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Mar 9, 2021
TLDR, Overall Rating: +4/10
*No spoilers in this Review*
Before I start this review, I would like to preface that, besides this movie, I have only watched Bakemonogatari from the Monogatari series (which I gave an 8/10).
Now, where to start... ah yes the "plot." The actual plot behind the first movie in Kizumonogatari is terrible. Besides the fact that half the screen time is allotted to araragi walking and screaming, there is really nothing there. Sure we get some cool interaction between him and Shinobu towards the end but that's really it. Now, let me give a list of pros and cons
1.) OST is
1.) Plot pacing is terrible. This movie could have been condensed into a twenty minute episode easily.
2.) LITTLE TO NO DIALOUGE! I mean c'mon, there isn't a single word uttered in the first 10 minutes or so. For me, this is a huge strike since the dialogue in bakemonogatari is what made me like the show.
3.) SHITTY FAN service! Oh my god. In bakemonogatari, the fan service was comical, it lifted the atmosphere and gave us a good laugh. Here, however, the fan service is awful to watch. It even made me hate hanekawa as a character.
3.) The characters. Both araragi and Hanekawa are terribly written characters with superficial depth. People that claim Hanekawa to be good are just in it for the fan service, don't be fooled!
4.) No slideshow charm from the show. One of the things I thoroughly enjoyed in the show was the slideshow for it represented a unique format by which we as an audience can gather information as well as dive into our main characters thoughts. Here, however, it is absent.
5.) Lot's of CGI and the world looks even more bland than before.
Honestly, a 4/10 is a generous score for this disappointing waste of an hour. I started the second part (movie 2) in hopes of it being better and so far I've had to quit twice. Don't recommend.
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Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Feb 26, 2021
TLDR: Overall Score +8/10
I read the reviews; I watched the trailer; I saw the rating; needless to say, I was hyped for this show and, in the end, I wasn't disappointed. I will give a quick rundown of what I personally thought were the pros and cons of the show, so if you see something you like, then this might be your sign to give it a watch.
1.) Themes: The theme of the show, of human desire and its infatuation with the impossible, of stringing this infatuation with the dark realities of our world make this show especially intriguing to watch.
Throughout the show, we are constantly reminded of the abyss's frightful god-like embodiment, and of humanity's desire to adventure into this horrifying hole of endless mysteries. Don't be fooled by the lighthearted tone of the show at first, for it gets really dark the deeper they go:)
2.) World Building/Design: It's wonderful, original (at least from what I can tell), and extremely interesting. I mean, c'mon it's a huge abyss in the middle of an island with an unknown depth and full of intriguing monsters!
3.) Animation & Art Style: Yes, the animation is amazing. It is an aesthetically pleasing show that leaves your brain wanting more. And yes, the art style fits the world design perfectly.
3.) OST: Loved it and felt it matched the tone of the show and the overall world design in the show perfectly.
4.) Side Characters: The show does a great job with some of the side characters and in developing their story. Two notable side characters: Mitty & Ozen. Also, I know she is more of a main character, but Nanachi is amazing.
1.) The Main Characters, sorry. Personally, I strongly disliked both of them. I dislike shows where the main characters are kids (12yrs old in this case) and this show only strengthens this conviction. I found both of the mcs (Reg and Riko) to be overly annoying in their own respective fashions. I get it, they are just kids so this is understandable, yet I felt my enjoyment of the show plummeted due to them.
Riko: she's annoying, somewhat useless (besides the fact that she knows a bunch of facts about the abyss), and although seemingly smart, makes terrible decisions throughout the show that just leave you sitting there astonished at your own infuriation.
Reg: Strangely enough, I found him to be more annoying than Riko. He's the type of OP character that finds another person and devotes his life to that other. He has no personality rather than just "I NEED TO PROTECT RIKO." But why? Other than the fact that others told him to protect her, he really should have no reason to go THAT far and do all of this for her. His design is flawed as well. He's an extremely durable, strong robot with insane powers?, yet everything else about him is human. I mean c'mon, they even make "penis" jokes about him. In other words, he's an overpowered character that's poorly written. However, all of this is only nit-picky stuff.
My least favorite part of him is his tendency to narrate EVERYTHING. Yes, I know. This relates more to writing rather than character analysis but still, it's terrible. In order to create an example, imagine HYPOTHETICALLY that a character in another universe (this doesn't happen) broke both of their legs and is fainting from pain. Now, Reg would just stand there, cry, and narrate the most obvious things like "she's in pain!" This narration seems to vary throughout the show, thankfully. I just personally felt it to be EXTREMELY irritating.
2.) Seeing naked 12 year olds makes me feel uncomfortable which is another thing I don't like about having kids for MCs.
Hope you found this helpful:)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 14, 2021
TLDR: 7/10, enjoyable watch for sci-fi lovers.
**This Review DOES NOT Contain Spoilers**
Overall, Psycho Pass delivers an interesting story that dives into various themes regarding autonomy, self-preservation, and dystopian societies. It bears the question, should we sacrifice our individual freedoms, our self-will, in return for a "perfectly" governed society? Personally, I loved the theme of the show. It's a cyber punk, George Orwell-like dystopian society. Another bonus of the show is that there is no sugar coating: there is blood, there is gore, and there are disturbing scenes that put you on the edge of your seat.
Secondly, another thing that this show nails is
the antagonist. He is truly intelligent, clever, and somewhat horrifying. I loved it. He oftentimes quotes various authors, poets, and philosophers from throughout history which gives him a multifaceted complexion, one that gives insight into his beliefs without having him just blatantly state them. It forces you to actually think.
Also, as a side note, the show has an amazing first opener and some fairly good soundtrack throughout.
Now, for the drawbacks of the show:
1.) Side characters. It's sad to say that there are too many side characters and that they truly lack depth. On the detective team there is a total of 7 characters, one of which I personally believe should have been removed from the show entirely. Regardless, the side characters are offered little screen time and it is difficult to become attached to some of them.
2.) Main characters, specifically Shinya Kogami. A LOT of people find him to be a badass, amazing character which, on the superficial level, I can agree. However, as much as I like him, there is no denying that he lacks genuine character development in the show. Yes, he does develop in certain aspects; he opens up for Akane, starts to trust her, but the end result is that he stays quite the same. Unlike, Akane I found him to be more on the one-dimensional side.
3.) Structure. Usually, shows follow a certain pattern, you know, the typical plot graph right? However, psycho pass diverges from this, at least in my opinion, for the second to last arc in the show holds the climax and the final arc is somewhat of a let down. Of course, that is just my opinion and you might find it otherwise.
4.) Animation. Now, to get this straight. The animation is NOT bad, I just think it is subpar. It could've been better.
Overall, the show was enjoyable as I finished it in one day. I would recommend this watchers that are partial to gore, philosophical shows, and sci-fi. It doesn't have stupid fan service so that's a plus as well.
I hope you find this review helpful.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 9, 2021
TLDR: 7/10, worth watching for fun.
For me, "Great Pretender" is an embodiment of a clever show crafted with an intriguing art style. To give a rough outline of how the show progressed for me: arc 1 was was amazing, I loved it; arc 2 was fairly good, an enjoyable watch; arc 3 takes a more in-depth approach into Cynthia's character and makes her truly one of my favorites in the show, it is good but a little slow-paced compared to the prior arcs; arc 4 (the final arc) is quite controversial, I found it enjoyable to see our MC's development,
however, the ending sort of ruins it. Hadn't it been for the ending, I might have given this show a 9/10. Regardless, leading up that point, the show is entertaining, it blows our minds, and it leads us to discover an entire new world of art: conning. And if you love gta, this show might just be perfect for you!
hope you find this helpful:)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 6, 2021
Overall Rating TLDR: 5/10. Alright before I start, just as a disclaimer, there will be spoilers in this review later on marked by ****. Now, where to start. OK, the characters: boring and child-like to the maximum. I get it, this show (I believe, at least after watching this) is mainly for younger audiences (10-13 years?). The main reason I don't drop this age prediction even lower is due to the sexual puns and "funny" jokes woven into the story AKA the personality of Leeron (the generic gay cast member). Regardless of the complete waste of screen time any of the side characters had,
for they left no emotional impact or anything on me whatsoever, our main characters (Simon, Kamina, Yoko, and Nia) are quite interesting, at least at first. The show is essentially split into two parts (as you will watch later on) with the latter being better at some things, yet terrible at others. Now, plot: extremely boring. If you like mecha fights where all they do is scream and win due to the power of "spirit" and "love," this show might be for you. However, if you are like me, and prefer "deeper" shows that MAKE you think, this may not be for you. Thirdly, the art style and animation: now, I understand that the show came out in 2007 so I shouldn't of had expected something remarkably pretty, but JEEZ it was awful (in my opinion of course). Honestly, I was going into this show with high hopes, but finished it terribly disappointing. Now, on the bright side, there were some moments that I found actually enjoyable to watch...
***** SPOILERs HERE****
1.) When Kamina dies and Simon undergoes some interesting character development. For me, this was definitely the highlight of the show. Finally, we are able to dive deeper beyond the superficial character trope established for Simon and witness him attempting to cope with self-doubt, self-deprecation, and, most importantly, failure.
2.) After the Time Skip. Yes, I typically hate time skips and in some regards I hate it for this show too, specifically the fact that Simon's character development was essentially thrown out the window as he became a spitting image of Kamina. Also, Nia: they completely destroyed her character because guess what... she's just a anti-spiral, virtual messenger! HAHA, great. However, one thing the time skip does good is that it fleshes out the character of Rossiou. Although I hated him while watching the show, it was interesting to see his development. ALSO, another thing about the time skip, it TOTALLY juxtaposes the entire setting of the first half.
My final thoughts: the final fight was a joke, the sacrifices in the end had little to no emotional importance (kittan being the only OK one), and that I strongly recommend this for someone really young.
Overall score: 5/10 (I rarely score lower than 4-5 so this is bad for me).
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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