Story -
This story revolves around a high-school student who pretends to be a female in order to support his love interest from within the audition, however what he did not expect was to be one of the candidates to pass, so he continues to support his love interest from within the group as Minori as well as from outside as Minoru. The synopsis, along with my short description, would lead you to believe that this story lacks an actual story and that it is just another one of those manga's that starts off interesting enough
Feb 8, 2012
Natsu wo Oboeru
Story - I don't read very many slice of life mangas because it just doesn't appeal to me to me reading about someone else's boring life when im trying to forget about my own boring life and engulf myself in a story... that being said, I have no idea what i just read lol... I know slice of life have no main plots but this seemed to be the slice of life to... slice of life... nothing happen felt like it was ended before it even began don't bother picking this up unless you are very bored and just want to read from what
Jun 2, 2011
The Breaker: New Waves
(if you didn't read the prequel don't read this contains major spoilers for prequel)
Decided to re-edit this since i couldn't express why I rated this so highly. I was trying to hard not to spoil anything i ended up writing nothing so here's my second attempt First off one thing i loved about this is that he doesn't need to relearn to fight he knows how to fight however he can't because of his ki center being broken. I'm sure as soon as he gets his ki center fixed he'll be back to his old self Story - The story revolves around the kid this time around ... Jan 24, 2011
Matantei Loki Ragnarok
I decided to write a review to warn people about this dreadful anime it starts off with a decent enough concept but it quickly loses interest with pointless episodes that try to be humorous but just end up getting on my nerves now there are some epic scenes that were 10 star moments but 60% of this anime is the pink haired girl saying "mystery" and doing something stupid or running into obvious danger she also has to be one of the most dense characters i have ever encountered and 30% of this anime is pointless comedic humor... now the other 10% is the