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Mar 14, 2025
Power Stone (Anime) add
First thing you'll likely notice about this anime is that it has a kickass dub OP, available in English and German. This alone would be enough to make it stand out among the other shonen adventure series at the turn of the millennium. That and its English dub being exclusive to the Canadian channel YTV. But is this stone truly a hidden gem worthy of obscure anime bragging rights? If you're looking for a good ol' 00's era adventure anime, this band of fighters is worth travelling with.

To be straight, though, this wasn't a groundbreaking series even at the time, and if you've watched enough ...
Mar 8, 2025
Acro Trip (Anime) add
Lighthearted, silly show for those who like cartoon frenemy dynamics such as Sam Sheepdog and Ralph Wolf or LazyTown or Team Rocket. Despite the magical girl premise, the real star of the show is the hapless nominal villain Chroma, who is as handsome as Alucard from Castlevania yet as much of a mostly harmless softie as James from Pokémon. But only mostly, as he does win over his enemies every so often, albeit from his own evil organization rather than his supposed enemy Berry Blossom.

In the end, this is not a show that is going to make big changes in the world or anything despite ...
Feb 19, 2025
Mixed Feelings
Midway through Season 1, a girl is being brutally abused by her mother when she claims she understands what she's going through because she found out the psychological term for it. This is enough to make her mother stop and break down in tears. This clunky, didactic scene exemplifies Blue Reflection Ray: a well meaning show that wants to say relevant things about teenage girls' hidden issues, but lacks the care and finesse to do so in a convincing way.

To be clear, this is not a Wonder Egg Priority we're dealing with. The writing issues are more its tendency towards convoluted soap opera / RPG ...
Feb 16, 2025
Tenki no Ko (Anime) add
To paraphrase Roger Ebert's Day after Tomorrow review: "It is such a relief to hear the music swell up at the end of a Makoto Shinkai movie, its restorative power giving us new hope. Millions of people may have died or had to evacuate, but at least the main characters love each other."

So, do I start with the movie's complacency in the face of climate catastrophe or with its obnoxious brat of a lead Hodaka? Both are intertwined in their misguidedness. Obviously, the prospect of entire cities getting flooded in the not-so-far future is a terrifying one, one that we're all going to have to ...
Feb 16, 2025
At the end of the day, Love Live exists to sell an idol group. No matter how sincere the intentions of the production staff, which Season 1 wonderfully showed, everything is subservient to this cold hard fact. The sudden introduction of 4 new characters to the group was obviously not a decision made with artistic intent (imagine if Sailor Moon immediately introduced all four Outer Senshi in the second arc rather than steadily growing the cast), and the entire story is poorly thought out, paced, and reeks of rushed production.

To be clear, the newcomers aren't entirely without merit. The first three episodes with Kinako make ...
Feb 15, 2025
Mixed Feelings
This is two shows in one. The first, which lasts until Episode 23, is an awesome show with a kickass lead, entertaining villains, and a dramatic and moving climax that truly reaffirms Sora's heroic strength. The second is a mess of inconsequential filler episodes with boring villains and a main plot hastily infodumped in the last 5 episodes, only for its potentially interesting conflict to be quickly discarded by a cheap Korra Equalist twist.

But even its weaker second half is still watchable due to the chemistry of the main couple: Sora and Mashiro. It is always a rare joy to see a headstrong tomboy lead ...
Feb 15, 2025
Healer Girl (Anime) add
A charming and worthy entry into the magical girl genre. Instead of fighting, magic singing is used to heal, through a magical realist approach where the singers work with the real-world healthcare system. There's a song in every episode, so those who hate musicals can stop reading at this point, but otherwise, the songs are as amazing as one would expect, with the OP being the glorious soaring orchestrated standout (so good that they actually play the full version at one point). The producers also constantly throw in little scenes demonstrating how well-versed they are in music and how much they geek out over it.

The ...
Feb 15, 2025
Five girls overcome their insecurities and self doubt through making music together. This premise, remarkable in its simplicity, sets the stage for one of the most surprisingly heartwarming anime in recent memory, one that touched my heart just as I was becoming cynical about anime in general.

There's no dark magic involved, no convoluted lore. You don't need to know anything about Japanese idols or even the previous Love Live series to dive into this one. Though the story deals with depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues, it is overall an optimistic one that doesn't get any darker than Rosalina's storybook from Super Mario Galaxy. ...
Feb 14, 2025
Mixed Feelings
Let's face it. The primary reason to watch this movie is because Ash gets kissed by a dragon. I mean, they half-assedly try to obfuscate this by suggesting it may have been her human doppelganger Bianca instead, but Ash and Bianca barely have any meaningful interactions throughout the entire movie. In contrast, the relationship between Ash and Latias is a beautiful love story for the ages, as boundary breaking as Donkey and Dragon of Shrek fame. Hiccup and Toothless? Seto Kaiba and Blue-Eyes White Dragon? Eat your heart out. This movie singlehandedly brought world peace to the Pokémon fandom by ending the shipping wars once ...

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