Hi there!
I love watching anime, cartoons (including superhero movies and animated films), playing video games, listening to music, etc. 😊
I also like to read manga, comics, and fan-fiction as well. ^^
Anime will always be a part of my life since it taught me a lot of good and moral lessons from the shows and films that I've watched up until now. 😍❤️
Feel free to talk/message me on here or add me on discord instead. I like to meet new people and make friends from time to time, so don't be shy or scared to talk with me if you wish to do so. ^^
I would love to be friends with you and talk about anime, movies, and video games if you'd like. I'd greatly appreciate it :3.
P.S. I'm not accepting any random friend requests from anyone anymore. I've been receiving too much of them lately to the point where it's become very tiring and bothersome for me to talk with everyone who I barely even know/met on here, tbh. If you want to talk to me, please comment or message me first, before adding me as a friend. Otherwise, I'll ignore and decline it right away. There's no point in me being in your friend list if we're not gonna chat or interact at all anyways. Sorry :/.
Also, please don't bombard me with questions about how long my on-hold and PTW lists are. I have been asked by this so many times from other people on here now, and it's really starting to annoying me honestly. 😒 This is how I like to organize my list of watching anime and if you don't like it, then that’s not my problem then. My list and my rules, so back off bakas! 😜
(I'm joking, of course xD) But seriously though, I'm warning you all once about this. Don't ask this question again or I'll ignore you right away.
And if you really want to know the reason why they're really freakin' long, is because I'm watching one anime series and film at a time, hence why it takes me awhile to binge-watch and complete them. Okay? There's your answer for that then lol.
Anime genres/sub-genres that I actually love and enjoy watching are:
Romance (sometimes, depends on the plot and setting)
School (for the most part, I guess lol)
Slice of Life (depends on the plot and setting)
Sports (same with slice of life, it also depends on the plot and setting too)
Military (sometimes)
Anime genres/sub-genres that I really hate and despise watching are:
Harem/Reverse Harem
As for rating anime's in general, I based them on how I personally loved or enjoyed it.
If you happen to not like my anime/manga lists and my ratings on the shows or mangas I've watched or read till now, well that's clearly your problem then, not mine’s lol.
Everyone has the right to have their own opinions/preferences about anime and manga, after all. ^^
UPDATE: Sorry to mention this out of the blue, but all comments and messages will be slow and late for me to reply now at this point. I'm not really active on here all the time, tbh. I only come on here to check if I have any notifications or comments/messages from people and friends and of course, to update my anime lists as well, really. That's pretty much all that I do on here everyday, tbh.
Like, you can message me on Discord whenever I'm on and and available to chat, of course. I just can't afford to chat much on here at this rate since it's going to take me awhile to respond to every single comment and message on here anyways, so yeah :/.
I hope that you all understand this. May you all have a great and wonderful year! :3
Publishing manga
Last completed manga
All Anime Stats Anime Stats
- Watching0
- Completed372
- On-Hold186
- Dropped0
- Plan to Watch1,594
- Total Entries2,152
- Rewatched4
- Episodes3,095
Manga History Last Manga Updates
No updates yet.
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Sent a req on discord
Thanks for sending me a friend request.
What a coincidence!! I am from Ottawa too.
Pretty great howve you been?
Yeah that works my username is also the same on discord allhailking#5518
Oh, okay :o I understand. Just added you again a moment ago!
I hope your new year will be brighter and your resolutions for the year will be fulfilled!