Aug 1, 2017
>>If a well written anime series is a Mozart piece, this series is a bratty boy slamming his tiny fists on the same piano key over and over and over again while being obnoxiously proud of his musical prowess.<<
If you're familiar with the characteristic tropes of the isekai genre, you will spot a lot of them in this series. Some cliches are fun and entertaining, and having them really isn't a problem... unless that's literally ALL you do. There is no tension in this anime. Each and every time something interesting could happen, the show spits in your face as the problem at hand is
solved within seconds by Gary Stu, our stupidly broken main character. The plot can be fully expressed by the following 4 lines of text:
1. Someone has a problem which nobody can solve - IF ONLY somebody could use THAT ONE specific spell that would immediately solve the problem!
2. Gary Stu comes along by coincidence and uses THAT ONE spell.
3. The problem is solved, Someone falls for Gary Stu.
4. Back to 1
The only measure of plot progress in this series is the number of girls that are in love with the main character. At any point in the series, if you can think of multiple variations of how the plot might play out, you can almost be certain that the show will choose the blandest of them. Every character in the show can be fully expressed in less than 10 words, a fact that won't change no matter how many episodes of screentime they get.
Now, for the technical part:
Art and animation are painfully mediocre, nothing stands out except for some really terrible lip synching.
The soundtrack's only purpose is to tell you how you should feel at any given moment. Sadly, it doesn't do a good job, for it only leaves you with feelings of disgust and shame as you ponder what went wrong in your life for you to end up watching another episode of this atrocity.
Now, if you are really bored and still want to watch this show, all of the following leisure time activities will probably leave you more satisfied:
+ Watching a good series instead
+ Reading a book
+ Laying in bed
+ Staring at a brick wall
+ Watching paint dry
+ Repeatedly slamming your fingers with a door
+ Doing literally anything else
If you want a comprehensive guide on how NOT to do writing, this has got you covered.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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