Part time chef, full time gangsta.
*Currently on a break from anime**
How I rank: (Mainly based off of enjoyment)
10= I loved it, felt connected to it, and most likely became depressed after it:) MUST watch!
9= Amazingly written, super captivating; I highly encourage it to everyone!
8= Genuinely great, very enjoyable
7= Good, enjoyable
6= Pretty decent, "whatever."
5= Meh. Wouldn't recommend.
4= Pretty bad. Not enjoyable.
3= Bad. Just really bad.
2= WTF am I watching....
1= Horrendous. Praying to erase it from my memory.
All Comments (51) Comments
I commend you for being more subtle than Boku no Pico, but I still caught it. A friend complained to me that Nisemonogatari had too much fanservice compared to Bakemonogatari, so after looking at your comment again I noticed. And anyway, I started Bakemonogatari but couldn't get into it, so it was going to be a while before I picked up the Monogatari series to try again. Try again, I dare you!
It looks amazing, just TOO amazing, so people are discussing whether the anime will look like the trailer. It's basically "it's premade" and "look at SnK trailer" vs. "It's by the same team of the anime so we can expect something close to the trailer." I have hope MAPPA will deliver their "ultimate adaptation."
Also, this comment lol
Where’s your profile pic from?