Greetings fellas, NITISH here, 21yo , ENFP-T 8w7 || just a regular, everyday, normal **
a science student, an atheist;
An intermediate artist with some basic knowledge of perspective sketching, character designing and I happen to be a writer also; Writing short stories, songs and fiction.
I'm an overthinker sometimes, but I enjoy sharing it with the world around me when its interesting enough, so I just visualise and express.
I rate my watch based on instincts, just the ratio how they made me feel..; I don't like calculations in here
Thanks for droppin by,
Nice to meet you.
All Comments (6) Comments
I majored in Neuroscience and am actually currently back in school trying to get a medical license. What do you do in CSE? is that a lot of coding or the actual building of computers?
You're a science student? I also majored in science! What are you studying?