Pretty much only excels in fight scenes, the rest is underdeveloped. Lack of cohesion in details, too. Tries to paint the background of other characters, but, at least in the anime, it's just that, a shallow background.
Futhermore, it's frequent, to the point of nagging, to stop a fighting sequence just to show a trio or so of characters talking about something, that sometimes didn't even had enough importance to warrant attention. Sadly, as someone who didn't read the source material, beats me what is important or not, so I "had" to watch these interruptions.
So far the protagonist has entered a grindfest mentality and barely has
May 23, 2023
Recommended, with some caveats and surely not for everyone, but for those that like it, it'll be a nice relaxing anime.
An important consideration is that one of the main reasons I liked this anime, if not the main reason, was the PT-BR dub, which was really well made. Overall, and giving a very simplified review, it's a simple, chill and shallow-plotted anime. Battles are lacking, plot is very... eh, shallow and with many holes, really; but wholesome and has great, great PT-BR dub. It rarely ever swings into ecchi, so it's also safe to watch with children in my point of view. Apr 29, 2023
Uchuu Senkan Yamato
Besides being obviously outdated, which can't be helped, it feels weak even accounting for that.
It could be nice for an easily impressed kid that loves space exploration, but then the manga format and the length doesn't help much on it being lively for anyone younger than your grandpa. Manga is well-illustrated and printed in excellent paper (newpop prime PT-BR), and can be a window to the past regarding art style and what people of that time expected for the future. So it could actually be used in art studies/references in some very specific cases. "Battles" feels off and dead, it doesn't capture the movements too well. Character ... Apr 13, 2023
Serial Experiments Lain
So, let me try make this spoiler free.
Serial Experiments Lain doesn't quite follow a pattern, it quite doesn't follow a linear plot, yet it doesn't go back much. It has a unique feeling to it, something that I hardly find in modern animes or any art forms. You can think of it alike Angel's Egg, but even more surreal and subtle, or a trippier version of a Satoshi-Kon's work. About the content of the plot, it's still relevant up to today, maybe even more so given how the boundaries between real world and the internet are pretty thin. The characters are puzzling, the designs are simple, and ... Dec 17, 2022
Not bad IMO. Could be better, sure, but I think it's still worth it, if you prefer one shot mangas and aren't petty due to some flaws.
My worst complaint is about the fight scenes in two chapters, it's hard to understand the flow, and doesn't feel impactful. The stories also could use more content to be less shallow, but again, are a good pastimes. Just don't have a lot of expectations when reading it. Content-wise about 7/10, cover and pages 7.5/10, published by JBC, 4.1/5 in amazon brazil. I'd suggest it for one shot manga fans while it's 25 reais or lower. Mar 7, 2022
Kill Me Baby
First of all, I don't consider the anime bad, or to be taken seriously, but it's worst compared to the other series available on the same genre. Sure, you might enjoy this, but I'd much more recommend other titles.
Overall "plot" doesn't need to exist in slice of life. Granted. But some things really get stale after a couple of episodes, hence it could use more depth. Some things don't add value to the anime in any way, and backgrounds are very lacking. Sonya being an assassin doesn't add anything beyond the fact itself, she could be a grumpy clown with knifes and nothing would change. ... Oct 14, 2021
Hellsing Ultimate
So, I remember some years ago LOVING Hellsing Ultimate. The action, the waiting for what was to come, the soundtrack (well, I still really like the soundtrack, but the original can sound much better in some tracks).
Thing is, yesterday I saw the last episode on a whim while browsing Netflix and... dear imaginary reader, I really didn't enjoy it. Surely I changed a lot over those years (feels like about a decade), but still, I can only share my current opinion and try to explain the overall feeling behind it, hoping it will be useful to others. After all, despite not having many episodes they ... Sep 22, 2021
Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge
It can be a good anime to enjoy before sleeping, relaxing to an almost drama-free, slow-paced slice of life anime. However, it ends up having more focus on platonic relationships than it should.
Despite that, the nice and relaxing art ensures it a relaxing quality. Plus the overall behavior of the characters is mostly chill too. It's a shame that, despite the good quality, it didn't sell that well means it will hardly get a second season, tough it will be hopefully used as inspiration for other animes. Personally, what made me not enjoy it so much was the relationship, specially platonic relationships, through the anime and ... |