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Apr 3, 2024
Metallic Rogue feels like an Anime made by people who only really know about it, through clips on twitter. People who don't really care for Anime.
As if they desperatly wanted to make some money, while failing to understand this medium, that we love.
This feels closer to an advertising Anime-Run, than even most Mobile-Game cashgrabs, we've seen.
Everything it focuses on could be taken straight out of a business meeting, discussing how to market these silly cartoons, made for us nerds:
-It's georgous looking. // "That's the most important thing", they think.
So the budget is huge and every episode has a banger explosion-scene.
-Make it cyberpunk // "That's
all over the media. It's trending!", their surveys approve.
But in the end it's your copy and paste dystopian big city stuff, again.
-It needs a cute but cool and strong hottie as a heroin // "Yeah, these otakus love their waifus", they giggle. "That's marketable"
Meanwhile Rogue's character design is the only good quality of an otherwise blank slate, with little personality.
-They throw in some dark politics. Not quite surface level, but easy to understand with no controversy, at all. // "Good, we don't want moral ambiguity. No shitstorms."
So it's boring and not at all as complicated/serious as the Anime makes the setting out to be. It's simple black and white.
Just think of the most stereotypical, safe and bland story-telling devices, in every situation, and watch Metallic Rogue using them ALL.
The detective is a middle aged man, wearing a trench coat, sipping on a hip flask. The reporter is a tall, blond, free spirit with an oldschool camera. Every soldier is a mean ruffian. Every Kid is a sweet, innoccent soul, in a dark world. Opressed AI, faceless Mercenaries, corporate power and surveillance - you name it. They're the most basic ideas and characters you can imagine.
We don't need our cyberpunk to be overly unique, really. But we need something. Something we haven't seen yet. Or, at least, we need it to do the things that worked in the past well enough for us to overlook it's lack of creativity.
This feels like the clishee Version of every entry to the genre, ever. It's shallow. And there's no reason to watch this, in a world where Ghost in the Shell already exists.
Apart from the fantastic Animation and some great designs there's not much to enjoy here.
This is a Bones-Original. This was meant to be awesome. But it's just a very pretty, empty shell.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 26, 2023
Do you remember beeing kid, dreaming about all the fun and cool stuff you would do, once you finally became an adult?
And Boom: You're there and you didn't do anything. It seems like life has passed you by, already. You did what was expected from you. You're a productive member of society. Sacrificing some childish, old dreams is normal. One day you'll make some of them still happen...maybe.
Only in time you realize it's not that easy. Or maybe you dont. Life just isn't as fun as you dreamed it up to be. It can feel pretty depressing and I think we've all been there. Watching
Walking Dead or some End-of-the-World Movie, after a hard day of work, helps us relax and escape, for a bit. It makes us imagine what it would be like beeing there, when it all goes down. Something in us almost wishes for it, cause it seems so much more exciting than real life...
Well, in essence and escspecially in it's opening Episodes this Show is EXACTLY about this feeling.
But no worries, it's not too overbearing with these themes. It's not forcefully trying to be "deep" or darker than it has to be, to get some of these ideas across. It's suprisingly uplifting. If you're not into that sort of stuff you could always rely on the comical and exciting nature of the Show - featuring its often silly, but loveable characters, its fast paced action scenes or the general lunacy of the setting, to keep you entertained.
Overall it feels like a hard hitting commentary on modern society and growing up in it, coated with a lot of fun, hilarious situational comedy and a general wholesomeness that leaves you with a warm and cozy feeling, whenever a new, little life lesson is learned, by the end of an Episode.
The Mix of funny, surreal absurdity and the profound, real world struggles beeing dismantled by some good observations and clever writing is a really unusual combination that makes you think about some of your own life choices and/or misakes, while always making you laugh in the process, is what makes this Anime unique worth checking out. If anything it's a weird, but a very fun experience.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 13, 2023
Rapidfire fun!
Boring exposition monoluges or the story taking forever to get going is what makes even classic Shonen hard to get into, sometimes.
There are thousands of minutes to watch, but where the the cool stuff REALLY kicks in is at Episode 50.
"CmOn, tHE tHiRd aRc iS sO aWeSoMe!11" - They say, but you're at Episode 1 and it's a snoozefest.
You ever felt this way? Well, Undead Unluck hits different. Modern Shonen has arrived, where the characters are loveable from the get go, the goal is simple but engaging and the plot moves incerdibly fast paced from one exciting confrontation to the next one.
The best part is: With all it's bombast, action and pace it doesn't loose it's heart.
There are profound and hard hitting moments and the plot never feels forced.
If you're searching for a very modern and entertaining take on a Genre that CAN feel pretty dry ,at this point, I think this is it. Go watch it.
One's for sure -> It won't be a boring watch. :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 12, 2023
The way this tackles issues like suicide, bullying, self-identity and anxiety in a non-tacky and serious way is something that deserves respect. It's not common in Anime and it feels like there should be a lot more Shows like this, dealing with mental health in a sensitive and relateable way. It's powerful and it's different.
The Last third kinda threw all this good stuff away, for a standart Sci-Fi Plot, tho : /
->Having said that: 8 out of 12 Episodes are THAT special in style, sound, vibe and theme that you should definetly check it out, if you're even just remotely fond of the Psychological
It's unique.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 29, 2023
Making sense isn't always the most important thing. Having fun is!
Have you ever forced yourself through a Show you didn't like, just because it was highly recommended by every Elitist on the web?
Good Show's need to be coherent and well structured, never messy, right?
Are you watching Anime, as if it was your Job to do so?
Well, watch Kill La Kill and get reminded why you started watching in the first place - CAUSE IT WAS FUN.
For me, this Show is just that. Pure, bombastic, over the Top, fast paced, stylized to the max --F.U.N.--
I didn't care for the amount of fanservice - they made
a plot out of it. The Show was good BECAUSE of it.
Otherwise cartoony, cheesy comic relief Moments were hilarious, thanks to original characters like Mako.
Plotarmor, Writing, red herings, stereotypes, logic - I Did. Not. Care. It made me laugh about all these things, cause I thought they were important.
Better yet, the Anime is selfaware to the point that it just dismantles these things, with ease.
Kill La Kill, unlike so many other Series that try to be well written and serious, just has Soul.
It's full of Love for the medium, fresh, despite it's age and unlike anything, Ive seen. It changed my view on how to actually rate the things I watch.
Quality alone shouldn't be the Number one criteria for that. You having a good time should be the most important thing, when watching Anime. This Show is the Essence of that.
I know, Im not spreading the news, nor did I discvoer anything new about this Anime, but I just had to express my feelings in this Review. I fell in Love and if you're able to just let go and accept the wild setting - you will too. I promise :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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