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Dec 30, 2020
Bokurano is a depressing manga that just uses mecha as it's excuse for a premise which is completely filled with psychological trauma.
The mecha battles are not the main focus in here. Don't be fooled by the cover. For what anyone could care, the mecha could have been a space ship or a magical uniform and it wouldn't make as much of a difference.
While the manga is surprisingly good in the psychological analysis department, it is however not as good in the mecha fighting and the sci-fi department. The fights lose their touch when you know that they are, as shown by the synopsis of the
manga, a doomed battle with no hopes of selfish victory. Rather, it feels like a Mayan ritual where people are made to be sacrificed in order for the continued survival of their race.
While this does bring a good view into questions of life and death when one is confronted with the same and the nature of the human soul, it can make one feel alienated with the plot. There is nothing to root for and the stakes are worthless from the very start. There is no glimmer of hope, no light at the end of the tunnel, so as to speak. While the mecha in question is being powered by the human will, there is not a real great display of where human will actually matters to change the status quo.
While it's true most characters display a good amount of human will, it is simply not enough to make a difference in the universal scale of things. By the end, everyone is a plaything of fate and nothing ever matters.
However, in spite of it flaws, I would agree that the manga did atleast the psychological aspect right. This manga can be heavily divisive depending upon the nature of the reader and hence you may or you may not appreciate it. You will of course, definitely not enjoy it given its depressive premise and the nihilistic aspect where nothing truly matters.
There are many other similarly depressive works, which however don't revolve around a world ending crisis and only revolve around the horrors of everyday life like domestic abuse, bullying, etc. There is not much difference between bokurano and them and bokurano isn't good enough to make a mark when compared to these.
TLDR:Read it if you like similarly depressive works like madoka magica for instance. Don't read it if you want some good mecha action or some plot resolution.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 14, 2019
For me, TTGL shows a new idea or concept in a very wild direction and brings you on an adventurous ride. It is quite grander, even bold than most anime have ever gone. However, the same boldness also makes it more alienating given its tone shifts.
However, on all accounts, I would suggest you to watch it, because it is a truly unique and cool anime, but whether you will enjoy it or not will depend hugely on your tastes and your conception of whether you enjoy the journey as a whole or in parts.
The reason I say this is that the anime covers three different
arcs which have huge changes in their tones and can feel like three different story points pumped into one. Whether you enjoy all three or not can hugely change how you enjoy the anime.
If you are a person who wants to explore something new in the anime genre or want to watch it in for the purely amazing parts, this is the anime for you. But if you are one who wants to just stick to non divisive anime or enjoy an anime as entirely as it is, this may not be the anime for you.
Like I said, the story contains three arcs, where we have:
1. The beginning arc, which is wildly optimistic, can feel like a typical shounen anime with not much obstacles. If you like the heroes, you will like this part, but if you are tired of their constant winning and root for the villains, like I did, you may find that this part isn't quite a lot as good as it holds up. It lasts for about half of the anime length, so if you grow tired of it, you may miss out on the second arc, which is quite refreshing compared to the first.
2. The conflict arc, which is quite cynical and down to earth, and yet, the best arc among the three. The story really kicks in at this point and you have a lot of the drama and tension in the anime that gets you moving. Everyone suffers, but then they get stronger. This comes after the first arc and lasts till the 24th episode. This is the part that makes TTGL more than just a mecha anime and also combines the correct amount of hamminess and drama.
3. The resolution arc, which is kind of the first two arcs mashed into one. I would say that this arc is kind of weakened and not so appealing to me, since it goes all over the place. The resolution to the anime does not provide as much closure as one might expect. That said, though this arc is quite good, it also might feel like a bittersweet ending, which makes it hard to be invested in, due to certain events.
So, if you have to get to the real good part of TTGL, you have to plow through the first arc, which made me give the story a 7, since not only does the first arc seem out of tone with the drama and pace that the anime provides later, but also does not do much to move the plot forward. However, the second arc is quite excellent and awesome, and one of the best arcs in all of anime. The third arc though is contestable, like NGE, and while it is great, it does not give the ending you want.
The art is well made, and so is the sound, and I would say that it is one of the unique characteristics that makes this enjoyable. The character development is contestable, since some of them are executed well, but the others are just wrecked plain simply. Boota, the show's mascot, has its character wrecked badly in the third half, as do some of the other characters.
Hence, I give this a 7/10, for the needlessly and comparatively mellow first arc compared to the remaining arcs, and the resolution arc not resolving as things as well as I thought.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 28, 2018
Durarara is one of those shows which can seem fun looking at first, but deep down, is actually a poorly written show. It is a true waste of good voice actors, good premise and by the time the show ends, nothing has truly changed.
Why? Because of lack of a simple principle: SHOW, DON'T TELL.
Since the era of entertainment, SHOW, DON'T TELL is an integral part of any show. And it does not mean to focus only on the visual elements, however, it means to leave as much elements of the story line to the viewer's imagination, while bringing about the story. Even exposition, where there
is a lot of talking, can use the principle of show, don't tell by intriguing the audience into the slight hints about the character and also the setting. The principle of world building is built upon this very rule. You don't show the city immediately without discussing about it beforehand and bringing some facts and unique characteristics about the city, making the viewer imagine these to allow for a greater experience. Similar to how the idea of eating a pizza is a lot appetizing than the pizza itself, "Show, don't tell" is a part of entertainment.
All of this is so badly violated in Durarara. For starters, EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER HAS AN EPISODE WHERE THEY HAVE AN EXPOSITION. EVERY DETAIL ABOUT THEIR LIFE IS DISCUSSED IN LENGTH. IT IS DONE SO BADLY THAT YOU MIGHT BE MISTAKEN THAT THEY WERE RECITING THE LIGHT NOVEL. See how the previous sentences looked like I was shouting to you? in a similar fashion, the anime goes out of its way to throw all the facts and force them DOWN YOUR THROAT. See how discomfortable that can be? This turns people off.
In fact, when someone does something, every single character's thoughts are voiced so often, which makes it impossible to sympathize with these characters. Why? If you know what a character is like, and what he/she will do, they become tooo predictable. And you cannot seriously comprehend what went wrong with them when they do something too emotionally. Again, "SHOW, DON'T TELL".
A testament to this fact is Izaya Orihara, a man whose character/life is never explored or told in the anime, however, he remains just as intriguing and mysterious enough to be the only CHARACTER in this entire anime to be likable. And HE IS THE VILLAIN FOR GOD'S SAKES. Imagine how badly the anime should be when the villain is the only one you can root for?!
Because every single character in this show is just a spoilt kid whining to the audience about how bad their life is, it makes us senseless to their actions and makes them hated. RIGHTFULLY TOO. I mean, the thoughts in each one of their minds DISGUST me. The headless biker thinks about how cool a guy fighting is despite the fact that said guy is doing nothing cool. A outsider thinks that a murderous psychopath with another lady giving him love advice must be cool as fuck. In just what world does that work??
In the end of this show, I was just happy that I was able to run off this stupid piece of shit story. The fact that the sequels to this anime aired only after five years and also by a different studio is testament to this effect.
I rate this show a 1/10 because of just this violation that ruined everything. And just as an advice to other anime, and entertainment in general, ALWAYS LEAVE SOMETHING TO THE AUDIENCE'S IMAGINATION. That's the only way to get your audience invested in the characters and also the story. Don't become the train wreck that is Durarara!!(Exclamation mark unintended)
End of review, SPOILERS AHEAD.
PS: I hated that big boobs girl. She was a slut if you ask me, trying to make love to everyone.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Sep 23, 2018
Before we start off, I would like to emphasize some points. This is not your typical shounen manga. It is the farthest thing from it. Second, it is better if you don't expect that the Sakura of this manga is same as the Sakura of Cardcaptor Sakura(Well, if you want, you can. Nobody is stopping you). And lastly, this is a tale of adventure on the search of love which crosses the entire universe, the entire time, the entire space and surpasses any logic that tries to contain it. And I mean it. I mean it.
Just like how a journey into uncharted territories contains surprise,
joy, pain and a certain loss of grasp on reality, Tsubasa chronicles is a groundbreaking manga which does exactly the same. It resonates with your emotions on every level of your heart, and tells the story of a boy who goes on an adventure spanning places you wouldn't imagine existed,enduring pain which no one else could, all so for a single girl.
The story has been written so beautifully, that it will take you on a roller coaster of feelings and awe.
The art is by far the best I have ever seen, even by CLAMP standards. In particular, the fights and the scenery have been done so brilliantly. And even more so, I would say that the art adds to the world building and the various characters who have been there, doing all the characters, including the main characters and the one time characters justice.
Character development in this manga is the biggest and best I have ever seen. And that includes all the anime and manga I have seen till now. There has never been a clean character development from start to finish.
I will say that I enjoyed this manga the most. I liked the twists offered by this particular journey in CLAMP and also the unexpected ending of this manga. I recommend that you don't surf on any website regarding this manga, because the spoilers in this manga are infinite. No kidding. From start to finish I really enjoyed this manga.
Overall, I give this a 10/10 for everything. This is certainly unlike any manga you will have ever read.
Tsubasa Reservoir chronicles: A chronicle of the story of two wings as they try to escape the reservoir of their fates.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 12, 2018
These days, it is very tough to get an anime that you will love and enjoy from the first sight. However, only a few have made that list, and I am glad to say that Noragami is one of them.
Story: A fun filled comedic story with good serious elements added at the right points. Not to mention that the fillers in this actually enhance the viewing experience.
Art: Probably the best art I have ever seen. Nostalgic, yet tone shifting to adapt to the mood of the scene. I could say that without a doubt, Studio Bones has a real good chance at remaking the anime
Soundtrack: Everything in there is just cool. Uber cool. Haven't heard such good OP or Yato soundtrack after all.
Character: Just watch the anime. I cannot emphasize how much of a good character arc is taken by this anime.
Enjoyment: To the max. The fighting sequences and the funny moments are just so awesome.
Also, since this anime has introduced me to my one true god, I feel that this is a good anime to begin your journey as a Yatoite.
Anyone can watch this anime. It fits everyone's tastes right away!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 12, 2018
To start with what is wrong with this anime.
1. Haruhi, the girl in this show is a god. And that annoys me, because I believe in only one true god and his name is Yato.
2. Haruhi molests another girl on the show, whose reason for being in the show extends no more beyond being molested.
3. Haruhi is corrupt and selfish. She never cares for anyone in the show other than herself and is willing to blackmail, molest or drug anyone without any reason at all.
4. Haruhi has a worshipper who tries to constantly ship the god with the main character and suggest that they
fuck repeatedly. Said guy never tries to oppose Haruhi and has no character development beyond that.
5. Haruhi has a chronological and a broadcast order along with several other orders of watching the anime meaning that they all exist just to make you think what this order is all about , despite the fact that the order is shit.
6. Haruhi will make you go through 8 episodes of the same episode with only different art, just because they ran out of ideas.
7. Haruhi disappearing is apparently the best thing that has ever happened to the show. That should tell you a lot.
8. Haruhi.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Sep 12, 2018
Please don't watch this anime. Please don't. Because it is a major disappointment to the anime genre as a whole.
SAO demonstrates what damage bad writing could do to an anime. Despite its first class music(Rated a 10/10), and real good art, just a bad writing on the author's part can really just destroy the anime's quality. Perhaps this is a good example for "Takes generations to build, but destroyed in a second."
Except that there were many seconds which destroyed the anime. Let me start listing.
This is a hentai anime. THAT'S RIGHT. HENTAI. So, don't watch it if you don't want the writer's fetishes (I
am not lying!)
This anime features a god. THAT'S RIGHT. GOD. So stop watching it those who believe in some god, because this one is gonna ruin your faith. And those who don't believe in god, don't watch it all the same, because you will never believe the plot armor this god wears.
This anime has incest. THAT'S RIGHT. INCEST. So stop watching it if you don't like incest. Or bad writing that makes even a sister as a love interest. Oedipus would be ashamed of you.
This anime has no morals. THAT'S RIGHT. NO MORALS. So stop watching it if you believe in a world with morals. Especially a one where a mass murderer is hailed as a good man by the hero.
THAT'S RIGHT. SAO is not as good as you thought it was. So don't watch it. You won't right? RIGHT????
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Sep 12, 2018
If you asked me what not to do in a harem anime, I would recommend Oreshura for you. Seriously.
The biggest reason why harem anime has come into existence is probably because of the audience being comprised of people who want to have their dreams of having all the girls in the world chase after them fulfilled. Which is cool and all, cause without them, harem anime won't exist. However, with that dream fulfillment, you have a great compromise in quality.
With Oreshura though, the anime just digs itself deeper. The harem just becomes so unrealistic that it is impossible to see the absurdities this anime
would go to. I cannot comment on them without going into spoilers. Sorry.
The first thing I hated about the anime was the Jojo references. I didn't know what they were before the anime, and I still don't have any idea of what they are after the anime, but I hated them because of this anime. To cite a point, a girl kisses a guy and then tells him that the kiss was a Jojo's reference. WHATTTTTT?????
The second thing was the so called notebook. The white girl just tries to blackmail the guy with a notebook that he wrote during his chuunibyou years, and keeps reading it aloud in front of everyone while the guy desperately pleads her not to do that. Which is fine, except how come no one in the anime gets the point that the notebook is the guy's notebook in reality? And the white haired girl keeps threatening to blackmail the guy with it for the entire anime, and the guy complies like a dog. How in the hell is that possible?
The last is the complete ass pull at the end of the anime. I won't tell you what it is, but the anime ends in the most ridiculous way possible. Hint: The guy chooses a girl and the rest of the girls still don't break up. No points for guessing who that girl is.
Just don't watch this. Just don't. Cause I can guarantee you, To Love-Ru is better than this one. FAR BETTER.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Sep 12, 2018
Anime never ceases to astound me. To think how many anime showed promise in its first few episodes only to break down completely in the middle.
Unfortunately, Rokujouma is one of them.
Initially, this is just your normal haremish anime which just uses the grand old concept of girls moving suddenly into your room, with a good comic setting. Nothing wrong with that. And they play games in order to decide the room allotments. Nothing wrong with that. But when they suddenly change the narrative from playing games to something else, like I don't know, supernatural interference, then you suddenly contort the characters in such a
way that you don't know them anymore. That's when it goes to shit.
To start with, the initial few episodes were laudable and funny in their own way. Everything looked like we will experience a slice of life with nothing to worry about. Then suddenly one of the girls starts to develop a problem with the hero during a beach episode. Then another girl develops a problem, then another. The cycle continues. And it all ends in the same way: The so called normal hero suddenly being able to absorb infinite energies that he shouldn't have been able to, along with the all the other girls just teaming up and destroying the enemy. EVERY TIME. What is this? The gender-swapped Avengers?????
At one point, this grows really annoying, so much that at a time when one of the girls has to face her enemy fair and square, when the suspense is built up fairly, and when the interesting element comes within, the hero just rushes in to save her and determines by some writ law, that they will all gang up on the enemy and destroy her, even when the enemy was actually the one who arranged a magically isolated location so that no one else would get hurt and she would get to test her skills well. And said hero doesn't even trust the girl's claims at all, just because of a selfish desire to preserve his inferiority complex.
I am getting ahead of myself in this part, but long story short, don't watch this anime if you think that you liked the first few episodes. Cause then you will definitely hate the last few. This is that kind of anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Sep 11, 2018
Of all the anime I have watched and rated a 1, this anime holds the distinction of being the only anime to not evoke any emotions from me. There was nothing in it of value that I could sympathize with. Nothing to take home from, nothing at all....
FLCL might as well be titled, "Abstract art, the anime". Just like how bullshit sprayed over the canvas can be valued 15 million bucks by the right advertising, FLCL represents your crappy School Days rewritten into even more crappier writing so much that you think that this is "either the crappiest of the crap or the best of
the best". And because you wasted some 3 or so hours watching it due to your friends and also due to the Emperor's new clothes syndrome, you say that it is really good, even though deep down you know it doesn't make any sense.
This anime has nothing of Value within. There is no noteworthy story hidden within. It is like the creators just said to make it crazier and crazier till it doesn't make any sense. The sound is the worst among all the anime I have ever watched. Dissonant and making us uncomfortable so that we don't get even the single most involved into the plot. And I wasn't able to enjoy this anime, cause by the time I finished watching all 6 episodes of it, I was comatose and unable to move a muscle. It was like the worst torture where you want to beg for even pain because you have nothing else.
If there was a 0/10 rating for an anime, this would take it. SAO was better than this, cause at least it entertained its audience. Sffniwkefnkncypcsjif Wncjnwefj Bnjbjknkcnjcjnnj Kvenvjknk
Lscnjkscblwcnknnc Jbnevcjhbsvncjsbk Afnskjnssicoiwbfqh. That's all I have to say about it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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