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Apr 2, 2014
First off, no I am not a slice of life fan.
I went into this show with some typical worries.. "IS IT GOING TO BE A BAD SHOW"? Short answer: No, it wasn't.
The story... we don't talk about the story. Not because it was bad but because it just didn't exist. Typical SOL.
However I still got really drawn into what was going on most episodes. This is mostly because everything that happens in this show is just so fricking absurd, it's not even funny.. But that's just the thing, IT IS HILARIOUS. Sort of. I noticed other people praising this show with it's uncanny comedy but
I still just can't fully agree with that statement. Not because it is unfunny but because I didn't find all of the 9000 jokes / second they were throwing at us "that" funny. Please don't confuse this with me saying it is unenjoyable because it is in fact very enjoyable. Why? Because, in my own words, all of these jokes set the mood of the show. You aren't supposed to take this show seriously which I like.
Wasn't bad, however I found it rather inconsistent (not talking about the chibi's, the chibis are great and you DON'T joke the chibi's). I felt the way the characters were drawn poorly in some instances (not all) and some of the camera angles were poorly drawn. The artstyle on the whole is pretty acceptable by my standards and animation is good enough for just a SOL anime.
Not a musicoholic but yeah, had a good OP, good voice work, and I didn't really notice the BGM (but honestly who really cares in a SOL anime where the mood is set not by music but by the number of jokes you can break in a second, right DF?). Also, hi.
Pretty likeable characters, however a few of the sub-main characters are JUST there (like the pink haired bitch) and barely had any affect with the main character. I guess this is a small mole hill in an otherwise mildly enjoyable show.
Also, Takao Best Girl. Also she is voiced by the girl who voices Chris(also best girl) from Magikoi and not the anime (Worst adaptation ever), the VN.
Probably the thing I enjoyed most about this show was the atmosphere it gave off. Silly does work sometimes (it usually doesn't for me) and for the record I did not laugh at every joke this show threw at me just because of the sheer number of jokes. It's physically impossible. If you claim to have laughed at absolutely every single joke then you most likely evaporated out of your human shell. Art wasn't too great (or too bad) for me but it didn't get in the way of enjoyment.
As an anime made up of 80% jokes, it was really enjoyable, no doubts here. A very addictive and bipolar environment that you just can't resist... Go watch it.
I ultimately gave it a 7/10 because it left me wanting for more so let's hope for that second season =)
If you found my review helpful then leave a like or whatever you do on this site and also leave me feedback so I can know what not to do in reviews in the future (I am not a writer for god's sake!) :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 1, 2014
This is a show which I thought would kind of separate from other mediocre shows with bland characters, bland plot, and uninspired animation. I was kind of right in watching this show.
Let me first start out with the plot.
The story is not too bad. really. It's not, but it's not a gem either. To summarize... Some bountiful white bitch who refers to him as "himesama" or "princess" must protect him from this group of witches.. who have animal ears.. and stuff. That is pretty much the only distinction between them and the friendly witch group who is supposed to protect the main character.
stuff happens, main
characters gets attacked, and the hime to the himesama saves the day once again. Woopdeedoo! Why should I care? Once again, we are not informed of this strong power inside of this main character person the evil witches are after until the last episode. It doesn't even enlighten you as to why there are two separate witch factions and why animal-ears faction is targeting the city. Which leaves you wondering "what the fuck is going on right now?" half way through the show.
Also, just something I'd like to note: Does this anime realize how many buildings were crushed or blown up throughout this series? Enough to warrant a declaration of a terrorist attack.
If I were to grade art and animation seperately then I'd give art a 9 out of 10. The animation however.. is pretty inconsistent to be frank.
The animation is really good.. in some instances anyway. One scene that comes to mind is at some point in the very first episode. You get to see Kagari (the hime to the himesama or just that one heroine in the show) do some Cuuuurraaaazy spins and flame wheel attacks with her broom. It was really nice, I liked it. It gave me hope for the show. But as the show went on, I noticed how lazy J.C. Staff was being. (JCS also did K-Project or K for short) K is a pretty good anime. Not gonna lie but god damn did they mess up the fight animations. They did these pregenerated attack sequences with some of the main characters and it just didn't look well at all and not to mention the still frames... Well, I can strongly say that WCW was a step up from that but it definitely varies.
The monster (Giant rabbits and bears) animation looks GREAT I must say. I found myself really enjoying king kong one-on-one battles between two giant monsters (and its CG btw). It was very fluent and hilarious at times to see these wonderful scenes. However even though they did better with (some of) their fight scenes, the witch battles still varied from great to slightly average to still frames which I guess you could chock of to bad budget.
The biggest offender of this that I can think of would have to be the second to last episode (without spoiling anything). There is a scene where heroine girl is fighting with the evil villain person-witch gal and it just goes into this 3rd person perspective of heroine gal for no goddly reason and basically she is just dodging all these explosions. It comes off as choppy and amateurish.
So to summarize, in some aspects as impressed with JCS's improvements and in others I was pretty disappointed with their slip-ups.
Pretty nice, however there is dat ED... There were so many times I would force myself to watch this brain tumor of a song. Words can not describe how much I despise it (not that's bad.. but good lord is it bad).
I'm not much of a musicoholic so can't say much else here. Hi.
Main character was kind of annoying, heroine was okay. All the sub characters are pretty dumb but some of them are quite interesting (Some). oh, and theres the yandere sister... Yahh. Also did not see any character development, the MC was a wuss through and through to the end. And the heroine was still just an overpowered silent hoe.
Despite some flaws in budget, story and character development it was still pretty enjoyable but nothing I'd encourage for others to watch. But if you want to try it out, then go ahead. You won't be dissapointed but not so much awwed either.
If you found my review helpful (or not) then leave a like or whatever you do on this site and also leave me feedback so I can know what not to do or do in reviews in the future (I am not a writer for god's sake!) :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 16, 2013
If you absolutely love romantic comedies then watch this. It is a very fun watch, you will laugh a lot and maybe cry. I highly recommend it.
Story (8/ 10) -
Although I did find the story lacking in explanations to things like "What caused the earth and moon kingdoms to have a war?", I wasn't really bothered too much by it because I felt it did not take away from the relationship of the two protagonists (Feena and Tatsuya). That is the main focus of this anime, and I found it did a marvelous job in that regard. Other things like the fact that some
events that occur seem way too convenient and flow too well with the story kinda had me questioning it but in the end it is just about Tatsuya and Feena.
Art (9 / 10) -
All of the characters are drawn very well, especially Feena (she looks gorgeous). The background art (buildings and nature, etc) also looked very good.
Sound (10/10) -
The voice actors did a marvelous job, especially Feena and Tatsuya and his whole family. Didn't run into any annoying voices or anything. Also I found the OP appealing, emotionally. I find it very uplifting, and it skillfully grasps the relationship between the two protagonists perfectly.
Character (9 / 10) -
What can I say? All the main characters felt like family to me, there was this sense of familiarity conveyed through interactions with the main character, Tatsuya, which just sat well with me. Each individual character felt like their own, no one was too generic or anything. It felt just right.
Enjoyment (9/10) -
I am a huge lover of romantic comedies which is most likely why I enjoyed this show so much and it is well worth your time if you have it.
Overall (8/10) -
I loved the relationship between the two protagonists, and the familiarity I felt from the other characters was another plus. But, there were small things like the fact that some occurrences seemed way too convenient and other unexplained things/plot holes. However, those faults are not bad enough to ruin this adorable romance of an anime by a long shot.
Send me feedback, based off my review :) (Whether you disagree or agree with something, I am open for conversation)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 15, 2013
****There are spoilers in this but I don't think it matters much because it kind of serves as a warning for what you will be getting into (not that this is a bad anime in anyway).****
Now, if you are going to watch this anime there are a couple requirements: 1. You must have plenty of time to spare and 2. Be watching it for the girls in it, it is a harem afterall.
I can not emphasize this enough. If you are watching this for some reason other than the artwork, ecchi scenes, or romance in it then you are probably in the wrong place.
Story (5/10):
story revolves around a perverted kid (big shocker, I know) in his last year of middle school (the story covers between this time and up to, I think, his second year in HS).
You see the story begin when the Manaka discovers this girl's (Toujou's) notebook which has an apparently fantastic novel written in it by her. The protagonist Man (Manaka from now on) reads it by accident and when he goes to return the notebook emphasizes how good it was and tells her she should be a novelist. He also opens up to her a bit, explaining how he aspires to become a film director. She is so touched by the fact that he complimented her novel so much that she decides to follow him to the highschool he wants to go to (she picks his highschool over her highschool that would be better suited for a smart girl like her). At this point he suddenly confesses, get this, to some other girl (Tsukasa) he barely knows over Toujou who he so clearly has common interests with. He confesses to Tsukasa in an extremely exaggerated, ridiculous manner which somehow convinces her to go out with him. So that is the force stopping Toujou from getting closer to Man, however soon after this it becomes obvious to Tsukasa that Man likes Toujou so she pretty much says to Man, "You seem to have your eyes on Toujou so instead of going to the same highschool with you I am going to a different all-girls school, even though we are not going to the same school I am not giving up on you. . .". Personally in that situation I think that the more logical approach would be to just let him get it on with the girl he actually likes, but this is a harem we are talking about so...
Moving on.
The day before Man's first day of HS, we are introduced to Satsuki and in the most ecchi way possible (well, that s an exaggeration). Man is testing out his new camera he got from his parents, he spots this girl by the lake, begins filming and then... Oh no! A gust of wind comes rushing by! This was probably the wrong day to wear that skirt dress, Satsuki you foolish girl. She then proceeds to tackle Man in an attempt to erase his footage, and he ends up grabbing her tits. Yup, this is what I am watching. And I do not feel ashamed one bit.
Somehow our protagonist, Man, turns into a huge gentleman and Satsuki can't help but fall in love with him.. Not sure how that happened... AGAIN. Only difference this time is that the girl is getting all lovey-dovey in public.
Satsuki and Toujou are easily likeable characters, if not the most likable in this anime, but that is just my subjective opinion. Thats all I am gonna cover story wise
Art (9/10):
I personally loved the art in it, particularly the female characters looked really appealing visually. This is emphasized in the OP "SHINE OF VOICE".
Sound (9/10):
The OP is really good (easily one of my favorites of all time) and I especially loved the soundtrack that would play whenever there was some sort of ecchi scene occuring. For some reason I found that particular soundtrack hilarious and enjoyable. Not sure why it would make me laugh inside, may have something to deal with the fact that it was just someone melodically singing "Chuchuwa fufu Chuchaa" in a very late 90's tune (maybe idk, i don't remember the 90's too well, I was 4 in 2000). It's just hilarious. DO NOT ask me why.
Character (8/10):
The development between the characters was OKAY. I felt all of the girls had enjoyable "personalities" especially Satsuki and Toujou. Everyone else was okay, in my opinion.
Then again if you are just watching for some semi-highschool romantic situations (like I was) not even slight issues will really bother you. All the characters are pretty cute.
Enjoyment (9/10):
I really found myself enjoying this series, it had good characters, great art, and some great ecchi scenes mixed in. There is also the sexual frustration (not sure if this is the right word) between the protagonist and the girls. I was able to keep myself fully awake past midnight watching this.. ON A SCHOOL NIGHT. It's not really a big deal i know, but I have to be really fixed on something to be able to not fall asleep.
Overall (8/10):
Assuming you are or plan on watching this for sexual situations, decently good characters and ecchi stuff then you will most certainly not be disappointed. The art is great, characters are exceptional and plenty of ecchi to go around. This is not meant for everybody so if you are feeling iffy about then just. . . Don't.
Whether you agree or not with my review then please leave some feedback, as I am rather inexperienced with writing reviews :). Thank you very much.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 18, 2013
Hello, and welcome to my first review :)
What on earth is worth living to your utmost ability? Hell if I know. That is the way Oreki Houtarou views the world and how he lives. He doesn't see much value in expending energy which could otherwise be used more wisely, like studying or reading or sleeping. He is extremely lazy. Is there anything wrong with living a "colorless" life? No. Some may not believe me but it is actually way better than having a "colorful" life, that is, if you don't have anyone to share your colors with. Well, Hyouka is nothing more than a happy
slice of life in which Oreki Houtarou slowly forms bonds with those in the Classics Club.
I am not going to explain what is already said in the synopsis so on with the review.
Okay, first, let me start with the good.
The art and animation is great, I wasn't disappointed in the slightest. The sound is decent as well. At certain points the background music would kinda throw me off, but I got used to hearing it and even kinda liked it. My favorite song is the first OP, it feels very slice of life and has an uplifting tune. The second OP wasn't as good as the first one but it was still okay. The EDs were both okay, the animation in them were both kind of interesting at first but I did end up skipping them after first couple times I heard them.
The characters are outstanding and their development throughout the series is done very well. As someone who highly enjoys character development I was really able to enjoy this anime "Hyouka" or "I Scream" aha. It is simply phenomenal, the way the characters grow out of their shell, each character gets their own screen time, but the character that developed the most was Oreki Houtarou who starts out as a lazy minimalist who's only wish is to have a "Colorless" life. And to be honest, I got the most enjoyment out of his mannerisms and his development.
Granted, this is a mystery type anime, the mysteries themselves aren't very interesting. They aren't the main point of the anime, they just serve to satisfy Eru Chitanda's curiosity who drags the MC Houtarou in, practically forcing him to solve them for her. I found this very enjoyable and you mainly learn about the characters through these mediocre mysteries (there are a couple of the mysteries I found very interesting though). The reactions whenever Houtarou solves an extremely simple case are sometimes very dramatic and this could be distasteful for some viewers. I hardly consider this a deal breaker, though, what matters to me most is the character development.
OVERALL: (9/10)
The most important aspect of this anime is the characters, not the story. This anime mainly rolls on character development and I personally believe that what makes up a good story is not the story itself, it is the characters. And in that sense this anime passes with flying colors!
Hope you found this review helpful and, hopefully, if you could submit feedback, whether you found it helpful or not, that would be greatly appreciated especially since this is my first review.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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