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May 22, 2023
As a slice-of-life enjoyer and a massive Kyoto animation fan, I was really hyped for this. But tbh it was a little mid. The first arc was fire, no doubt about it, and the Cultural Fest arc was also pretty peak in the mystery department. The movie arc was ok. But other than that there was a lot of wasted time on romance the show didn't really pursue in a satisfying way and really boring mysteries. Idk it's like this anime tried to be both a mystery anime and a romance anime and ended up coming up weak on both. Half-baked romance, half-baked mystery, two
mids don't make a peak I'm sorry. The art is very good, this is Kyoto for god sake, the (in my objective opinion) king of pretty anime. However, I've never believed that good art/animation can save a piece of work, if the cake is bad, no amount of icing is gonna fix it. Not much else to say honestly, again I am a slice-of-life fan, and a huge enjoyer of Kyoto's work, yet I just can't sit here and say this is any higher than a 6/10.
It's fine, it's ok, it's kinda mid. But I did enjoy it nonetheless, just not to a meaningful extent.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 18, 2023
Cells at Work sets out to tell the story of a new (and very clumsy) red blood cell struggle to learn her job as a cell, a hardened white blood cell in his day-to-day defence of the body, and their unexpected friendship.
Humanizing the microorganisms and cells of the body into characters just doing their job, laying out the arteries as highways, fat tissue as housing, and the body as a sprawling city of billions of regular workers. Plus, it's educational!
The concept itself isn't half bad, and I was excited to see what kinda story they would be able to make with this extremely unique
The animation is nice, the music is upbeat, and the fight scenes are good, the two main characters are enjoyable, especially the red blood cell.
However, to my disappointment, the anime was unbelievably boring and the opposite of captivating. Why you may ask? Because it lacks an actual story.
The "story" is told episodically with each episode focusing on different parts, diseases or functions of the body. Laying out like a biology lesson, but with anime characters and their actions in the place of a textbook. This alone is fine, I don't mind being tricked into watching something educational however this heavy focus on being educational, and less focus on the main characters (who in many instances get little to no screentime in episodes or only appear by happenstance) leads to the anime only being a collection of various lessons with the minor subplot of the two "main" characters friendship/life in an attempt to pretend like there's actual plot progression going on.
The anime would have heavily benefited from focusing more on one main function or combating a specific disease within the body, or the struggles of the main characters in the taxing job of keeping the body operational, instead of various lessons with no connection to one another with the main characters only being used as vessels to explain body functions through their conversations.
I won't rate the anime too poorly as I understand what it was trying to do, and as a pure entertainment educational piece, it works very well. If you want to learn about the body in a more entertaining form than a textbook or you have a biology exam coming up I would highly recommend giving it a watch. However if like me, you expect a story you will sadly be disappointed as this anime is nothing more than biology class with more anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Oct 24, 2022
Deadman wonderland, the amazing first season of a series that would never be. Chained to mediocrity not by its art, characters, or plot but by its lack of continuation. Leaving the viewer wanting so much more yet painfully asking "that's it!?"
Deadman wonderland is quite an interesting and entertaining anime. An anime with lots of promise for the road ahead. Its characters are portrayed very well, being dynamic with conflict and exciting yet with much mystery as to their full motivations and backstory. The story is captivating and entertaining to watch unfold, yet also holds an air of mystery as to how the story will end,
what conclusion we will find, and why the events of this story are taking place. (Not to mention the animation is quite good. However, admittedly I've never been one to focus heavily on animation. To me, it's always more of a bonus if a great plot has good animation to go along with it, but it's not a requirement for a spectacular story.) It draws the viewer in exceptionally well, getting you completely immersed in the story and world being built. As the final episodes come to a close, I along with many others imagined how the plot would continue, how our questions would be answered, and how this great spectacular start to a story would end, only to quickly find out it would never come to an end, another season would never be made, and that the 12 episode anime is a stand-alone. which is why this anime scored so nothing but slightly high-end mediocre in my eyes.
Deadman wonderland was presented as a pilot, in other words as the first season of a series. It would have done this job extremely well, however, due to a second season never being greenlighted, this 12-episode anime acts ts as just a beginning of a story with no middle, conclusion or end. It almost feels unfair to judge the only season of deadman wonderland as a stand-alone title because it's clear that this was not the (honestly quite talented) writer's intention. It is clear the anime was supposed to continue on, the cliffhangers, unresolved mysteries, and questions at the end of the 12th episode prove this completely. However, there would never be a continuation of the story, and the series would come to an abrupt end after its short first season run time.
In total, deadman wonderland is a story that could have been one of the greatest, maybe even a 10/10. As a first season, it was amazing, but due to it never receiving another season as intended it ended up being another abandoned project.
A true shame for something that could have been so great.
If on the odd chance that over a decade later they finally decide to make the second season I would gladly remove this review, but as it stands I would not recommend this anime unless you hold hope that the anime will someday continue. Hope sadly I do not have to make this anime, in total, just OK. Not good, not bad, just OK and a general waste of time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Mar 22, 2022
Watching When the Cicadas cry series has been an absolute blast. From the very first season to Gou I found incredible joy, shock, horror, and thrilling mystery around every corner of this delightful anime series, so much so I can confidently say that up until watching this season this series stands in my top 3 anime favourites. However, after finishing Gou I was faced with one more season left, “when the cicadas cry Satou”, a season that has been recognized as an absolute flop by the fanbase with bad reviews after bad reviews to boot. To say the least, I was very hesitant to watch
this season, after all, I've experienced the painful disappointment of falling in love with a spectacular anime only for it to be ruined in its later seasons, making me wish I simply never watched its downfall. But, as wise men say, “gots to see it through my boi”, so with expecting the absolute worst I began Satou, waiting for it to fumble. I waited, and waited, episode after episode for the anime to fall on its face, even going into the final episode I was waiting. But to my surprise, the downturn never came, and I remained invested and quite happy with the story right until the credits. This leaves me with quite an unpopular opinion, Satou wasn't as bad as people say. Moreover, it was actually quite good.
I know, quite a hot take.
So why, why does the fanbase hate this season with a burning passion as if it were the most appalling thing ever aired on TV? To be honest, I'm not sure if I can answer that in its entirety but I will try to give my own interpretation on the areas of supposed failure. I feel this might serve this review better as delving too deep might lead to spoilers which I absolutely want to enjoy, When the cicadas cry is better enjoyed knowing absolutely nothing about it beforehand in my opinion.
First off, while it'll be difficult not to spoil, I quite enjoyed the new mystery that was put forward in Gou and solved by Satou. I felt the anime handled it well and the outcome of it felt fulfilling to the story. I do understand complaints about the anime reusing scenes from Gou however this wasn't really the case. In early arcs we’d see repeated scenes when they were being viewed by another character, giving the same scene from another perspective helped lay out what was actually going on in the mysteries Gou put forward. Later arcs however we’d see a lot more repeated scenes however I felt they were necessary as they were used to lay out a timeline of exactly when the events were happening, as the later arcs show events that happen connected, but completely outside of what we saw in Gou. While slightly irritating I will admit it helped me figure out each point of deception and lies corresponding with the events we saw in Gou.
Secondly, the action and final battle, yes there is a final battle in this anime which ill admit was very odd at first and a little out of place but still quite good and almost nostalgic as characters fight through the different settings and events we saw in all seasons of the anime as we reach our conclusion. Plus I thought the witch battle was just cool.
Lastly was the ending, which many didn't like, however, I believed it very well wrapped up the series as a whole very comfortably and even leads some speculation and opening for theories as the show chooses to end not in 1987, which was the farthest Rika ever managed to get to so far, but Rika departing out into the world in 1986, conveniently a few months before the story of “When the Seagulls cry” begins. I thought this was a very nice nod to what would end up being the next events to play out in the universe of when they cry, one which mind you involves a small Japanese girl who looks identical to Rika which a near-identical name, however, I don't wish to get too much into theories despite this animes greatness in wanting viewers to theorize about it. In basic terms, I felt the ending really tied the entire franchise together which was nice to see.
Moreover, the decent into insanity plotline this season went for was highly enjoyable, leading to many tense moments which give that good old When the Cicadas Cry feel. The conflict was handled well, the plot was explained in a way that made sense, so for me, there wasn't much to complain about.
All in all, I loved When the cIcadas cry from beginning to end, this includes Satou. Maybe my love of the new seasons comes from me being new to this fanbase, only beginning this series a few months ago, so for me, I have not had time to idealize the show and have it become a nostalgic memory like many long time fans. Perhaps if I was in the same boat as others and watched the new seasons almost a decade after watching the original id hate it as much as the rest, but who knows.
My only complaint about Satou is teasing a scene where we would see Satoshi reunite with Satoko, or maybe even Shion and then not follow through with it. Felt like a kick in the dick to me and was heavily disappointing.
So my verdict is that Satou isn't bad, it's great, however, I do understand if long-time fans were left disappointed after a build-up of a decade worth of nostalgia.
Thank you Ryuukishi07 for making such a fantastic rollercoaster of a story, one which I will always hold as a favourite.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 3, 2022
This will be quite a short review. I mean, what is left that hasn't already been said about this amazing series. The writing is fantastic, the story is interesting, the characters are extremely likable and the world/setting is enjoyable.
Konosuba holds a very special place in my heart for all the reasons said above and is easily one of my most favourite animes of all time. However, its stangth comes from one thing, its excellence as a comedy.
hands down anime is wonderful for telling exciting adventures, beautiful romances, devastating tragedies and gripping actions. however, they typically lack the ability to capture and show
the genre of either horror, or comedy. This is something I've discovered across the board while getting into anime and continuing to watch anime to this day. However Konosuba perfectly grasped one of these often failed genres, and that is comedy. Never has an anime made me intentionally laugh as Konosuba has. The jokes and writing this anime pulls out hit perfectly, creating one of the most enjoyable and truly comedic animes I've ever had the pleasure of watching. Not only in the sub but also the dub (which as an English watcher I admittedly enjoyed more). Not much more can be said, it's just fucking hilarious and you should definitely watch it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Dec 6, 2021
Tragedies are often laid out before they even begin. We slowly watch these characters fall from grace into sorrow, madness, evil, greed, or anger, we begin to see the impending doom awaiting them. We begin to rack our minds, thinking and hoping for these characters to find a way out, to turn things around, to come up with a solution so as to create a happy ending. But as the story ends and the curtains close we look at the events laid out in front of us and come to the sad realization that no matter what could have happened everything was doomed from the
ah yes, the Future Diary. I had the pleasure of watching this about a month ago and I have to say, I absolutely loved it. the Future Diary at the time was on my "B Tier" anime list, sitting mostly alongside other gimmicky lower budget early to mid-2000s I haven't bothered to watch yet, so I went in with quite low expectations. However, my expectations were completely surpassed as I found myself getting pulled into this amazing story. First, let's get something down right off the bat. If you couldn't tell from the introduction to this review, the Future Diary is in all sense, a tragedy.
The community surrounding this anime is quite misleading and will lead you to believe this anime is something completely different than what it is in actuality, which is a tragedy. Luckily for me, I absolutely love a tragedy done well so I was very presently surprised. However, if you are someone who doesnt enjoy tragedies or hates things without a happy ending, this anime is certainly not for you.
Now that the basics are out of the way, let's dive into it.
The Future Diary takes place somewhere in the mid to late 2000s (perhaps early 2010s) in a fictional Japanese city. Right off the bat, we are introduced to our main character, Yukki. Yukki is a young, around 14-15-year-old teenage outcast. He has no friends, is bullied or ignored, and has too much social anxiety to talk to most people other than his """""Imagainary"""" friends. Instead, he preoccupies himself by talking to his imaginary friends or writing in his diary about everything going on around him. Instead of experiencing the world himself, he puts it all into his diary and lives in a fantasy world among """"fake"""" friends. One day, Daus, who is one of his """""Imagainary""""" friends gives him an offer. That offer is to make his diary one which can predict the future, meaning pages are written out for him in advance, letting him know everything that is going to happen around him. He accepts. The next day he discovers that his diary is already filled in and that its predictions are correct. He realizes that Daus, the imaginary friend is quite real and is in fact, the god of all time. However, what he doesn't realize, is he just made the worst deal of his life. What Yukki didn't know is he just put himself into a survival battle royale game. 11 others are also given diaries that can predict the future in their own unique ways and they must kill each other. the last one standing becomes the next god.
The next character to be introduced is Yuna, she is the second diary holder. Luckily for Yukki however she isn't trying to kill him. You see Yuna is Yukkis stalker. Her diary predicts and tells her everything Yukki is doing in 10-minute intervals. She is violently obsessed with Yukki and in yandere fashion, her "protection of him" extends past actual threatening individuals and is aimed at anyone who gets close to Yukki. She is, by all means, a demented, sick individual.
Let their bloody adventure begin as the two slowly spiral into insanity
The way the different diaries work is cool, the enemies and side characters are well written and the show is just fun to watch. There's a lot of mysteries that are revealed to the viewer at a nice pace and the dark nature and gore really fit the show. the descent into insanity is done really well and the show is fantastic and building tension and making it feel like the consequences are building up. All in all, it's a very enjoyable show.
However, I feel like, again, what really makes this show great is the tragedy and the growing feeling of doom which it tells through the two main characters. However, going into that would bring up massive character spoilers. So if you haven't seen the show, your just gonna have to trust me and watch it yourself.
I'm going to get into some character spoilers here so if you haven't watched the show you can skip this.
From here the story follows these two characters as they attempt to survive the game. While the bloody game itself is exciting, with many good fight scenes, mind games, and tense moments, where this show shines is in its character development, or in the case of this show, the intentional lack thereof. While likably at first Yuna and Yukki have many flaws. Yukki is spineless. He always doubts himself constantly and is often unable to act instead, relying too much on other people to do the work for him. On the other hand, Yukki is mentally insane. Her obsessive tendencies cause her to act extremely violent and deranged. She has no issues with slaughtering and hurting people to preserve and keep to herself her object of obsession (that being Yukki). As the show goes we expect these characters to grow. For Yukki to grow a backbone and stand up on his own, and for Yuna, to stop her obsession from consuming her and quite honestly, to get help. However, this isn't what happens, despite our characters being given the opportunity to change through the show, they don't, they only find excuses. We begin to see Yukki isn't just a spineless kid, who can learn to use his care for others as a means to grow and protect them. No, he's a complete coward, who wishes those around him to pity him. He has no desire to grow, instead, he intends to over-rely on everyone else to benefit him. He hides behind excuses and ignorance as his actions become dark and self-centred. In many ways, his personality and cowardly use of others act as an enabler to Yuna's obsession.
On the other hand, we see Yuna delve deeper into insanity. Her obsessions and violent outbursts become worse. As she slowly losses grip on reality she begins to hurt Yukki, both mentally and physically. Kidnapping him to "protect him", drugging him so he can't escape to "protect him", trying to kill Yukki's friends to "protect him", mentally manipulating Yukki to "protect him". Despite being faced multiple times with the reality her actions are hurting Yukki, she hides behind delusions. She sees Yukki's lack of growth and revels in it, she lets him become completely reliant on her,, thus enabling Yukki's cowardness and greed.
I emphasize these characters so much because I completely think they are what makes the show so good. We foolishly let the relationship they have to grow on us before we are able to realize that they bring out the worst in each other. That is what leads this anime to be a tragedy. One person has to win the game, one of them has to die in the end, even if it wasn't the case, they both are destructive to the other, no matter how strong they love each other. Even if the rules were changed, it's impossible for either of them to get their happy ending. Their awful actions throughout the game begin to clime and fester, and in the end, they both must face the consequences of their actions, and they do a million times over. In every way, they were both completely doomed from the start.
So watch the show, really fucking good.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Nov 16, 2021
About a month ago I was at the pub with a buddy of mine. I met him last year at University but he's apparently been a mega weeb since middle school. Unlike him, I'm actually kind of new to anime, only picking it up about a year ago due to boredom during quarantine. (which was a great choice as it quickly became one of my favourite forms of entertainment.) As conversations with a long-time weeb usually go we end up talking about anime, primarily anime he reminisced over. This is when he brought up Mirai Nikki.
"So it was this anime about a guy who
gets a diary that can see into the future, but eleven other people also get diaries too and they have to kill each other, the last man standing becomes the next god of time" he explains
"what the fuck? sounds kinda wacky. I've never heard of it." I reply a little uninterested as I assumed it would be another shitty Shoenan he was trying to convince to watch. Despite my new love for anime, watching 80 episodes of an overpowered guy punch stuff is not my cup of tea.
"Yeah man, from what I can remember it was a bit of a gory psychological thriller, kinda mind fucky too"
Now I'm interested "oh?" I say in response.
"YEAH, and the other main character is some insane Yandere chick whose diary is literally just about him. The show is gets fucked up as shit as he slowly gives into her"
Oh? a show about a descent into insanity, now that's up my alley
And with that I was sold, the next day I decided to watch it and man what can I say. I loved the Future Diary (Mirai Nikki) in fact it's one of the best animes I've seen in a while. The series was a great slow descent into insanity with a slam dunk of an ending, a bitter ending that was fitting for the show showing that in the end, no matter what trauma you might have faced or how good your reasons are you will always have to face the consequences of your actions. Easily a 9/10 for me.
WARNING I'M GOING TO SPOIL THE ENTIRE ENDING OF THE ORIGNAL SHOW. If you haven't seen it please watch it first, trust me it's a banger. However please don't watch Redial Thank you
I loved the ending of Mirai Nikki. Yukki and Yuno, after slaughtering everyone around them are left with just themselves in a dying world. However one of them inevitably has to die or the world simply ends. Yukki knows now that even if he were to become a god, can't undo his wrongs and bring everyone back from the dead, making his reckless killings no longer in the realm of the ends justifying the means, but turns them into killings of pure selfish greed. However, with the flawed character that Yukki is, he won't or can't acknowledge that, and instead hides behind the idea of "saving Yuna" and his own past ignorance as an excuse. Yuna on the other hand, can't be saved, she still clings onto Yukki with every fibre of her being. She can't and won't let go, in fact, she would be willing to do it all again. To subject Yukki to all the pain the game had on him, to slaughter everyone in her path all over again just to get a little more time with Yukki. Funny enough It is revealed that she already has. This isn't the first time the game happened, in fact, it happened once before. However last time, being the final two they both decided to die together but fate won't have that. Yukki happened to die just a second before her, making her the new god. Unable to go on without Yukki, she roles back the clock to do the game all over again. Not to have Yukki win, but to spend just a little more time with him. So she roles back the clock onto the third cycle of the game.
This time, however, Yuna knows there is no way for them both to win or die together, so she attempts to kill Yukki, become god again, and selfishly rewind the clock, playing the game again, endlessly. Yukki of this world defies this end, not because he wants to save the world, but because of his own selfish desire to save Yuna.
This leads them to a final battle in the third timeline. Yukki set on saving Yuna. However, he's not alone, Minene (the ninth) comes in clutch as a "half-god" to aid him, not to save Yuna but to defeat her.
(I'm not gonna explain to much as how Minene comes back because that would turn this into a 5-page long literature review. but basically the time god was like "aw shit somethings kinda wrong here, hay only likeable and least flawed player, ima stick my hand in your chest give you half my power or some bullshit. If you are about to die or shit hits the fan from the game so you can fight the Yandere chick" I'm not complaining, she's easily the best character in the show so I was kinda rooting for her from the start)
a Big fucking battle happens, and for the first time in the show, Yuna breaks from her unending insanity and spills the hardest truth on Yukki. Yukki would have fallen in love with anyone who let him hide behind them, it just happened to be her. And that she would have fallen in love with anyone who let her cling onto them. It's the hard reality, they weren't meant for each other, they might not have ever loved each other for who the other truly was. they only loved how they could suffocate themselves in ignorance and their own selfish needs within each other. With each other, neither of them can grow as people and they will do nothing both drag each other down into madness.
Despite the 26 episodes Yukki never seems to grow as a person and for the most part, neither does Yuna. Yukki attempts to convince Yuna to kill him so she can turn back the clock and go through with her plan, feeding into her mad desires. In his own flawed morals, this is saving her however all he is doing is dooming her to an endless cycle. In the end, Yuna somehow sees the inevitability of her repeated actions, sees how none of this will ever lead to Yukki's happiness and in every timeline, he will die sad, and with regret. Seeing this she kills herself, making Yukki the new god of the world they just left behind. However it's already too late, the world they left behind is already destroyed with everyone Yukki ever cared about being dead, and due to his own guilt and inability to move on he is now doomed to it never being able to build a new world, remaining alone with nothing but his regrets for the rest of time. Arguably a fate worse than death. truly a dark, terrible, tragic amazing ending.
(side note, I just wanted to add this in, the ending isn't all tragic. remember how I said Minene ended up being alive and helped Yukki in the final battle, well she survives the battle and decides "fuck it, the old world is destroyed and I lost everything I loved there, ima lives here instead" She ends up meeting this worlds version of detective Nishijima who she fell in love with during her time playing the game in the last world. He falls in love with her and one of the last seines is them having a family together years later. So at least one good character got a happy ending.)
Now, let's move on to Redial. It takes everything I just praised the ending for, and throws it out the window. Apparently, some people didn't like how the only character to get a happy ending was the only character who actually grew as a person through the show and wanted our flawed awful protags to get their happily ever after. Which I suppose is fine if you do well, I'm actually really fucking easy to please. Going into it I didn't see a need to have a happier ending but was like "hm ok, this is Mirai Nikki we're talking about, even though it's not needed at all I'm sure they'll make it fulfilling, maybe this world Yuna, since she isn't a Yandere this time will end up with this worlds Yukki."
But no, they didn't do that, not at all. Basically, the first half is just shitty fan service, most of which doesn't make sense, both in that, it doesn't fill the theme of Mirai Nikki and also that half of it is plot holes and doesn't make any fucking sense.
Yuna is on some dumb shit beach with this world's version of Yukki's friends during the game. First off, this makes no sense, Yukki only met them during the game and the only reason they met Yuna during the game is that Yukki introduced them to her, not only that. one of them was LITERALLY created before the game for the second cycle of the game thus this guy wouldn't even fucking exist in this world. The ending of Mirai Nikki literally showed that third Cycle Yuna would have a separate friend group. But whatever, fine, ill deal with it, you wanna bring the old characters back that's fine. Except have the episode is just them fucking around, and them doing a "where are they now?' with some the other diary holders. Again, this is fine, some of it doesn't make any sense, like why would the cult leader be the same age as all of them, wasn't she like 5 years older in the original show. "Whatever," I think to myself, but the episode is quickly running out of time so they better do something quick.
Apparently, the time god is like "ALMAO I'm not gonna pick a new god, fuck it we will see what happens" but why! We literally know what happens when a time God isn't in a world, that was the whole fucking point on why Yukki was doomed to a wasteland. Whatever, I think again.
So for some reason, Yuna is getting some of her memories back and is like "damn I don't know who, but I was toxicly in love with someone" Despite the fact that it already was established in the first ending that this Yuna is an entirely another person from the original Yuna and wouldn't hold any memories at all or even feel the last Yuna had. Like I get in the first ending she had the scene where she was like "I feel like I'm forgetting something" but still feels like a massive stretch.
Somehow she ends up in the god realm or some shit to get "her" memories back, and Murmurs like "yo, no way, you ended the world twice get the fuck out of here" which is the only thing anyone says in redial that makes sense. But BOOM, LOOK ITS OUR FAVOURITE CHERECTURE, MINENE and she's here to fucking help Yuna get her memories back? WHAT why? Why would she do this, she literally only helped Yukki in the last world so they could kill her. She knows what the old Yuna is like and how she is willing to sacrifice a WHOLE FUCKING PLANET OF BILLIONS OF PEOPLE TO LITERALLY GET AN EXTRA YEAR WITH YUKKI. Which mind you was filled with nothing but pain and misery.
Evangelion reference, and guy who shouldn't even exist Fuck knuckles Magee appears, somehow with all of his memories from the last him, and tries to stop her. I'm like, ah she gonna lose, this guy beat her multiple times in Mirai Nikki, and this Yuna isn't even a crazy Yandere. But no, she kicks his ass. but ndui uiabufbeuwb9ubauobd how? and he's like "ah yes, I hate you, you killed everyone i cared about and know your the destroyer of not one, but two worlds, but lmao you go get your man hun"
Time god comes in and is like "nah let her do it and become yandere again it'll be love or something"
She gets her memories back, her memories of killing Yukki's friends, kidnapping Yukki, scaring Yukki, causing nothing but pain for Yukki, her realizing this and killing herself for Yukki and the old Yuna basically returns. Literally throwing everything Yuna's ending in the original out the window.
The god of time is like "ight, ima smash time and space so you can go see Yukki in the other timeline where hes the god, fuck it, your the new god of the third world. Its not like we spent an entire series learning why that's not a good idea and why this should never happen again."
And what do we get from this. 30 seconds, yes, 30 seconds of Yuna and Yukki together again. out of this entire 30-minute episode because they did nothing but waste time for 80% of it. and 19 percent was a bullshit battle that i didn't care about. This isn't even the same fucking Yuna, GOD I FUCKING HATE REDIAL......but hay, i guess this toxic couple can love each other again but most impotently, the fanboys favourite yandere is back, and that's really all that matters right?
Its like they assumed their audience would be like
"OH YAH EPIC" I scream in my room as I grip my body pillow of Yuna holding a knife. slipping into my fantasies of me to having sadist Yandere girlfriend
however, not everyone is a masochistic teenage boy, who obsesses over Yandere Anime girls.
After watching this I really questioned what demographic they expected to watch their R-rated gore psychological thriller show.
Redial takes this amazing ending and basically kills it. Redial takes place after the ending of the initial anime and basically, mistakingly attempts to have things end in a happy, wholesome "YAY everything turned out fine, no one has to face the repercussions of their actions" kind of way. It takes away what made the ending great. Yuki and Yuno were awful flawed people who slaughtered everyone around them so they could get their happy ending, enemy, bystander, and in the end even the ones closest to them. Moreover, a happy ending that was impossible. No matter what they did, no matter how many they killed, no matter how many times Yuna sets back the clock, they would never get their happily ever after, they were doomed from the start. Yuna had to die, and Yukki had to face the consequences of his actions and spend the rest of eternity in a broken barren wasteland of a world which they sacrificed selfishly to achieve a dream that they both knew would never come true. Their fates were locked from the beginning, they will never end up together and it would only cause endless pain and countless deaths for them to keep trying. As depressing as it is, shown in the end, it would be better for the both of them if they never had even met each other.
It's a bitter, cold ending and it was perfect for the dark story that Mirai Nikki was. In my mind, redial never happened, or isn't canon. As said it's full of plot holes and removes any and all dark, and depressing aspects of Mirai Nikki's ending. It's solely made for those who despite the masterpiece of an ending wanted Yuna and Yikki to be together in the end and get a happily ever after. Which mind you Retail doesn't even do in a good or failing way. I hated Redial so much I put more work into this review than I've done with some of my term papers. Do yourself a favour and don't watch Redial. Watch Mirai Nikki and once you hit the ending, stop so you don't have to see this complete disappointment and story ruiner of a supposed sequel.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jul 27, 2021
Quick review. I picked up this anime after watching the Isekai Quartet by Kadokawa. From my experience, they usually produce very good works like Re:Zero and Konosuba, two shows which I love dearly and rated both very highly for how much I enjoyed them. The same can not be said about the Saga of Tayna the Evil . It was an absolute slog to get through mainly on the fact it Is a complete fascist/Imperialist larp made for neckbeards and pseudo-intellectual "history buffs". Even so, the plot was boring and the characters are god awful and could simply be boiled down to "For the fatherland".
basically, this atheist Libertarian who gets killed by a guy who he screwed over on the corporate chain and gets reborn as an OP super german Loli in a world somewhere in between the situation of world war I and world war two. This hedge fund manager now loli is somehow a complete strategic genius and wins the war. YAY.
I spent the whole show routing for the characters to lose and the empire to fall. How in the hell do they expect me to relate to a bunch of hyper-nationalistic ass hats. Before you say anything about it being a villain story that I simply don't understand. Please understand that I do actually very much enjoy villain stories IF THEY ARE ENTERTAINING and this was anything but. It was boring, so very boring and was something I almost even dropped. However, the Art is really fucking good so theirs that I suppose.
In other words, if you're a pseudo-intellectual who larps over what if Germany won the first world war or are a fascist neckbeard this show is for you. If you have a brainstem then please spare your time and don't watch this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jun 29, 2021
Ok so, before I watched this anime I checked the reviews. What I noticed is that people either loved this show, or hated it deeply. Well, my opinion is that the show is fine, it's ok. I'll explain each each point and how I felt about them as I watched the show.
Story 5/10
The story really isn't anything too special, I haven't watched a ton of anime but it's what you expect from a typical Tsundere romance plot. Girl mean to guy because she likes him, guy doesn't like it, girl keeps being mean to guy but gets a little nicer, guy starts liking it
and gets attached to her. BOOM ROMANCE. Again nothing too special or extraordinary to say here.
Art 8/10
The art was nice and the animations were done well. For me, I left like the art really popped and was good at drawing my attention into scenes. It's no eye candy but it's still very good.
Sound 6/10
The music was OK, the op was nice, nothing out of the ordinary, that's about it.
Character 6.5/10
Nagatoro stands out as being quite an alright character, she's a little different than the average Tsundare as she proceeds to bully the fuck out of the MC which ill admit is quite funny at times. but other than her, characters are just OK. MC is just the typical hopeless Virgin and supporting characters are a bit like Nagatoro but lack the charm for me to actually like them.
Enjoyment 6/10
Upon finishing this show I sat back and went "eh, it was alright" I believe it very much falls into the category of being bad enough to be fun to watch and again the art is good enough to notice and make you think "ah they did a pretty good job animating this"
overall score 6/10
So Don't Toy with me Miss Nagatoro is a pretty OK anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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