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Ooooh, Sky sounds so cool! Now I’m definitely gonna try it~ ^^
Really? Time to research, then. xD
Hehe, I keep forgetting that I recommended it to you. x)
Yeah, the fact that they released the video on Valentine's Day was heartbreaking and slightly cruel LOL. But it also fits the video's theme, since there are some dream-like scenes (such as Sua dressed as a normal high school student or Luka and Hyuna being on a date).
Heh, well, ALNST is always hard to watch. At least Mizi has more screen time than others. I hope to hear her sing in the next video.
I enjoyed Angels of Death, but it was mostly because I had played the original game long before it was adapted into an anime. Compared to the anime, the game's atmosphere and soundtrack are much better. But seeing the characters animated was exciting, so I enjoyed the anime. I’m not sure if I would be so into it if I hadn’t played the game first, though.
Ok, so I found some videos of Kiss Shot (what's with that name LOL) on YouTube, and her laugh is indeed remarkably creepy. :D
I haven't heard Miyuki voice those characters, but I agree she is very talented. I watched a Durarara seyiuu event on YouTube a few years ago, and Miyuki was very adorable and charming. ^w^
Wow, Vietnamese, that's amazing! How did you learn it? I don't get how people can be fluent in multiple languages, how come they don't mix them all together, with all the different grammar, and so on? I'm having trouble just writing in English. xD
( ˘ ³˘)♥
You’re very, very, very wrong, it’s not yaoi at all! It's simply a heartbreaking story about two friends. …That sounds kinda like BL, but it isn't! Anime fans nowadays ship pretty much everyone with anyone, but I think in this case it depends on your personal interpretation. To me, Link Click is about friendship. I suppose you might interpret it as a very slight shonen-ai, but it never felt that way to me.
As for the plotholes, in Link Click everything is answered eventually, it just takes time. It's really funny how there are so many incredible fan theories on the internet. ^o^ I'd recommend giving it a try eventually, especially if you like ALNST. Both series are intense and emotional and full of amazing plot twists, so I'm sure you'd love Link Click too. (¬‿¬)
Hmm, really? I'd think we know almost everything there is to know about Urahara, but idk, it's been a long time since I watched Bleach. But Urahara certainly could be an excellent villain. Just look at the possibilities... Like, if he teamed up with Aizen, everyone would be so screwed! xD
Oooooh, perfect, so let’s talk about Bakugo! I truly believe he's one of the best-written and most inspiring characters. His development was crazy, he went from an arrogant bully who wanted to win everything by himself to someone who understands the importance of working together with others. He is even willing to help Deku train and fight by his side. I know some fans dislike Bakugo because he is rude and violent, but his behavior makes perfect sense. He was aggressive toward Deku, much as Mitsuki was aggressive toward Bakugo. I mean, think back to that scene when Mitsuki suddenly smacked Bakugo on the head and said it was his fault that he was kidnapped by the League. From that scene, it seems very likely that Mitsuki was always unreasonably hard on him, even when he was a small child. That’s why Bakugo got so anxious when Deku wanted to help him. Mitsuki’s parenting taught him that he must stand above others at all costs and never show weakness. Then there was the Sports Festival: everyone looked at him as if it was his fault that he was chained, but I'd say the fault was clearly with US. He should've had the right to turn down the first place (especially after they allowed Ojiro to step down earlier in the contest), but instead they chained him up (in front of all those people!) and then blamed him when he got angry. ...And I should shut up. I just wanted to say that, while he is an annoying asshole, his character has a lot of depth. >/////<
Oh, my fault, I thought more people knew about Naruto. But people were aware that Kushina was pregnant, so they could have guessed he was Minato's son based on their appearance... And, don't they have a family registry or something? xD
As for Hiruzen, he always seemed to be doing very little. Even after Itachi asked him to protect Sasuke, Hiruzen did nothing. Perhaps he gave Naruto and Sasuke money and other resources to help them care for themselves, but he should have been there for them more.
Yep, Kakashi tried, but Naruto's behavior and personality were so different from his that he had trouble relating to him.
Maybe, but spiritual bodies aren't actually physical either, so showing physical wounds and blood seems weird, doesn't it? :D
We're back to our "who should have died" subject. =D It was a very emotional scene, indeed, and it could have been even more powerful if Byakuya had actually died. It would have been nice to see Rukia succeed him as the new head of the Kuchiki family after the way Byakuya treated her in the past. But Byakuya became such a lovely guy that I'm kinda glad he survived.
„Renshi bleeding out“… That sounds so cool! And it makes sense that as long as some renshi remains in the spiritual body, it can be restored no matter the extent of the injuries. I still don't get how Kyouraku lost an eye, though. :D
Hmm, I never thought about it that way. Damn, now I really want to read a fanfiction where Gin is reincarnated as a human, and he meets shinigami Rangiku, and he doesn’t remember anything, but Rangiku still loves him, but she understands that they can’t be together… Ooh, damn.
I started watching My Happy Marriage because of the lovely animation, but I ended up disappointed by the plot and characters. As you said, it was all quite random and didn't make much sense. Like when Kiyoka went to save Miyo and her father tried to stop him by creating a huge fireball that destroyed his own family's house (without Kyouka's intervention lol). It was all quite annoying to watch. Has your friend watched a lot of anime? Maybe we have overly high standards after watching too many series. xD
I've seen some screenshots of Sky, but what exactly is it about? What do you do there? :D
Hmm, then I guess I’ll have to wait until they release a pokemon game for PC. When I play on Android, it tends to bug a lot.
Yea, and now it’s not just the teaser, but the whole thing! Ooooh, you're so sweet! =3
As for the video itself, I’m kinda overwhelmed. xD Hyuna…! 😭 The whole thing was so sad and heartwarming at the same time. I love how they used all those bright colors for the flashbacks. It felt as if Luka was dreaming that the whole experience was not as bad as it was, like everyone was actually having a good time. So, what’s next? Luka vs Mizi round 2? Or, most likely, some heartbreaking solo by Mizi? 😭
Oh, thank you. I don't use Patreon, so I had no idea you could find interviews there. I will check it out. ^^
Hehe, Nobu truly did an excellent job. ^w^ Speaking of Nobu-san’s poor throat (lol), have you seen Satsuriku no Tenshi? He laughed like a psychopath there, which must have hurt much more than Bakugo's screaming LOL
Ooooh, Maaya has a great voice! I remember when I started watching Fruits Basket and Akito appeared, I was like „hey, that’s Ciel, yay!“ xD
Another voice actress I really like is Sawashiro Miyuki. She voiced Celty in Durarara and its mostly thanks to her lovely voice that the character came out so likeable and cool. ^^
Is it really? xD Um, your first language is English, right?
I like your yapping. So you can yap as you please. =3
Oh, okay. Maybe I’ll give it a try some day. Heh, I totally understand when you say you have to watch it several times in order to really understand it! Reminds me of this anime called Link Click - the latest season was so incredibly chaotic that it created far more questions than it answered. xD
It's not only shonen. It happens even in books and tv shows that there's one character who tries to help everyone, even at his/her own expense. x)
Haha, yeah, Urahara has to be mysterious just for the sake of being mysterious. Well, how could Ichigo ever be prepared if he was constantly going from one shit to the next? But yeah, it wouldn't have been as interesting if they had helped him sooner. xD
Oh, I can't even imagine what Deku must have felt. He literally went from being a helpless, unimportant kid to being the only one capable of saving everyone. All in a matter of months. And then, because his abilities were so similar to AFO's, people started to question him... Like damn, that’s a whole other thing to unpack. xD
As for Naruto, it still didn't make much sense to me. Like, the higher ups knew that Naruto was Minato’s son. I get that they were freaked out about Kyuubi, but still, he was the son of their greatest hero. Shouldn’t that matter more than him being a Jinchuuriki? I get that the ordinary people were scared of Naruto, but I would expect the higher ups to be more understanding since Naruto was all that the Fourth Hokage left behind. I understand they wanted to keep his connection to Minato a secret to protect him, but they could’ve treated him way better. And it would’ve been in their own interest: if they were worried about Naruto losing control, wouldn’t it make more sense to keep him close instead of leaving him all alone?
Ah, I don't think Yamamoto recognized Ichigo. And he definitely had no idea Ichigo was a quincy. Sorry if what I said wasn't clear. When Isshin took Masaki's last name, he definitely intended to hide his background, and I doubt Yamamoto even knew about the Kurosaki quincies.
As for the badge, perhaps Ichigo's quincy powers were so deeply buried (or his shinigami powers were so much more powerful) that the badge failed to register them? Who knows LOL
Yea, that’s true. Speaking of interpretation, I’ve always found Soul Society very confusing. :D Like, how can Rukia and Renji have a kid when they’re just souls without real bodies? How could they create life (or a new soul or something)? And why does Byakuya manage to survive after losing half of his stomach while Shunsui loses an eye and then suddenly have to wear an eye patch? How do they even bleed if they’re just souls? And can't Ichimaru Gin (or any other deceased shinigami) simply reappear in Rukongai and start being shinigami again? Or was his soul destroyed or something? The whole concept of Soul Society doesn't make any sense to me!
Um, I think there's so much wrong with vampires, zombies, and whatever, that the age difference doesn't really matter. :D
„Once in a blue moon…“ This might be the first time I've heard this phrase LOL. For some reason it sounds really cool. :D
Btw, as your self-proclaimed stalker, I noticed you dropped My Happy Marriage. :D. It's so stupid, right? Right?? The characters and plot were so annoying!
Agreed, Hyuna's the only one who can change anything at this point. I'm really curious about how it will end. Most likely some form of open ending. But I saw on Reddit or somewhere that there are supposed to be more videos coming, so I hope the next one won't be the final one.
Wow, that's so interesting! Hopefully, we'll learn more about Luka and the competition in upcoming videos. Where did you find all those cool interviews? :D
It's kinda hilarious. I jumped into BNHA thinking it wouldn't be my thing and that I'd probably quit it soon, but here I am, several seasons later, totally crushing on that adorable, hot-headed idiot and his extremely dedicated voice actor. xD Yeah, it's such a cool feeling to recognize a voice actor after just a few lines. Like Kaji Yuki with his "main lead voice." xD
My native language is Czech.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. If it's any consolation, it's been enlightening for me. xD Especially the part about Luka.
Why did you even rewatch FLCL if you didn't really like it the first time? xD
Well, what shonen MC doesn’t have a big savior complex? xD
I agree that Soul Society definitely didn’t treat Ichigo right. But at least they gave him his shinigami powers back, even if it was mostly for their own benefit. What really annoyed me was that no one ever bothered to explain anything to Ichigo. Urahara and Isshin could’ve told him they were planning to restore his powers. The same goes for the Visored, they could’ve just let him know they were on his side. Instead, they left him to figure it out by himself, and we all know how poorly Ichigo usually took it.
I get that they might not have fully trusted him, though. Like you said, he was an outsider. From our view, he was the hero, the MC, so why doubt him? But for Soul Society and the Visored, he was just this random, super strong guy who appeared out of nowhere. The first time the shinigamis met him, he attacked them (along with some other weirdos, I might add). And then he even defeated Zaraki and Byakuya.
To summarize, Soul Society discovered that this stranger was extremely powerful, impulsive and totally unpredictable, so nobody (usually not even him lol) knew what he might do next. So it actually made perfect sense that everyone kept Ichigo at arm's length. It was actually really considerate of Yamamoto to wait and see whether Ichigo would join Ginjo or stick with Soul Society.
I'm probably too soft on Yamamoto and Soul Society. :D I don't remember much about how Yamamoto reacted to Ichigo’s dad's situation, but I think he did pay attention to Ichigo, he just didn't know how to handle him. First and foremost, Yamamoto had to act in the interests of Soul Society. Why would he endanger his own people to deal with Ichigo or help him whenever Ichigo did something reckless (like going to Hueco Mundo to save one girl)? Therefore, Yamamoto chose the least dangerous option—waiting as long as possible before taking any action, heh. When you think about it, the safest solution would have been to kill Ichigo, so they wouldn't have to keep an eye on him. Instead, Yamamoto decided to wait and see what would happen. In this way, he acted similarly to Aizen - they both believed they could use Ichigo for their own purposes.
I feel like I'm searching for some deep reasons behind the characters' actions when it all really comes down to two things: Yamamoto was too lazy to do anything at all + he couldn’t be bothered to find new employees so he just rehired the old ones (since they had nothing to do anyway). But I do like your idea about it being a culture change. Also because of the fact that everyone used to see Hollowfication as something bad, yet they ended up accepting the Visored, even though they were hollowfied.
Yeah, it looks like in Japan, age difference doesn’t seem to matter much. Or maybe it's just because it's a fiction. Like in Twilight, nobody cared about Bella being a teen while Edward was waaaay older. xD Speaking of which, there's this manga called Dengeki Daisy that handles age differences pretty well. It’s about a teenage girl who falls for an older guy, and they both realize they love each other, but they decide to take it very slowly so the girl can enjoy school life and so that other people don't gossip about them.
But compared to Disneyland in Tokyo or the scale of Disneyworld in Florida it might disappoint. Personally I rly liked it, but I’m also a Disney person.
No matter what country we travel too in Europe we have to go to a museums.
I hope school is going well for you so far! It's hard to dislike Oushi, it is true. I hope he finds happiness.
YAYAY! We can discuss it in full. Let me hear your thoughts. What's making you feel conflicted with the end pairings? I'm all ears.
Oh, I like Hori. I find the aggression towards Miyamura to be charming. I don't know what that says about me but I find that it works for them. Haha. She's also a bit of a freak which I can appreciate. xD (That reminds me. Would you mind telling me how old you are? LOL)
Well said! I'm happy you see it that way. I'm going to miss watching it for the first time. It was one of those anime where I can't believe I hadn't seen it sooner. Sigh.
Not really the walktroughs, I usually search for “no commentary gameplay” and just check out a bit of it. Haha, those tutorial videos are super helpful, that’s for sure.
LOL I didn’t even connect it to Silver Spoon. Maybe our chat about Silver Spoon got stuck in my head, and that’s why I decided to try out Palia. :D No worries, I’m not great at starting new stuff either. Which is why, aside from watering fricking carrots in my bloody garden in Palia, I’ve been busy re-watching House MD... 😭💔
I really wish Hyuna (or anyone) will disturb the competition somehow. But honestly, even if she does, it won’t make a big difference, the aliens are in charge of everything, and they’d just set up another competition eventually, so the suffering would continue. I’d love to see human population take back control of their lives, but I doubt that will happen. Let’s just hope Mizi and Hyuna will make it through.
Oh wow, I didn’t know about that interview! It feels like the whole show was created to see if anyone can out-sing Luka. I was also thinking that for him, winning against his rivals (and beating them physically) is pretty much the only way to let off some steam. He has to be perfect and follow orders all the time, so beating others must feel like the only moment he can take charge of someone else’s fate.
I’m kind of annoyed at myself for being such a simp lol. When I first saw Round 2, Till and his voice actor totally reminded me of Bakugo and Nobu-san! xDD
I'd like to learn more about Till's mom, but I doubt she’ll show up again. I’m curious if Till is the only one who remembers his mom. I think he is, it would make sense since he’s the only one standing up to the aliens, he knows their treatment isn’t fair and that there was once a person who loved him.
Haha, I feel you! I love theorizing with you, but I must be in the right state of mind, and still I have problems to express my thoughts (especially in English lol). I hope you didn't have to write it all again. =D
That would have been pretty cool actually. Like, „Why do you want to transfer?“ „Well, you see, there’s this cool anime about farming…“ So, why didn't you transfer? :D
I have a minor crisis whenever I watch sports anime lol. I get all excited and motivated, but then I realize I'm too sleepy to do anything productive and I can start tomorrow anyway...
It’s fine. Just remember to write me in 10 years when you've finally seen Arcane so we can talk about how amazing it is. :D
I remember that scene! Ichigo's so cool. ^^
Yeah, whenever things went south, they always counted on Ichigo to fix them. But when Ichigo was up against Tsukishima and Ginjo, Soul Society actually sent a group to help him, which was pretty cool. You could argue it was because they had to deal with Ginjo (and leaving Ichigo in the dark about them trying to restore his powers was pretty messed up), but it was still nice to see Soul Society come to his rescue.
When you think about it, Ichigo always acted recklessly and he was lucky to win each time. So, Yamamoto probably thought it was unfair to give him props when, from his view, Ichigo just kept diving into trouble and somehow winning (like when he went to Hueco Mundo to rescue Orihime). But I think Soul Society's attitude changed after Ichigo defeated Aizen and then Ginjo. I think the shinigami felt thankful, but some still treated him like an outsider to keep him from getting mixed up in Soul Society’s problems. They wanted to show their appreciation by keeping him at arm's length since he had his own human life and they didn’t want to take advantage of him any more than they already had. But when push came to shove, they had no other choice but to rely on him again.
As for the Visored, they were seen as traitors, right? If I’m not mistaken, Soul Society thought they were the ones behind those experiments that led to a bunch of shinigami dying. Back then, it was Aizen’s word against Urahara’s, and honestly, I can’t blame Yamamoto and the others for trusting Aizen more lol. Years later, after Aizen’s betrayal, Yamamoto would’ve probably listened to the Visored if they had tried to talk to him. But at that point, they had been hiding for ages and wanted nothing to do with Soul Society. Later, Yamamoto probably realized he wronged them, which is why he gave them their positions back.
Well, with Japanese it’s tough to figure out their ages and most anime characters act like teenagers anyway, so I don’t think it was a big problem. :D What’s harder to believe is that 600+ year-old Tomoe would actually fall for Nanami, a regular teenage girl with her petty teenage problems lol