Before going to see this movie, a part of me was hoping that Shinkai, an artist who broke through the anime industry as an indie outsider, and who has enjoyed so much commercial and critical success over the last few years, would finally offer us a more nuanced or unconventional approach to his thematic obsessions, even if it came wrapped up in the usual aesthetically pleasant presentation we're already used to.
And in a way, I feel like I got that; besides the beautiful animation and impressive background, storyboarding, editing and 2D/CG blending, Suzume felt to me like a much more realized experience than Your Name
Oct 22, 2022
For all the powerful and creatively disturbing iconography, the detailed art design, and the gratuitously over-the-top gore and violence displayed in some of the best quality animation you can expect from a 90's OVA, at the end of the day, Genocyber feels like a uninspired rehash of a lot of tropes and ideas previously and posthumously seen in other cyberpunk media.
With a plot that is convoluted at best, and utterly nonsensical at worst (especially as it goes along each subsequent episode), a main character who barely has a semblance of a personality (let alone any clear arc or direction), and a flat cast that ... Jun 23, 2021
There's really no way around it. Although the art is consistent and somewhat nice to look at (with some good character designs and facial expressions), the story is tacky, at best, if not nonsensical and poorly paced at worst. The protagonist is an irredeemable asshole, while our femme fatale for the occasion is nothing out of the ordinary for an NTR "heroine". And the rest of the cast are just one-note caricatures.
But goddamnit, the bri'ish translation just saves it altogether. Without it, it wouldn't be nearly as entertaining to read, much less funny or even bearable, especially if you're not into this type of tags ... |