All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 92.1
Mean Score:
- Watching18
- Completed251
- On-Hold44
- Dropped30
- Plan to Watch213
- Total Entries556
- Rewatched5
- Episodes5,446
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 14.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries167
- Reread0
- Chapters2,512
- Volumes185
All Comments (94) Comments
Aww I actually really liked the Kawakami War. Sure there was a lot of strategic stuff but there were some hilarious/badass scenes too.
As far as getting interested in VNs, is it the build-up or slow moments of serious VNs you don't like (e.g. Fate/Stay, Umineko, etc.)? Given that you liked Muv-Luv Unlimited and MajiKoi maybe you should go for more light-hearted VNs? If you're interested in reading more VNs I could recommend some if you don't mind.
I actually do read Anime reviews on this site. I usually like to read different reviews based on score (like I'll read a couple of 9s-10s, a few 7s-8s, a few sub 6s, etc.) just so I can see what content matches up depending on the bias.
And it is unfortunate the anime was made to be completely different from the VN outside the first episode. Silly things like the females beating up Yamato for typical accidental perversion and the guys not mattering, and just all the typical crappy harem hjijinx.
Chris is indeed great though. She's my #3 or #4 of all the girls in the series (which is A LOT) but all of them are awesome and worthy of best girl to em. Miss Kishido was a top tier moment.
First of all, I liked your MajiKoi reference. It's my favorite VN and Chris is great.
However, just wanted to let you know that Chris' VA in both the anime and the VN are exactly the same, she just used an alias for the VN (probably because she'd rather not make it too obvious she voices in an eroge)
re so over used. it's so sickening, I skip to episode 5 and skim around for cliched like child hood friend and fuckimg bentos, big tits, ass hole guys that's all about harms, pathetic girls in reverse harems, and sayings like "let's do our best," no fuck u, and the producer. go do ur best in making better anime, CUZ I know for a fact there are tonsof good manga that u guys are shit lazy to not do CUZ they have no cliche plots