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Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
Mar 6, 8:39 PM
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people of 2022 don't need to make troubles 'to accept their ego and how exclusive they are'. H*tler is the opposite of being rich, it's disaster, catastrophe. what's odd is that u actually take it serious and idolize crisis. we don't need that. go work, make something cool, inspirational, dont be Parasite, stop the war. do u really wanna die by forces like that?? i think itz stupid, boring
can i please ask u, someday, try to understand my concern, because the war affects my being and the being of my friends and people!! eh i bet u dont care anyway. bye
Ps: Gigguk play this game lol.
or maybe you dream that someday a cuty gamer girl like lilypichu will safe you from your solitude.
Spoiler-alert: IT WONT HAPPEN!