Dragon Ball Super is the entertaining but empty continued story of Goku and the rest of the Z fighters.
Story: There is no hiding it, the story/plot in this anime does not exist. The arcs are childishly simple, with no payoff and all it focuses on is giving us another excuse for a Goku fight. The show is poorly written, with no goal or end in sight, the writers and the story just move from one fight to the other. There are also next to no consequences as has been the case in Dragon ball for a while now and nothing of substance happens in the
Jul 28, 2016
I'll say it, this show is amazing, it is a deep telling of boy who wants to be free. One Piece sets up a huge and entertaining world with endless possibilities. Luffy is searching for the one piece, he gathers together and sets out to the grand line.
Story: I'm not going to lie, the story has a very basic cycle openly but it has a main story building in the background. The story typically plays out with Luffy arriving at an island, the people are friendly but something is wrong. the person controlling the island is evil and must be stopped. Luffy has no ... |