I will first preface this with saying Fire Hunter's story and art all throughout these first 4 episodes have been good however I need to bring up with Fire Hunter's biggest flaw and that comes down to its budget. For some people this show might be a non starter due to the lack of polish in fight scenes or all the still frames throughout. If you are a person who thinks a show needs to have fluid and neat animation for it to be considered watchable this show does a subpar job at that.
Now that I have talked about its biggest flaw as a
Dec 22, 2022
Akiba Meido Sensou
Akiba Maid War is one of the most bombastic balls to the wall story I have seen in a long time. The amount of tone changes this anime goes through is a roller coaster.
Story(8/10): The show is centered around Nagomi she has just made it to Akiba and plans to work at the Oinky Doinky Maid Cafe. Unbeknownst to Nagomi Akiba is a very dangerous place where Maids are more like gangs and use excessive violence. Nagomi meets a maid who started the same day as her named Ranko. Ranko is an older maid who just got out of prison and has been in Akiba a ... Nov 10, 2022
Urusei Yatsura (2022)
This show is just fun its not very deep or plot driven from what I've seen so far its more just comedic situations with the cast. It doesn't have some overarching plot or goal but more of a continuation of the MCs life after each comedic situation. It reminds me a lot of American cartoons where you have a given amount of characters and you put them into different situations each ep. I do not think this show is for everybody some people might find the show quite dated in its comedy or the characters can be seen as extremely cliché. However to me the
Feb 5, 2022
Ousama Ranking
As of now I will share my thoughts on this series overall I do think there is so much hard work in this story and you can see how much effort WIT put into this. However I feel like this story is safe.
Story 8/10: Overall its a nice story of watching a coming of age action adventure story. I like all the character backstories we are given there is so much depth in the story telling especially with the past events that happened before episode 1.However I have a major issue with how Baji progresses with him becoming the strongest after training with one guy to ... Jan 31, 2022
As a person who has never been the biggest fan of AoT this season is a giant step up from final season part 1. Mappa seems to have better art for this season hopefully this quality continues. This season seems way better paced as well my biggest problems with the first part of final season was there was too much build up without really a reward until this season. I do still think WIT overall executed the vision of AoT better however this is a much bigger step up.
Story 7/10: As for story the pacing feels better much more is going on its way ... Jan 29, 2022
Don't be shaken by the bad average on Mal this show is one of the most endearing and entertaining comedies I have seen this season. You can see the passion in this anime when watching this you can see how much soul was put into this anime and the out come so far is pretty good. It mostly is a comedy that pays respects towards shows like the power rangers but it focuses on the people making the monsters. Every character in this show so far is given a chance to shine. While there is no set story or overarching plot its still one
Sep 24, 2021
Star Wars: Visions
Star Wars Visions has some really great moments with fantastic art but that is all that can be said about it. The story changes each episode and with each episode only being 15 minutes the writing is pretty shallow and lacks an attempt at depth. The stories are extremely cliche and generic. The reason for the decently high rating on MAL mostly comes from Star Wars fans and the hype surrounding it.I do not fault the studios animating this at all the art for a majority of the episodes I have seen is done very well however art can only take something so far. Disney
Aug 12, 2021
Dragon Ball Super
As a longtime fan of dragon ball i appreciate this show for trying to move forward and putting the dragon ball franchise into a new age is it as good as the original no. Is it god awful like other people say it is no. The show is just goo nothing more nothing less.
Story(7/10): Let me get this out of the way Battle of Gods arc and Resurrection F arc are not the best and are unneeded for the show. The movies are a much better condensed version of those arcs. They add to much filler and reuse parts of the movie in the show ... Aug 5, 2021
So far this anime has been truly mystifying a lot of abstract plot with things being linked together not by events in the anime but events before the first episode. A lot of the plot so far is about trying to find out the rules of the world they are in and the powers of the students. The story is a mystery in trying to find out what caused the events they are in now and how do they return back to the place they belong. You begin to see them create a government system that is centralized where they government is almost authoritarian. Not
Aug 2, 2021
Kanojo mo Kanojo
Hear me out this anime is not good, it is trash, very basic story, however this is extremely entertaining. Like it doesn't shy away from being trashy it knows what it is which is a trashy harem. You dont have to think when watching the show its mindless and its fun. Not every show has to be well written, be deep, or even have good characters when you have a show that is so out of left field and that it has so much irony and self awareness.
You wont miss anything if you dont watch it but its entertaining |