Fullmetal Alchemist is an action, comedy, romance and drama. The anime is Kingdom Hearts 2, Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core and Bioshock Infinite put together, if you want to know why, I suggest you play or watch the games. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is the anime that people can understand the story more and the plot; it is a better adaption to the manga. In this anime many support characters die, I mean a many. This anime is awesome; I enjoyed every minute of it, the sadness, the drama and the funny moments. I assure you to watch this anime; it is worth your time. If
you are interested into anime that have action in them, this is perfect for you.
Story is awesome, the “Elric brothers” Al and Edward are on a quest to find their bodies because they lost it because they were trying to resurrect their mother, which was clearly impossible to do and they would punish for it. The story is set in 1914 even though people wear clothes that were in the modern day in 2000s. Edward lost his arm and his leg and Al lost his entire body and his soul was put into a metal armour. Later on the “Elric brothers” gets help from the military, their teacher, the emperor’s son and the lady mechanic Winry. So Edward and Al started to train for their journey because they will fight tough enemies, I mean tough. To be honest I like how they wrote this story into a well ordered fashion and you can feel the emotion and tremor in this anime, and the epic battles. To be honest I have never witness a weak character at all or terrible dialogues, thank god for that or this anime would have gotten a little lower rating. But the bad thing about it is how predictable the story was. You can tell that something was bad to happen to the characters, for example if you see a happy moment between somebody, something bad happens to them. Can you believe they made 64 episodes! OMG 64! I thought it was going to be those anime that had a maximum of 25 episodes, there are no fillers.
In my opinion the character design sucks, the people in the anime look like characters from the 1990s, I mean look at the characters! To be honest, the characters look chibi and you comparing a three year old to a 35 year-old man there’s no fucking differences! But the art was nice and the animation was fluid, the environment look beautiful and the fights do not look like Naruto Shippuden that the animation sucks balls when they are fighting. Sound there are not much songs in the anime to be honest, I heard about ten which was depressing. Voice acting was great even in the English Dub, but think about this. Hellsing Ultimate’s voice acting of the English Dub was fucking terrible, we all know that, but when compared it to Fullmetal Alchemist, is like comparing the game Last of Us to the game Ride to Hell: Retribution.
There are no weak or terrible character roles in this anime but I knew that the characters that were going to die, it was very predictable. Edward is a short little guy that can be very hot tempered and he can be very funny at times, overall he is a very good older brother to Al and he tries his best to protect him. Al his not so as “cool” brother, deeply cares for Edward and he wants to get body back as much as Edward. Winry is a love interest to Edward, she was friends with him since they were little and cares for him as well. Roy Mustang is one of my favourite characters in the anime because he is badass. He has fire power which cannot work when it is raining, “physics.” He partners with his lover Hawkeye which has no ability but she an excellent marksman, even though she is so serious and yet her character design is so unserious. The bad guys in this anime are pretty cool because they are not those bad guys that are just bad for no explanation, they do very evil stuff. The main antagonist Father aka “The bearded bastard” he is like a Xemnas from Kingdom Hearts, he wants the power of God and he is required to sacrifice souls to do that. The bad guys you will hate them because how evil they are, well no shit there the bad guys. I thought the characters were great and the makers put a lot of effort on them.
The fight scenes are awesome, they have characters using strategies to find ways to beat their opponent and they have to go through a pretty bloody battle and crazy bloodshed. There was important conversation that made me understand the story more. The characters are pretty amazing. I enjoy almost every bit of the anime, but some points of it was shallow, a bit boring causing me to skip some episodes. I like the characters they keep the show going and make it less boring and dull. The funny moments are hilarious and they will make you laugh. Edward becomes depress and angry when people call him short, but he grows in many episodes later. I love the enjoyment in the anime.
Final Score
An 9 (Awesome)
The reason I put a 9 because it had bad things to it. I thought it was better than the original because it had a better adaptation. They weren't enough songs to the anime and I wish they made the characters look less chibi. Some points of the story were predictable but I did love it. I give praise to the creators for making an awesome anime. I recommend you watch this anime, thank god that they made it. I can’t give 10 out of 10 because no anime is perfect; every anime has a bad point.
Jan 21, 2015
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Fullmetal Alchemist is an action, comedy, romance and drama. The anime is Kingdom Hearts 2, Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core and Bioshock Infinite put together, if you want to know why, I suggest you play or watch the games. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is the anime that people can understand the story more and the plot; it is a better adaption to the manga. In this anime many support characters die, I mean a many. This anime is awesome; I enjoyed every minute of it, the sadness, the drama and the funny moments. I assure you to watch this anime; it is worth your time. If
Dec 15, 2014
“Mum, I want to be a mad scientist! It’s so cool.”
Okabe Rintarou (Steins;Gate) (Got this idea from Furbylicious) Thanks man. :D *This contains plots and spoilers.* I think Stains;Gate is a lovely anime and I really enjoyed it because of the characters, the voice acting and the story. The characters are amazing and the voice acting is terrific, but the plot is uninspiring. I know, this sounds like I’m a hater but I love this anime, love it a lot. Do not think I am hating on the anime because it is overrated, I don’t think of that one bit. Story - 8: As I said the plot is not ... Dec 1, 2014
Hellsing Ultimate
This review only based on my opinion, so none of you come swearing at me that my review is stupid and if you disagree about my review it’s okay.
*This contains some plots and spoilers so do not read this review if you have not watch this.* Hellsing Ultimate is a bloody anime that has a lot of gore. If you are interesting in action anime, I recommend you watch this one. You will see head chopping, face slicing and flash feed on like the anime afro samurai. Trust me this is extremely violent. Story - 9: Hellsing Ultimate is like a remastered version of the original. The ... Oct 30, 2014
Tokyo Ghoul
This review contains SPOILERS so do not read this review if you have not watch Tokyo Ghoul.
Tokyo Ghoul is an action, bloodthirsty and supernatural anime that has lot of bloodshed and violence. If you want to watch an anime that has a lot of action, I recommend to watch this one. Tokyo Ghoul is like Deadman Wonderland and the video game Prototype. The anime has superpowers and a good story. Story -7: The story is impressive, where ghouls who loves tasty meaty human flesh and if they eat anything else they will feel sick and vomit but it the story some missing elements. For example we ... |