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Sep 29, 2012
Hyouka (Anime) add
For a show where nothing world-shatteringly important happens Hyouka is surprisingly addictive. Maybe because it has a heart and well-written characters instead of gimmicks at its core.

Story: Deadbeat teenager with a knack for logical deductions is forced to solve non-mysteries by a bouncy genki moe girl and their two friends. Slice of life ensues.
The show is a string of loosely tied events where the members of the sos, literature club find strange little occurrences and force the main character to do the math, so to speak. With every little incident we get a peek into the character’s minds and this carefully crafted buildup ...
Apr 14, 2012
Another (Anime) add
Another is a satisfyingly bloody little cup of anime. There is a haunting atmosphere, a refreshing plot resolution and kids dying gruesome, gory deaths. What more do you want?

Story: Clueless transfer student lands smack in the middle of a cursed classroom where the unlucky students and their family are dying in horrifically inventive ways. And you thought your failing math test scores were the worst thing that could happen…
Now, the story has some very good points and some not so good points. It gets cookies made of sparkly awesomeness for producing twists that keep up the interest, letting the characters do stuff that is ...
Mar 31, 2012
Chihayafuru (Anime) add
Chihayafuru is a sporty anime about playing a game called Tetris.
…Yeah, not really, but it could be, considering how boring the actual karuta thingamaboo is to watch. Just like watching someone play Tetris. I’m guessing it is way more interesting to actually be the one playing karuta. If you actually understand enough Japanese and have wicked memorization skills.

Unstoppable girl finds the meaning of her life in playing karuta, drags along others in her quest to be the best in Japan. Too many games and too few slice of life moments ensue.
The story is sneaky as hell: it builds around the Tetris…er, karuta matches ...
Mar 3, 2012
Texhnolyze (Anime) add
Mixed Feelings
This is a bleak story about bleak people doing bleak things in a bleak city with a bleak outlook. Oh, and there is a lot of bleakness going on, just in case that did not get through to you the fourth time I said it. Seriously, this show puts the ‘mo in emo like few others.

Right off the bat you can tell this story is going to require a healthy dose of anti-depressants to sit through. Pick any ugly part of human nature and society and you’ll be sure to see it here. Abuse, power-struggles, self-destruction and then some. There is some serious ...
Jan 16, 2012
Tiger & Bunny (Anime) add
T&B is a light-hearted bromance about sponsored superheroes in a glittering, colourful, retro-futuristic setting. I see you turning up your noses and going all “meh” at me. Well, stop right there because if you miss out on this you miss out on one hell of a fun ride, mathematically proven to make you feel good even if you are mighty pissed and have the urge to kick something (I have personally tested this theory so you know it works).

I could write a whole PhD thesis on how good this show is, in storytelling terms—but instead I’ll be quick. Now, this show is 25 episodes long ...
Dec 26, 2011
Kimi to Boku. (Anime) add
This is a strangely addictive overdose of easy-going saccharine slice of life sweetness. I mean, I thought the first episode was totally bleh and yet I kept watching and in the end I became addicted. I hear cocaine works like that. Oh, wait, I wasn't supposed to say that out loud. Ahem, anyway, on we go…

The story is about the everyday lives of five friends. And when I mean everyday I mean hardcore everyday. There are exciting occurrences like buying stuff from vending machines, eating lunch and making photocopies (I'm not shitting you, this really happens). And yet, despite the uneventful storyline, this show ...
Dec 24, 2011
Mixed Feelings
This is an anime about a loligoth tsundere and her generic male sidekick romping around a historically inaccurate yet picturesque England looking for magical books. It is a story perfectly exemplifying the phrase “golden mediocrity”. You can actually see how everything in this anime is just mediocre. Not bad, or at least, not all the time, but mediocre. You can almost feel how a talented touch would have raised this above the slush. Oh, well, better luck next time.

The story format is episodic. This means that while there is a lot of diversity in tone and feeling, inevitably episodes will be hit or miss depending ...
Nov 27, 2011
Preliminary (15/25 eps)
ItazuraCrap is of all the anime I have seen the one I detest the most. Sure, there are tons of stupid, annoying, brainless shows out there but this one exists in a craptastic category of its own. There is so much wrongness stuffed behind the mask of a cute shojo that it makes me want to get myself into a Tardis and erase every sign of this anime ever having been created. Let's dissect the wrongness…

The story kicks off clichéd to the n(th) degree: plain, ditzy girl is unrequitedly in love with the School Prince™. Now, this kind of setting can be charming given the ...
Oct 23, 2011
No.6 (Anime) add
Mixed Feelings
No.6 makes a valiant effort to cram as many themes as it possibly can in its short duration. It aspires to be a post apocalyptic dystopian adventure, a corrupted-regime-fighting character study with a dash of yaoi and some inexplicably mystical deus ex machina as topping. It all makes as much sense as divining the future from my cat’s furballs.

Stupidly naive boy is kicked out of an artificial paradise city, lives with a pretty bad-boy in a refugee ghetto. Confusing situations ensue.
The story is all over the place. It spends too much time on things that are proven to be unimportant in the end, it ...
Oct 16, 2011
Azazel-san is the funniest comedy you never saw. Small wonder, since in every one of its tiny episodes it manages to offend pretty much everybody and everything. If you're not touchy about religion, toilet jokes and gallows humour you will laugh your arse off.

Apprentice witch and detective assistant Rinko Sakuma summons loser lust demon Azazel to help out with her work. Unbelievably gross situations ensue.
The story is pretty much episodic, with each arc covering one standard episode or two episodes in the 12 min format this anime uses. The humour is outrageously absurd, the jokes are coming at light speed so that ...

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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