Early animation in America started with Looney Toons and Disney. Disney had a series of early silent cartoons set to music where mickey mouse was a captain of a steam boat. This anime is exactly like that. Every form of animation has it's start, so this film is great to learn how vast different current anime is today. Just like comparing early Disney films to current ones.
The anime's story may seem odd to some but it is in fact an abstract film. Simply meaning it has no dialogue and relys on imagery alone for the plot. It depicts what
Nov 28, 2010
Forest of Gray City
First off I'd like to state that up until now I have not been a fan of most Manhwas . . . so this is definitely an unbiased opinion, with that being said here's my review of 'Forest Gray City' also called 'Running through the city in the sunset'.
The story doesn't have deep confusing plot twists and for the most part stays fairly simple. The great part about the story is the characters and dialogue. Sometimes I find in Romance manga, especially in manhwas it seems, is over emphasized drama. In Forest Gray City the Characters' motivation and reactions ... Oct 24, 2010
Love & Noise!
This manga has the usual cliche moments, the rivalry between main characters hiding their feelings, likable fun supporting characters, and the high school setting. But something that is over looked in shorter mangas that this one definitely delivers.... the twist at the end. The emotional drive put into the story is great. Once you start reading it you will forget how short it is because the characters are so well fleshed out. So if you're looking for a quick read but at the same time something worth reading that's a cute romantic comedy you'll enjoy this manga.
Apr 11, 2010
Of course this goes with out saying . . . but I'll say it anyways . . . if you haven't seen the series don't watch the movie. That being noted onto the review.
This movie lives up to the trilogy cliche . . . FILLER. A Trilogy generally follows this pattern: 1st~ Incredible, unique plot that blows you away. EPIC 2nd~ Doesn't live up to the first, sometimes you wish it never had happened. 3rd~ Reminds you of the feelings you had for the first. Brings back the EPIC with a stunning and phenomenal finally Well, I wouldn't say this second movie is ... Feb 13, 2010
Akaku Saku Koe
This is my first review and I was waiting for the right manga/ anime to start with.
Akaku Saku Koe is a refreshing story plot. The series is shorter, which sometimes can make the story telling harder. In shorter series it either rises to the challenge or fails. This manga definitely rose to the challenge and suceeded in staying true to the plot and keeping interest. The theme came across well, a gift can be a curse but people in your life can influence you for the good. The plot progresses well and the characters' change and growth moves well. This ... |