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Apr 29, 2015
In the Chevalier's Alaska base is a project to produce more Pandora to combat the dwindling population that currently exists to combat the monstrous and enigmatic Nova. Satellizer, Kazuya, Rana, Elizabeth, and Chiffon are called along with other Pandora to provide data to assist with the project. When project's specifics are brought to light is the cost really justifiable or are the Chevalier going too far?
Story - (9) Freezing Vibration improves story wise in all aspects. While the first season is mostly just hazing, this season brings Satellizer and company into an interesting and at times disturbing story about humanity
and just how horrible and monstrous we can be when backed into a corner. It also focuses on the many different characters views and opinions on what it means to be a Pandora. Are Pandora merely tools that should follow what their superiors say? Are they obligated to use their powers to challenge what goes against their morals for the sake of the innocent? Are the few expendable if it means saving humanity? These questions aren't given concrete answers and it's up for the viewer to decide who was right or wrong at the end of all this. Though it doesn't do as well at making arguments for all the characters in motivations as the manga does, it's still pretty compelling.
Art - (8) Freezing Vibration slightly increases art quality across the board for most characters. The new characters are all well designed and even minor Pandora have really nice designs. Just like the first season however I feel far too much of the scenery is too dark and dreary. This helps with the feeling of isolation of Alaska in this season, but even then I would've liked some brighter colors here and there.
Sound - (8) Freezing Vibration again has a very nice set of songs. It's ending and opening in particular are both very catchy and awesome. The themes in the anime are on par with the first season and I really seen no upgrade or downgrade in them.
Characters - (9) This is really Freezing Vibration really shines. This season introduces the top 5 world ranked Pandora to the cast. Much like the first season. each girl in this season has different reasons for being a Pandora and answers to what it means to be a soldier. They are unique and interesting for the most part. We also get to delve deeper into the characters we already know. Satellizer confronts demons from her past and has noticeably changed from season 1. We get a better idea of who Elizabeth is and what she stands for. Chiffon gets to show how she got to be number 1 in the world. Even Cassie/Cathy shows development from her battle with Satellizer at the end of season 1.
- Few Notes here
Unfortunately the majority of the characters shown in season 1 aren't in season 2 at all due to the setting.
Kazuya does kind of get the short end of the stick this season, but his relationship with Satellizer does develop.
A certain character's personality is completely different from her manga counterpart this season. Whether this is for better or worse is up to the individual.
Enjoyment (9) - I really enjoy Freezing as a whole and enjoyed season 2 more than season 1. I was never bored and was really invested in the characters and overall conflict. I really thought it was good.
Overall (9) - Freezing Vibration, like most anime that has fanservice, gets overlooked by people who don't even give it a chance. What I watched was an interesting look into Pandora and what they fight for. I liked that Satellizer and Kazuya shared the spotlight with other characters. It's got disturbing scenes in it, but I think that makes it unique. It's a show pushes people's buttons, but in my case I guess they were the right ones. If this show gets a 3rd season I'll be right there continuing the ride.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 23, 2014
"In the future, the men and women of the Public Safety Bureau's Criminal Investigation Division apprehend or kill those who have a chance to ruin human society based on their Psycho-pass and these are their stories."
Where do I begin with this show? While I did enjoy it immensely I have to say it suffered from some issues that I'll put in the "criticisms" section. There will be some spoilers in there so be prepared. With that out of the way, lets get on with the rest of the spoiler free review!
Story (8) - The story as stated in the first sentence follows
the life of CID newbie Akane Tsunemori. She meets her senior inspector Ginoza and also four latent criminals called Enforcers who will be their partners or slaves depending on how you look at. Together they'll solve cases and protect the population in the name of Sibyl, the ultimate protector, who decides who is good or bad for society based on the color of their Psycho-pass, which is a universal meter that is on everyone in society.
This series at its core is a coming of age story for Akane. She starts the series as someone who knows nothing about the world, but through the eyes of Kogami, an enforcer whom she handles, she sees the world in a completely different way. It's not all rainbows in the utopian society, and through her new job she'll experience just what it takes to make a "perfect" world prosper.
My strikes against the story honestly fall down to the episodic nature of the first part of the story and one extremely pointless episode in the 2nd half.
Art (8) - The art is good, but nothing spectacular. The world of Psycho-pass seems to excel at night, which is when the series is at its best plotwise as well. While it does have scenes that take place during the day, most of them are just filler scenes. Almost all of the series takes place in the main city as well, so there isn't much room for varied settings. The characters are all designed pretty well, but don't stand out at the same time. All in all there's really nothing horribly wrong with the art, but I thought they could have done a little better with it.
Sound (9) - This is one of my favorite parts of Psycho pass. The Openings and Endings of the show are both spectacular. I watched them every time, despite having the ability to skip them (blu ray). The ost also matched and helped scenes for the most part as well.
Characters (8) - The characters in show are where many opinions seem to vary. Were they good? Were they bad? Well if you ask me, with few exceptions, they were good.
Akane - (Good/Decent) - She ,to be honest, starts out as a boring and useless character at the start of the show. She really doesn't know the world, but does start to learn about it and change. I feel it was intentional to make her start out like that so we could watch her grow on her journey. I liked her at the end so it worked for me.
Kogami - (Good) - The main enforcer in the show. Kogami while not really unique or special worked for me. His back story was good and well foreshadowed. His and Akane's relationship also made them both better characters.
The Antagonist(s) - (Good) - Without spoiling this character, other than the fact that one does show up, I will say they were well done. I won't go more into details, so if you want to know more, watch the show.
Ginoza/Kagai/Masaoka - (Good) - They all were done pretty well done. Their personal issues and personalities were all believable and well foreshadowed.
Yayoi/Shion - (Bad) - These characters really had no development whatsoever and really didn't do anything for me. While Shion was important in the story jobwise her character just was lacking to me. I really don't know how else to put it, they were boring.
Enjoyment (9) - While I did have issues with it overall, I enjoyed it quite a bit. I enjoyed the ride, and in the end that's all that matters.
Criticisms (Spoilers) -
Akane's Psycho-Pass - I don't really feel this part of the story was explained well, or really at all. Akane psycho-pass barely changes despite the horrible mind exploding shit she sees. I don't feel the explanation that "she's just that type of person" is good enough at all. It just felt like hand-wave reason so she could experience stuff that no one else could....which is silly in such an intelligent story.
Sibyl System's True Origin - Okay this was also just stupid. How was a system of sociopath brains even implemented? Who the hell approved this? Did it start with just one brain or did they collect a bunch before doing it? While I love this series, I just can't help but feel this was just ridiculous. It was again a hand-wave shock value revelation.
Overall (9) - Despite my multiple issues with show that make it seem like I hated it, I really didn't at all. It was for the most part an intelligent show. Hopefully some of my issues get resolved in the upcoming season 2, but if not it won't change the fact I'll be watching it. So in summation, if you want a good sci-fi show with some interesting concepts, characters, and story check out Psycho-pass. While it may not be perfect, it's still pretty damn good.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 13, 2014
"What did I just watch?" This phrase was uttered by me each week I watched Zvezda Plot. This show is easily one of the strangest I've watched in a long time, but it's really not a bad thing. On the contrary, it's actually one it's strengths and also the main reason I kept coming back week after week to watch it. I'll be leaving a breakdown of its strengths a weakness below, with as little spoilers as possible.
Story - Zvezda's story to be quite frank is extremely silly. The bare bones plot is about a group of borderline superhuman people and their quest for world
conquest. Week after week they go out and conquer something, be it smokers, buildings, or whatever else they feel like doing. They have to fight other organizations that are trying to stop them from taking over the world. A main antagonist does eventually surface, but it's up to you to decide if you think it's really worth it in the end. I didn't watch it for the plot personally, but as with most things, mileage may vary. (6)
Art - The art style is kinda of strange, but all in all it's nothing that would turn you away from the show in my opinion. (7)
Sound - (9)
Characters - This is where Zvezda truly shines in my opinion. The cast is colorful, fun, and their personalities are varied. The way they interact was a treat to watch and kept me laughing throughout the show. Swordsmen, Mafia members, scientists, and mythical creatures are found in this show. You'll be pretty hard pressed to not find someone you like in this cast. The only strikes against the characters I seen were that the cast was female heavy and the main character was somewhat lacking. (8)
Enjoyment - I enjoyed the show a lot more than I probably should have. The comedy really worked for me and as stated above, I loved the characters. I don't regret watching it all. (9)
Overall - If I had to summarize Zvezda in a couple words, they would be "Stupid Fun." The show doesn't take itself seriously and neither should you. If you're looking for a show that has and amazing layered plot look elsewhere because Zvezda is nothing like that. However, if you're looking for comedy or just something different Zvezda might just be the show for you. Give a shot, you just might like what you experience. (7)
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 6, 2014
--The review contains minor spoilers--
Since I've seen a plethora of scores of 10 for this show, I thought I'd write what I feel is a more realistic review for this show. Sword Art Online is more or less the equivalent of a fanfiction in it's writing and quality. Whether people want to overlook it or not is up to the individual, but I believe it fails at the fundamentals for writing a good story. This review will go into details as to my opinions on why I feel this way.
1) Story - This is first major problem is the show. Let's start from the
beginning shall we. The first arc consists of 14 episodes. The first 2 episodes are honestly pretty good and set up the plot of the show that should follow. You're introduced to the main characters and it shows mmo style of play. I mean with 2 episodes that are amazing, surely what follows will be more of the adventures of the main characters and these mmo boss fights...right? Wrong. What follows are 5 completely irrelevant side character episodes and unnecessary terrible time skips that ruin any sense of a story the first 2 episodes set up. So due to some illogical reason, we're now down to 7 episodes to tell the rest of this story. Still doable right? RIGHT? Wrong again. The series wastes another 2 1/2 episodes on pointless filler garbage. So there you have it over half of first part of the story has nothing to do with the overall plot. Well what about the other episodes you ask? The remaining "plot" episodes are filled with deus ex machina in its purest form. Even the finale of the first season makes absolutely no sense. This isn't a fantasy world, it's a freaking video game, you can't have miracles here. So that concludes my issues with season 1, which the majority of SAO fans consider to be the best part....Yeh you heard me, the 2nd part is even worse.
Without going into spoilers, the 2nd part of the series takes place in a different setting, with a mostly new cast aside from our main hero. This part of the series probably deserves the award for most unnecessary story in the history of anime. This arc is pretty much a mario game. Our hero must save the princess in the castle. Not really much to say about it. Oh yeh deus ex machina finale here too...oh and there's an incest subplot...for some reason. This concludes the plot section. I think I'm being pretty generous with a 4 here.
2) Art - The art is fantastic. Colorful characters, bosses (the few we see), and settings are all here. It's easily worth an 8.
3) Sound - Again fantastic. Nothing wrong with it at all. 8.
4)Characters - Here we go...This is easily the worst part of the series. I'll separate the main characters and lump together the not so main characters.
Kirito/Kazuto - The main character of this show is the epitome of the current definition of a "Gary Stu". He has no personality whatsoever. He is good at everything he tries for no reason. He's an amazing player, an super sleuth, a ladies man, and a master hacker. You name it, he can do it. There's no reason given for this other than he's just that good. Girls all love him, guys want to be him, and villains are jealous of him. He also solos MMO boss fights...yeh wrap your head around that one. Side note - I often see people claim they love this show because they're hardcore gamers. I have to say as an avid gamer myself I find this show to be insulting. Unless you've hacked or cheated , I don't understand why you're content with a character who does. Side note over.
Asuna - The main female lead/most blatant waifu character ever. Asuna is introduced as a strong player who can stand on her own with Kirito, that is for the first couple episodes. Once she reappears she barely does anything other than cook for Kirito. That's right, her ass stays in the kitchen, while Kirito does all the important stuff. In part 2 she does absolutely nothing...seriously. She again has no original personality...textbook Tsundere.
Yui - This character is terrible in all senses of the word. She's walking deus ex machina, nothing more. This character should be hated by any gamer, since she's a cheat device, who adds nothing to the story.
Villains (minor spoilers) - There are 2 major villains in this series and they're both terrible. The first one forgets his motives for doing everything in part 1 and the part 2 one is so comically evil he can't even be taken seriously.
Other Characters/ Who the hell cares - The female characters all want to have sex with Kirito and have no personality past this. The male characters don't get to do anything because Kirito hogs the show from everyone. That's really all there is to say about that.
Suguha - This is Kirito's sister. She honestly has layers and was a plus to the show in my opinion. I don't know why she's in this show, she doesn't belong in it...
So yeh, Gary Stu and Waifu - these characters are pathetic (1).
5) Enjoyment - Needless to say I didn't enjoy it. Poor show (3)
6) Overall - This show has so many fans, and I really don't know why. Its plot is rushed and terrible. Its characters so flat, it's almost funny...almost. Its romance is highly misogynistic and terribly developed. I felt insulted watching this, and don't understand how any could like this show. Even Gamers.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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