If you liked
Juuni Kokuki
...then you might like
Peach Girl
Okay before you crucify me, hear me out. Peach Girl and 12 Kingdoms are in two completely different genres, and they are two completely different shows. However, they have one similarity: the main characters. Youko and Momo are both girls that just can't quite fit in despite their best efforts. Both have red hair which people believe they dyed (they didn't), and both have one other main character that is jealous of them and bent on their destruction (Yuka and Sae). They also hide their true selves from everyone. Youko acted proper to please her family, friends, and frankly sometimes perfect strangers. Momo would apply large amounts of sunscreen, and stay out of the sun to not be as tan. So even though Peach Girl is a romance and 12 Kingdoms has barely any, I think you'll enjoy either if you happened to like one of the characters. If not then just scroll on down to the next recommendation, this is not for you :)