All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 85.7
Mean Score:
- Reading48
- Completed124
- On-Hold26
- Dropped12
- Plan to Read40
- Total Entries250
- Reread0
- Chapters11,558
- Volumes1,485
All Comments (142) Comments
Je ne peux pas m'empêcher de saluer la qualité de ta liste de favoris. Il doit y avoir une certaine école du goût française pour que la première personne que je vois faire étalage d'une si belle liste sur ce site soit également française haha. Je me permets de puiser dans ta liste quelques recommandations pour mes prochains visionnages.
Bonne continuation :)
Ahlala tant de bons trucs dans tes favs : Mushishi, Fate/Zero, Tatami Galaxy...
Sinon je viens d'un club francophone, ça te dirait de nous rejoindre ?
On a des petits jeux sur le forum, des tournois anime et manga, des simulwatchs, un serveur Minecraft et plein d'autres activités :)
Hésite pas à faire un tour !
Sur ce, j'arrête de t'embêter ^^
As for the FGO , I have accounts on both servers. ^^
I got many SSR''s on NA but my account is currently in pretty awkward state when I don't have enough materials and QP to do anything. And basides that I just can't go back to NA when I've already started playing JP. Farming is ten times faster for me on JP since instead of using Waver for farming I'm just spaming Arjuna's Alter NP. I also don't like the fact that NA is all about waiting and on JP I don't feel like I'm forced to play and complete every event or get every free SR servant. I can't read Japanese at all but I'm more interested in gameplay aspect than the actual story. Maybe that can also justify my choice. But I'm 100% sure that I will come back to NA at some point. Probably when DW will realise new events and make more opportunities to get rare items and gems (^_^)
Jesus. I love FF and I can't wait to see the new remake since FF VII was my favorite so far. (Although I've only played VII and XV)
For now I play persona 5. When I finish the story, maybe I'm going to try FFXIV. It's worth playing ? If not I can just watch the walkthrough on YT. ^^
What do you think about new FGO anime ? Do you play the gacha ?
Hope you're having an awesome day !
I'm watching a bunch of stuff tbf. Azur Lane, Boku no Hero Academia 4th Season, Dr. Stone, Fairy Gone 2nd Season, Fate/Grand Order, Kabukichou Sherlock and Demon Slayer since I have to finish that still haha
I loved the arc of Smith and this girl falling in love and now they met each other again and I have to wait to see how it ends T^T
Here they release it in a cool delux format so it is a pleasure to read. It has a bigger format and a hardcover. It looks like a book.
Ahh, you see I had classes about ancient civilizations at my university and to pass everyone had to make a presentation on something. I got to make a presentation about Hatshepsut and I just loved her. She was amazing! I couldn't stop reading about her. Even got a book from the library and read it as a whole for this presentation hahah So when I saw they're going to release this manga in my country in the delux format I was like "I must have it". The manga seems kinda different in moments than it really was but still is really close to reality till now.
Yeah. Exams are exhausting. Also this exam was pretty though but somehow passed it in the second term.
I hate such situations! But to be honest I'm reading Otoyomegatari and it has one volume per year released xD
Always feeling empty after finishing a volume cuz I know I have to wait a whole year for another one.
I'm not much into yaoi honestly. I only sometimes have some weird feeling like reading/watching one.
Also usually I like to have adult men as characters in such story ahaha idk why.
Somehow enjoyed Kou Yoneda manga so a bit excited about Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai: The Clouds Gather even if haven't read the manga it was adapted yet.
Thank you ^.-
I had only one exam I was retaking yesterday ( the main exam session was in June and the second terms are now in September) so I can feel like a second year student now cuz pased it ^^
T'en penses quoi de kanata no astra ? j'ai regardé que l'épisode 1 et je l'ai trouvé bof donc j'ai pas continué, c'est bien ou pas la suite ? :o
Pas grave pas besoin de t'excuser pour si peu :D
I think with Mafuyu it's more the second thing. Considering to the last few episodes it wasn't only his friend but someone he really loved. Maybe even his boyfriend. I remember the time I got dumped by a dude I was in love with. It was so painful... So losing someone he loved must have really touched him. I'm really curious about more things from his past.
Yeah. Badly it's already in half. But maybe will see a second season one day ?