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Kazuro Weisemann

Kazuro Weisemann

I am Kazuro Weisemann. This is my anime list containing only the sublime and exquisite taste. Feel free to watch all my favorites and tell me your opinion on them.

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All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 194.6
Mean Score: 7.34
  • Total Entries980
  • Rewatched20
  • Episodes11,923
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Dr. Stone: Science Future
Dr. Stone: Science Future
Mar 6, 6:17 PM
Watching 9/12 · Scored -
Dragon Ball Daima
Dragon Ball Daima
Mar 6, 1:34 PM
Completed 20/20 · Scored 8
Blue Lock vs. U-20 Japan
Blue Lock vs. U-20 Japan
Feb 13, 1:07 PM
Completed 14/14 · Scored 9
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 32.1
Mean Score: 7.38
  • Total Entries192
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  • Chapters4,613
  • Volumes189
Manga History Last Manga Updates
A Man's Man
A Man's Man
Mar 11, 10:46 AM
Plan to Read · Scored -
Webtoon Character Na Kang Lim
Webtoon Character Na Kang Lim
Mar 7, 11:37 PM
Reading 26/172 · Scored -
The Knight Only Lives Today
The Knight Only Lives Today
Mar 7, 5:30 PM
Plan to Read · Scored -

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DanteHawke Dec 9, 2024 6:19 PM
Wow, I see. That's an achievement. I used to login regularly but at some point I had stopped as I eventually toned down watching anime, and now barely even watch it except seasonal ones. So what have you been up to all this time? I remember the times of our talks daily here, good times.

It's going well, a lot has happened in life and well, a lot of things are still the same sadly.
DanteHawke Dec 5, 2024 4:22 AM
Hey, it's been a long time. Yep, I remember you. I was sure you had left MAL. How's life and everything going?
sam5234 Apr 17, 2021 7:22 AM
"Thanks thats just what I wanted to hear, makes your previous comment fall flat."
you sir are a KING.
SatsugaiDeAtsu May 28, 2020 9:31 AM
First of all, thank you for the compliment. I have to say, it helped boost up my morale.

Now, on to the point that hit me. You said, 3D people can not match 2D and vice versa. The 2D characters are themself personalities made by humans of the 3D realm. And human principality works on something that already exists. It's a famous saying, I'm not quoting it directly but it went something like this, No idea is new, every idea is originated from pre existing idea. So, the point I was trying to make here was, the authors imbude traits and elements into their works and characters to make them human. In reality, we may be humans but we day by day suppress our real nature because of how the world is structured. Certain elements and traits clash with the others...... I think I am not being clear.

In a real human, traits clash. A kind hearted person will make a decision that will be cruel but necessary at that moment. It's the demand of life. But as for fiction. The authors gave the free hand to create something that is not bound. They can exaggerate all the human emotions to their best without having to worry about the consequences because the whole universe is theirs and it supports them, it was made for them. That all being said, 2D characters come out of 3D characters. Maybe like their one dimensional upgraded version. A kind person would only be kind. A wild would only be wild and so on. Etc. So, I think both of them, having the same origin, can be pretty relatable and be used to match. That is exactly why I said, if you find a super kind girl on anime let's say, that might not be possible on real life but to some extent and percentage it will be.
SatsugaiDeAtsu May 26, 2020 10:43 PM
Sorry, my hand touched and it got delivered before I was finished. So, it's not an undiscovered thing, rather pretty comone and understandable as well. But this made me think, if I were to go into the anime and meet my anime waifuu. She would be the same. I who look at her across the screen, sees only the parts the author wants me to see. Of course not all but most anime characters would be degraded due to this phenomenon. My opinion. So, what do you think, would a 60 percent suffice, or not, because the 100 you see on the screen, maybe she's not a 100 as well.
SatsugaiDeAtsu May 26, 2020 10:40 PM
For some reason, when I have to reply to someone, it feels more like a duty than something that I want to do. There was a time where I was very punctual in replying but look at me now, it's been one month and I haven't even replied, heck, I might have but I even forgot there was a message, I wonder why Mal did not showed me, I might have made a blunder somewhere. Luckily, by chance I got to look that there were two comments left unanswered. Yours and one other guy who was kind enough to send me the order of the monigatari series and I did not even knew otherwise I might have completed them by now. Regardless, after blabbering these things, I think it's the reason that I am not able to construct my messages properly. Like when I write stories, I'm in the zone and my hand automatically writes on whereas in messages, I have to force myself to write.

As for the topic of partners. Let's say, you have a 2D waifuu, and in real life you find someone similar to her, let's say around 60 percent or 65. Would you consider that person to be a viable candidate to be selected as a diamond? Because, all the girls, I have known in my life. I have observed the more you know about them, the less interesting and flawful there personality becomes, despite them being awesome at first. It's not an undisxo
SatsugaiDeAtsu Apr 23, 2020 4:48 AM
well, im glad that i was, and hope to be, a good partner to talk to on this online platform every now and then.

reading your fujoshi para, it came to my mind, fine, one can get upset when his liked characters from a liked anime gets turned into those but, is that really enough for you to burn that image in your mind. what i mean to say is, seeing something, you were just never able to see those characters the same again, now i know metaphoric and etc, but, still, i dont think whatever the fujoshis do should be enough to upset your mental images. as, if they do, you think a little too much on this, and when someone does this, it sort of likes, attracts them more towards ideas similar to those notions. for eg, a guy who hates and avoids illuminate will be seeing illuminate in literally everything, ( trust me, my bestie is this guy )

and oh, i dont know about yu gi oh game, but, second stage of international challenge sounds pretty cool. and FGO for 3 years, im amazed you did not got bored. that is admirable affection.

Not being able to find a proper partner, huh, i can understand. When i think about my waifuu's ( 2D ) ahh, their personalities, such cant really exist in reality so, i sort of developed an image that, any understanding girl would do for me, but ... still, my life in this aspect has been good i guess.... but, more than one ... haha, lets say, you do find 2 diamonds in this desert, how do you plan to keep them in the same drawer, diamonds are rare so they require their separate honor and separate boxes.

i might not be good at writing critism, i agree, but, i do have a decent writing style, of course for some reason it doesnt really show up when i just write a casual comment etc but, i have written a story or two which im pretty proud of, but then again im sure you were not talking about that writing so yeah, i have a long way to go in alot of things.
SatsugaiDeAtsu Apr 22, 2020 6:35 AM
Reading your comment, i was surprised, but than, i am a bit late in replying, but than again, ever since, like you, i left the community, i havent been much active in replying to the few kind people who have been nice enough to always take the step to talk to me.

Recently, i have been getting the chance to recommend anime, and i am, and apparently, it comes out good, i guess in the past i made this mistake of imposing my filter vision on the anime i watch and hoped others would do the same too. Heck i got the girl i like to become an anime fan, im glad she likes anime. really helps me for my future endeavors.

as for fujoshi's .... ahhhh.... well, i hope this community stays smaller in the anime world, it would be for the best, i mean, how do they even make sense of killua x gon, it destroys the whole concept of the anime and ... what not....

as for balance, well, in vacations, i surely fail too, but ,,, hey, you said games, thats really good, the only game i play, well... COD Mobile. i pretty much like it and sort of am obsessed a little to elevate my skills in it to a higher level.

And, mate, i liked how you termed the revenge thing into such a nice term haha, liked it. But, what i like even more was your last statement, would you really pick a 2D girl. i mean they are the best but .... do you have any plans or thought about your romance life ??
SatsugaiDeAtsu Apr 9, 2020 5:46 AM
I'm glad you reached out to me, feels nice, and haha, those early cringe times in one's life as a fan, everyone has those. From the name I sort of guessed you might be good at recomendations so was like cool nice, let's send him a request because I really suck at recommending stuff, people just can't seem to see things I see, and I realize that it's my eyes that are different. Not that they are better or inferior but still, I'm well happy to what they are, so I just am a bit hesitant to recommending even when I know the other person perfectly.

Fujoshi roaster haha, can't say I'm a Fujoshi fan either, but keeping a neutral approach to things when it comes to judgment, even though I am a Muslim as well, I still don't roast anyone, ( also because I can't roast people cause I suck at roasting as well) but anyways, that's pretty awesome to be known by something in a community. In the past I was only known by my fan boy spirit to the anime fairy tail, but, since I am not that into communities now, busy with other stuff, I..... Am not really known.

And, yeah my age is correct on my profile, I'm going to be 20 this year in July. But haha, I know I have watched alot, though for some reason, despite having well above average stats of anime career. I never got any special treatment. Sadly, anyways, I'm pretty competitive when it comes to stats. So, when I found out of Mal back in the day, I started racing against it. There came a time where I was on fire, 40 or more eps in my free days....bur then I rewlized I'm losing my sense of enjoying anime so I took a break, I'm quite slow now but... These high stats are cause of those 2 years of insane watching. Other than that, I'm quite good in my life.... Not at all anti social, rather quite a decent guy, it's just..... I dropped all other stuff, like, I don't watch anything other than anime when I'm by myself. And... I don't even read the Manga that's not in Mal.... So, yeah.... I got pretty Mal oriented, it's not a good thing, but.... I'm working on it....
Harukawa Mar 24, 2020 7:10 PM
Thanks for accepting. Yeah great minds think alike lol.
LeonhartAugust Mar 17, 2020 10:01 PM
Do you play FGO? If so, can I add you?
Shishou_23 Nov 28, 2019 2:05 AM
I’m F2P. I started playing in June 2018, a month before the first year anniversary.
Shishou_23 Nov 27, 2019 5:40 AM
Accepted the request. Those are some cool servants you have.
Shishou_23 Nov 26, 2019 8:58 PM
I tried to put your ID in the search bar, but it keeps telling me applicable user not found. I’ve deleted some inactive people if you want to try to add me again.
Shishou_23 Nov 25, 2019 1:15 PM
Hey, how’s it going? Everything’s going well?
Yep, I play F/GO. My Friend ID is posted on my profile wall. Feel free to add. Just send me your username, so that I can recognize you.
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