Rean "Ashen Awakener, Ashen Chevalier, Divine Blade of Ash" Schwarzer

Rean Schwarzer

Minna Atsumare! Falcom Gakuen SC
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The Legend of Heroes: Sen no Kiseki - Northern War
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Minna Atsumare! Falcom Gakuen
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Eiyuu Densetsu: Sen no Kiseki
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Motto Atsumare! Falcom Gakuen
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Member Favorites: 147

Rean Schwarzer (リィン・シュバルツァー)

Age: 17 (CS1), 18 (CS1, CS2, Northern War) , 19-20 (CS3, CS4, Reverie), 21 (AHSP),
23 (Kai)
Height: 173 cm (CS1, CS2), 178 cm(CS3)
Date of birth: May, S.1186
Hobbies: Fishing, Visiting Hot Springs
Likes: Tea, fishing, snowboarding, hot springs and his family

Rean is a young man with unkempt dark hair, usually with a blue tint, and fuchsia eyes. During his time at Thors, Rean wears the red Class VII uniform, using black trousers and a lavender tie. Rean's traveling clothes consist of a black shirt over a white vest, a large red jacket with a fleece lined collar, blue trousers with a stripe pattern across one leg and leather laced-up boots.

An older Rean wears a long white overcoat with belt-like attachments on the shoulders, a flared collar and a loosely worn purple belt. He also wears a black zipped shirt over a white buttoned shirt, black trousers and a red suspender belt for carrying his tachi.

Rean uses a tachi in battle. It is kept in a sheath which transitions from purple at one end to dark blue and a metal clasp at the other. The blade itself is single edged, with a decorated purple and gold woven handle and two tassels hanging from the end. There is a ring-like attachment on the side of the guard.

Kind, sociable, easygoing and modest to a fault, Rean is about as upright as they come. He is incredibly supportive, often helping people (friends or otherwise) with their various problems, sometimes going through extreme lengths to fulfill requests. He is a natural-born leader, often taking the initiative when the group faces a problem, relying on his good instincts and deductive reasoning skills to get through them.

However, despite putting on a confident front, Rean has a shockingly low amount of self-worth, often being harsh to himself and trying to spread credit to others mainly due to the fact he was adoptive and how other noble mistreat his adoptive father over it and how he end up lost control of himself due to his unknown power when he and Elise were younger. He is also unable to reconcile the love that his family has for him, often considering himself to be a burden, striving to one day "pay back his parents" for caring for them, unable to realize that his parents unconditionally love him.

He also has a tendency to put others over himself, often to his detriment.

(Source: Kiseki Wiki)

Voice Actors
Uchiyama, Kouki
Chiplock, Sean