Ranking Explanation
I enjoy writing anime reviews that are short and easily digestible for readers and attempt to write both objectively and subjectively, while removing unfair bias, in the hopes of helping people to save time and find success when deciding what to watch. If that is of interest to you, please consider reading some of my reviews. I would appreciate it!
I try to use the full rating scale when ranking media as entertainment often saturates the higher score bracket quite often. This leaves me room to give a clear indication between scores.
[1] APPALLING: Completely dissatisfied in almost every way.
[2] HORRIBLE: Displays many flaws in the majority of categories.
[3] VERY BAD: More than several areas where the media falls short.
[4] BAD: One or more aspects left a negative impression.
[5] AVERAGE: Neither succeeds nor fails in a significant manner.
[6] FINE: One or more aspects left a positive impression.
[7] GOOD: More than several areas where the media succeeds.
[8] VERY GOOD: Displays many strengths in the majority of categories.
[9] GREAT: Completely satisfied in almost every way.
[10] MASTERPIECE: Recommended to the highest degree.
While I do intentionally remove unfair bias from my rankings and reviews, the “Favorites” section on my profile page contains selections that I enjoy with bias included. Feel free to check it out!
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