable Dullahan were priceless. Poor Dully. If only she could aim her E properly... Who even plays Leona top nowadays? This is like fucking Dyrus trolling every game when he's streaming after having retired from TSM.
- The Support, Best Girl (sorry Michael Bay fans): Basically your toxic feeder Nami with legs building ap instead of support items while going around trash talking to people and fucking shit up with wataah. She's super derp, always trying to ragequit, feeds Tahm Kench furiously and is constantly flamed by Kazuma but that's where the fun comes from. She just needs a hug and I wanna give her a big hug so badly because she was forced to play support by Kazuma, it's not her fault guys!!!
- The Jungler, Wizzlestick (because ap jungler w/ drain, but then again it's a contradiction because she is... well... thick, while Fiddlestick is... well... a stick): The one who is super fed but only came to gank like twice during the entire anime but who cares? She's kind and cute af, and she destroys the enemy when it matters most. Unfortunately the support absolutely hates her guts because she's not playing a meta champ, but this is the only time when not everyone blamed the jungler for their misery. If only she ganked lane more often, she'd be a best girl contender. Let's be honest that she's only here because I don't want to have a team of 4 when implementing League of Legends in my review.
Everyone is 1/10 fed and 9/10 feeder, however due to the circumstances they have to stick together because 4 is always better than 1 (5 if the Jungler actually showed up). This is where Konosuba is most different and in a good way, the characters slowly get stronger, better at teamwork, more sympathetic and understanding of one another over, (still weak in the end), not shitting out powers and eternal bonds of friendship all of a sudden. Nobody gets ult from Level 1 guys...
I could relate to Kazuma so well, being a decent League player who prefers to stick to a group of average feeders and make them better, rather than joining a bunch of diamonds because then victory doesn't feels like a true accomplishment, and there's no fun curb-stomping the enemy team all the time. Believe me, I raged hard the night I wrote this review because we played like retards lol.
After successfully defending the base from Super Siege Minion spawned by Warlord's Banner of Command, our gang must head into the counteroffensive to be brought by season 2. But until then, let's just say that season 1 was exhilarating to watch. I especially appreciated the silly comedy, the anti-harem and anti-OP MC themes from the series.
Michael Bay would be so proud of Megumin and Konosuba, someone needs to show him this series please.
DEFEAT.... barely avoided.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 18, 2015
You fap to Yuri shamelessly? You have diabetes because you overdose on Vanilla? You secretly worship Yaoi? You openly admit that you love all three? This anime basically is one-size-fits-all for everyone of all sexual orientations and preferences.
Yamada-kun and the Seven Bitches (you read that right), or Y7 for short, is a surprisingly good anime with an actual, plot-line, legit romance and some interesting characters. The premise isn’t unique, ground-breaking or interesting at first glance, but it’s all in the execution. Yep people, shits actually get done in here, shits that are relevant to the story. It’s a rom-com with an actual plot
and story progression, what else could one wish for? Another thing I liked is that the anime stays true to its light-hearted theme and doesn’t try to creep into the realm of philosophy. Because it makes no sense for high school idiots to keep spewing out Aristotle crap about life and the universe unless they were tripping balls.
I’m not too sure about the Harem tag being there, I mean a dude going around kissing and getting intimate with a bunch of Bitches isn’t Harem at all. Jokes aside, there aren’t any discernible Harem elements, at most a triangle but it resolved itself anyway.
Plot 8/10
The plot is essentially about our male lead going around kissing random Bitches and Hoes and Dudes to solve his life problems. One ticket to Y7-land please. The overarching plot isn't revealed half-way into the anime but it’s focused, doesn’t deviate to some stupid, pointless fillers. It gets somewhat darker towards the end as opposed to the usually light and comedic theme, but it has a good transition. The pacing is somewhat rushed but still slow enough for me to comprehend wtf is going on. In general, the execution of the plot was outstanding, you will be gripped till the very end. 11/10 would kiss again - IGN
The comedy aspect is simply fucking hilarious. I had many good laughs from this series, and even as much as rewatching certain scenes. The immaturity, dirty-ness and fan service is integral to the comedy and they were done to a reasonable extent, appropriate according to the situations, not overblown and redundant to the point of borderlining ecchi (looking at you, monogatari series). Let’s be honest that the first thing you’d do after switching body with someone of the opposite sex is touching yourself incessantly.
The romance slowly and naturally develops as the story progresses and it actually makes sense, wasn’t too abrupt, full of retarded melodrama, crying or misunderstandings. In the end I genuinely wanted our main couple to be together. NOW KISS.
Art: 7.5/10
Eye-pleasingly bright and vivid (seriously, their eyes glow brighter than my future). Character art is relatively unique and appealing that I can distinguish one character from another with ease. The quality stays consistent throughout and doesn’t deteriorate like many other series at certain scenes. Overall the art and animation is excellent and worthy of praise.
The OP animation killed some of the anticipation by giving away the identity of the Seven Bitches and the main couple pairing.
Sound: 8.5/10
The OP is fairly upbeat and catchy, I find myself listening to it occasionally but not the ED. There isn’t a wide range of OSTs, they're repeated but really add to the enthusiastic mood and are quite entertaining to hear.
Special commendation goes to the voice actors as they’ve done a terrific job of voicing the characters especially when they switch bodies. The exceptional voice acting is a major source of comedy and enjoyability of the series.
Characters: 6/10
The cast is quite large for a 12-episode anime to handle, as such the characters’ background stories are barely explored, just enough to explain their motives and personalities. In the end, a lot of them didn’t receive development and was left out as it all boils down to our main couple, Yamada and Shiraishi.
- Yamada: Introduced as an aggressive delinquent and is actually an aggressive delinquent, not suddenly turned into some generic nice, caring main lead over time. He’s a meanie that I can relate to, I mean he’s tired of school n shit, so true for me right now. On another note, he’s fucking hilarious.
- SHIRAISHI BEST BITCH. Kuudere is the best dere and on top of that, she’s a busty, nice and caring blonde, who wouldn’t want a piece of that? She received the most development and obviously I was drawn into her. Speculatively she has a dark side as evident in her malicious glare on the stairs during ep 1 and the pics her picture book. This makes her somewhat more interesting, too bad it was never elaborated upon. Her apathy to things going on around her is fucking hilarious. Also, her gentle smile at the end of the OP animation totally got me.
- ODAGIRI SECOND BEST BITCH because she received considerable development and has more depth than the other Bitches. If there’s a best there’s gotta be a second best and no one else is more deserving of this than her I guess. They see her triangle-in' they hatin'.
Other Bitches and Hoes include:
- Bitch who talks so much without even talking, why are women so noisy?
- Bitch who can see your miserable future
- Bitch who can see your fetishes because she can touch your heart (lol wut)
- Bitch who can turn invisible because fuck you and your peeping
- Bitch that I don't remember for some reason
They don't stand out much from one another due to the lack of screentime because they were in the kitchen. They look gorgeous but sadly they have nothing else to offer but their voluptuous, inviting bodies. Heck there's even a Commando Bitch.
Apparently there are more dudes and Hoes, they were even of some importance but for sure I forgot about them as quickly as I forgot about high school notes after graduation. I can understand Miyamura being in the OP animation but that green-haired-dude-who-doesn’t-swing-that-way-but I-forgot-his-name guy? Wtf was he doing there?
Verdict: 8/10
Y7 was so much better in many aspects than what I expected it to be, sadly it’s a little bit underrated among the anime community.
Our couple didn’t kiss for real at the end do you know how much that destroyed my heart? What the fuck that’s dumb as hell, writers stop being incompetent. Whoever made it that way must’ve been a bunch of feminists opposing kissing because it’s oppression against women.
+ Shiraishi
+ Everything is fucking hilarious
+ Plot and theme stay consistent throughout
+ Excellent animation, voice acting
+ Interesting cast of characters, good interactions
+ Shiraishi
- Sporadic character focus. Little to no background and development
- Little revealed about the school and how the Bitches came to be.
- No s2 yet. I mean this is a good story, there’s gotta be s2 right? Right? RIGHT? RIIIIIGHT? *drowns in delusion*
- Shiraishi isn’t real, just like your social life and good grades
- The amount of misogyny in this review
By all means, watch this anime if you want to relieve stress from your pitifully abysmal amount of high school work (compared to my college work), arouse your weird fetishes, waifu (husbando) fishing or simply kill time because you aren't in college.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 4, 2015
So we have Assassination Classroom (CA), aka Ansatsu Kyoushitsu an anime about tentacle monster and middle schoolgirls, but with no tentacle rape scenes involved. WHOA!!! Talk about creativity and disappointment at the same time.
So there’s a bunch of middle schoolgirls aspiring to have a piece of the tentacle monster, but he’s too fast for them to achieve orga… ehem, their objective of killing him. Yes, a bunch of middle school students are trying to kill their teachers. Don’t judge because we all had that one teacher back in school whom we hated to the bones. However, they aren’t killing him out of hatred,
they even love him because he’s the one teacher we all dreamed of having. Then why? Because he’s trying to destroy the world. Makes cents? Totally not, neither is that teacher. HAH! GET IT!? Me neither, I suck at making puns.
The premise sounds silly and not meant to be taken seriously, but along the way, the anime tried to be serious, poignant and philosophical and it was out of place. The two themes didn’t mix too well and it ended up half-assed. Writers, please pick one, you can't have raisins and chocolate chips in a cookie at the same time.
Art and sounds 6.5: Fairly okay but nothing standing out that’s for sure.
Plot: 6
The plot got going during the first few episodes. You would expect many wacky and hilarious situations when they try to kill him but there weren't many, and after a while you forgot that the class was supposed to kill the teacher because they were tripping on mad shrooms while taking exams and talk about how miserable their school lives were instead. I wish I could talk about how miserable MY school life was right now.
Every now and again there are filler episodes in which new characters are introduced, cause troubles for everyone, get their asses whooped then seemingly disappear forever. From the start to the end, you could notice some progress as they got closer to orga… erm, killing the tentacle monster; but overall the pace was slower than my grandma trying to type a word on a computer.
The final arc was so stupid, it built up tension out of nowhere and the resolved in some deus ex tentacle bs that was extremely anti-climactic. Also, the class sure takes their time when half of them are about to be dead, I was irritated watching the final arc, why is it even there?
Characters: 4
The class itself already has a crap ton of characters, but instead of giving them screentime and developing them, the anime introduces new characters over and over again, and in the end no one gets development at all, just some principle characteristics like love for baseball, bugs n shit. Who cares about that? Some important characters are:
- Korosensei, the tentacle monster himself. What the fuck is he? What the fuck he wants? Why is he so obsessed with middle school girls and boys? When is he gonna grope those fresh underaged tits? We basically don’t know shit about him, save for the fact that he’s fast.
- The dude who has gender identity crisis, little is known about him but he’s soooo maliciously innocent you’d want to have his virginity at first sight but then you’d hesitate because you’re not into homosexuality and you’re not sure if that’s a dude or a girl.
- The sexy badass redhead who thinks he’s boss and could ace exams without having to study (like me, lolz). YOU UNDERESTIMATE MAH POWAH!!! He had decent characterization and some development, and was the most memorable character imo. Still he didn’t receive screentime for the majority of the time.
- The blonde bimbo who was supposed to help assassinate Korosensei but after one or two failed attempts, she faded off into the background as an eye candy, and didn’t do jack shit most of the time since. What a Bitch.
- The cool Japanese CIA dude also had potential and was more prominent, but didn’t get developed much. And everyone was all over him because he’s supposedly cool and dangerous, but in the end he seemingly had no big impacts.
- The fat Japanese CIA dude gets special scrutiny because LOL he got so salty over some retarded shit like a kid beating his ass in his own game. He was so comically evil, his motive was so ludicrous I can’t even take him seriously. What the fuck not even online games players are that salty over kids beating them. What is this fatass smoking?
- Made me laugh from time to time, but over time the comedy became redundant and repetitive.
- Logic was broken and so was physics but let’s just admit that Korosensei himself is a huge middle finger to Newton and Einstein.
- AC raised more questions and mysteries than it answers, plot is half-assed and very inconsistent. Story progression was incredibly slow. Sitting through 22 episodes of this felt like forever.
- Characters were largely forgettable, the few in the spotlight weren’t given much depth.
- Theme is silly but tried too hard to be serious at times to make viewers ponder about the meaning of life, all I pondered about is what the fuck is going on.
- Final arc was more bs than my review of the anime itself.
I have a very mixed feeling about this anime chiefly due to its inability to stay consistent on the plot and mood, otherwise it's certainly fresh and fun to watch. To enjoy this, you’d have to turn off your brain and totally ignore the “serious” parts, else you’d just find it ridiculous.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 26, 2015
THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILER. jk there ain't shit to spoil.
Himouto! Umaru-chan is a series about Umaru, a Mary Sue, the high school girl you dream of having as your gf, or waifu for that matters (not happening brah, srsly?), or so that’s what everyone thinks of her. When she gets home, the perfect schoolgirl façade is dropped, revealing her lazy, irresponsible side, which I find cute, relatable and annoying at the same time.
The series doesn’t have an overarching plot, instead it follows these episodic formulas:
- Umaru gets back from school, enters lazy mode, brother goes back from work, gives her a scolding but ends
up being her slave as always.
- Umaru hangs out or have friends over, and either she keeps up her usual outer shell OR she pretends to be her own sister while retaining her lazy attitude. Meanwhile, the brother ends up being a slave, again as always.
- Umaru hangs out at the arcade using the alias UMR, beat the crap out of every games and fools around with that annoying girl. The brother doesn’t even get screentime in this situation which is worse than being a slave. Poor dude.
Thus, the series can be hard to follow as a whole, characters end up not getting any development and it gets very stagnant after a while. It relies on comedy which is repetitive and isn’t that good tbh, but occasionally it did give me a good laugh.
Characters: relatively one-dimensional, little to no development and background information.
Umaru: She’s actually 95 but she used that secret anti-aging technique which angered doctors worldwide, she’s so smart she’s beaten the US and Soviet Union in the space race, she’s so loved and admired by everyone that she has yet to receive a love-letter or a confession (what the fuck?), she’s so sparkly that not even Edward Cullen from Twilight can out-sparkle her, she’s so godly at gaming she made South Korean Challenger players look like North America and Europe West Bronze players, … Blah blah blah. She’s perfection incarnate, except that she’s annoying as fuck.
She whines about unreasonable shits a lot, and everytime she does I have the urge to bitch-slap her so hard that her nationality changes from Japan to Yugoslavia. Now she does show her gratitude and humility once in a while but it’s so trivial, no one cares. She doesn’t received any real development or background despite being the main character, and derps around for the entirety of the series. Talk about the life everyone wants.
Taihei (slave brother): I simply admire this guy’s tolerance. He’s there to be the normal guy in the midst of all these weirdos, but in the end he’s just gonna end up being a slave to the corporate world and his sister. If I were him I would’ve thrown her bitch ass out before episode 1 even airs.
Ebina: Personally, I think she’s the most interesting character in the show as her origin and personalities are very fascinating, but instead she’s shoved aside to be a recurring gag character. I would’ve loved to see how she’s coping with city life, how she met and became Umaru’s bestie or how her crush on the slave would turn out, etc. But instead I get a frying pan (her blushing face seems hot enough to burn the sun to crisps), two huge milky coconuts (I love coconuts don’t get me wrong), and some Morse Code gibberish coming out of her head. She’s desperately in need of more screen time.
The rest: Just there for more gags, they’re of no importance whatsoever and often came off as annoying to me. Any potential characterization to these characters are thrown out the window.
Art: Fairly colorful and beautiful for today's standards, but nothing groundbreaking. Sometimes it gets sloppy but that's tolerable.
Sound: Again, pleasant enough for the ears but nothing really standing out either, I skipped both OP and ED every ep.
Honestly, I feel like Umaru’s going through the stage of trying to keep up with society’s expectations and being herself at the same time. I went through this stage for a relatively short time then learned to not give a flying fuck about what people want me to do/be/do/be/do (I’m sorry that was a bad Scooby-doo pun). I do empathize with her in this sense, but it doesn't change the fact that she's more annoying than poorly synchronized subtitles.
There should be a s2 about Umaru coming out of her shell and people accept her for who she is, or her becoming more responsible. AND A SCENE WHERE THE BROTHER BITCH-SLAPS HER SO HARD HER NATIONALITY CHANGES FROM JAPAN TO YUGOSLAVIA.
Ebina definitely needs moar characterization and development. I practically dragged my ass through the series for this (but now I’m sad). How come the smoke detector never ever goes off? Japanese technology get your shit together
I kinda enjoyed the series despite the repetition and apparent flaws it has, it helped me ease up on stress because of college laifu. If you like to just sit back and relax, watching cute girls to cute things, or lazy things, pardon me, this will suit you, otherwise you won’t find complexity or inspirations in this series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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