Mar 6, 2025
Sakamichi no Apollon
Set in the summer of 1966, Kids on the Slope is an enthralling look into the soulful art of jazz that is centered around an outstanding cast swept up in interpersonal drama and the blooming passion of youth. The improvisational music accompanied by meticulously beautiful animation captures the intense fervor of each note. This passionate flow carries onward into the characters through their emotional and romantic connections. Relationships are naturally developed, conflict resolutions do not subvert audience expectations, and genuine care is placed in communication. Some material is noticeably missing towards the end, but it does little to interrupt what makes this show so fantastic.
Feb 15, 2025
The second season of The Dangers in My Heart took the mostly solid foundation of the first season, abandoned the majority of what formerly hindered it, and delivered a package dense with expressive communication, sincere character growth, and noticeable narrative developments in nearly every episode, contrary to most romance anime. There is a slow, subtle and ever-present progression between Kyoutarou and Anna individually, and together, that is complemented by great consistency in both production and writing. They adjust their behavior and learn about one another without backtracking on pivotal moments already established. It is pleasantly proactive. This is a genuinely fantastic addition to the series.
Feb 11, 2025
The Dangers in My Heart: Bonus Dangers is a fun and lighthearted compilation of side stories featuring mostly wholesome interactions between Kyoutarou and Anna and some short comedic ideas that would need more context to be included in the anime. It is an efficient way to include some scenarios and jokes that we would not see otherwise. Because there is a wide range of concepts explored, you will likely experience varying levels of enjoyment. While this episode lacks substance and has no real narrative investment, it has a low time commitment and is worth watching if you enjoyed the first season before starting the second.
Feb 4, 2025
Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu
The Dangers in My Heart is a mildly uncomfortable but surprisingly wholesome romance between two contrasting individuals. Kyoutarou is a lonely, emotionally fragile teenager struggling with youthful insecurities and a depressive mental state. On the other hand, Anna is a popular, charming airhead who is oddly proficient in conveying emotions. This juxtaposition holds the narrative together. He is awkwardly apprehensive but genuinely sincere. She is woefully carefree but responsibly proactive. The progression is natural and mutually respectful. This is complemented by a fantastic production and endearing score. While unnecessary reliance on tropes in the beginning episodes is an annoyance, the endearing heartfelt moments shine through.
Feb 1, 2025
The second season of The Eminence in Shadow has seen a substantial increase in overall quality. In a way, it feels closer to what one would assume was the original vision of the author, aside from the mediocre filler episode. While the production standard has grown to match the level of the content, the most notable positive differences have been in the writing. The comedy bits are more fun this time around, development seems to be taken a little more “seriously,” and the more fleshed-out world also better serves as the personal playground of the main character. Continue watching if you liked the first season.
Jan 27, 2025
Many fantasy-adjacent stories draw you in through carefully crafted worlds and environments, supported by well-thought-out ideas and concepts. The Eminence in Shadow is not one of these. Unapologetically self-aware, it plays every stereotype, trope, and cliche straight with so little hesitation that the viewer might completely forget this is a parody. It wears them like a badge of honor. Despite being unexceptional in every way except for the on-point music, it has entertaining moments when displaying absolute confidence in the narrative despite how ridiculous the situation is. Intentionally pretentious, woefully edgy, and expectedly predictable, watch this only if you know what you are in for.
Jan 17, 2025
A celebration of artists everywhere. Look Back conveys the complex feeling of one desperately expressing their very personal emotions through an art form. The minor imperfections and display of raw passion enhance the material. This is real. Appreciation for this experience will grow with reflection, encouraging the viewer to engage in thought-provoking meditation and interpretation. The animation is expressive, and there is beauty in sound both present and removed. The story is told with sincerity. Regret and happiness. Apathy and passion. Endurance and ambition. Everything is laid bare with no hesitation. Please consider taking a short amount of time to engage with this heartfelt story.
Jan 2, 2025
3-gatsu no Lion
The first season of March Comes In Like a Lion weaves a heartfelt story of interpersonal connection and emotional struggles through the lens of a misplaced Shogi player. Choice language and expressions accompanied by a delightfully crafted production give breath to relatable and thought-provoking concepts, and the themes explored resonate with the audience regardless of their familiarity with the game. This series feels reminiscent of the visualization one creates when reading a novel. It is equal parts disheartening and uplifting, but outright beautiful in the message it conveys: Our life is often turbulent, but moments of calm certainly will come. Everyone has somewhere they belong.
Dec 29, 2024
Loosely based on a classic video game of the same name, Wizardry is a typical Dungeons and Dragons story that, while unexceptional, would garner enjoyment from its target audience. The premise is easy to understand for anyone remotely familiar with your standard fantasy adventure, and the brief runtime allows for low commitment. The production quality and character designs are also decent. However, as one should expect, the short duration and lack of narrative depth make for lukewarm character development, worldbuilding, and stakes. Those who have an interest in the history or genre should give it a chance. Otherwise, it would be best to move on.
Dec 6, 2024
Kanata no Astra
Boasting an excellent production and solid foundation throughout, Astra Lost in Space excels in creating a compelling character-driven narrative. To begin with the former, both the first and last episodes have doubled the runtime, garnering a better first impression and allowing for a proper and satisfying resolution. Moreover, the opening and ending themes were dynamic, being included, removed, or altered depending on what worked best. The quality never dropped. As for the latter, the writing did have a noticeable by-the-book story arc structure, but the fantastic character chemistry and development, interesting worldbuilding, and engaging mystery nearly completely overshadowed this. Go and watch the first episode!