If you liked
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu
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Angel Beats!
Not long after starting Angel Beats, I was surprised of how similar it was to (The Melancholy of) Haruhi Suzumiya series. First of all, the MCs: Otonashi (Angel Beats!) = Kyon (Haruhi Suzumiya) Both are the "normal" type of guy, who's enrolled into something despite themselves. They follow a group, somewhat uninterested, but enjoy it in the end. They are VERY similar. The Setup: Afterlife Battlefront (Angel Beats!) ~=~ SOS Brigade (Haruhi Suzumiya) Both take place in school (Slice of Life), and their "headquarters" are both a Club room. Both series don't take itself seriously thus include comedy. Overall: You follow the MC mostly. School life, meets people, enjoy company, makes friend. However, Angel Beats! is more a Fantasy Action with some Slice of Life while Haruri Suzumiya is more Slice of Life with a bit of action. If you enjoyed one of these, I highly suggest giving a try to the other!
If you liked
Ao no Exorcist
...then you might like
Hunter x Hunter (2011)
They're both about a kid that goes into an adventure, makes friends, encounter enemies, grow stronger, etc. Oddly enough, the characters are bound to one type of many "magical power" (Like Spec'ing in an RPG). The thrill in HxH(2011) comes slower than Ao No Exorcist, but I will still recommend it before the other.