Well, here we are... just before the last episode releases. Now, I can pretty much guess what's going to happen from this point on, but I could still be surprised. I still felt inclined to tell all of you what I thought about this show and why I'm still watching it and (somewhat) eagerly awaiting the final episode.
There are times where you begin to watch an anime and you know deep down in your gut that you could never finish consuming such crap. Other times, you can't wait to see the next episode, wondering what's going to happen next.
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May 1, 2009
True Tears
13 episodes is short. And attempting to tell this complex of a story in only 13 episodes may have been what made True Tears very frustrating to me. Having read several other reviews about how good this is, about how "down-to-earth" and "realistic" the show was, I thought I would give it a go. However, what I was met with was a frustrating and awkwardly paced anime that left me more confused than anything else. Perhaps it's what's going in my own life that makes me wonder what is actually going on through much of this series.
It's not often ... that you are presented with a story in this genre that presents itself in such a serious manner - that I will admit that about the story. However, there were several times that I sat confused, wondering where that had come from and what the heck was going on. There were metaphors and comparisons that abounded in the show, some of them straightforward and others shrouded with weird wording. It wasn't until the final episode that I was able to understand why one metaphor was continued and expounded upon in each episode. Without a very unique or original feel, this story truly falls short of being something remarkable and fantastic, with it's main saving grace being it's honest and realistic approach. The artwork and sound do wonders to prevent this show from being some mediocre, less-than-average piece. Several times, I found myself enjoying the drawing of a scene, the 3d rendering, or just the overall pleasantries provided from the visuals. One thing that stuck out to me were the tears - they looked and flowed so realistic, so smooth, it looked as if there really was salty-water running down a cheek. The sound aided scenes well and gave great atmosphere to the show overall. Several times when a character would receive a phone call, the vibrating noise would make me check my own phone to make sure it wasn't ringing. Not much more to be said in these two departments, as they can only do so much to help tell a story. As for the characters, this section disappointed me. With only 3 main girls, 1 main guy and his best friend, you'd expect more development and presentation. One thing that frustrated me consistently was the awkward seemingly forced conversations. There were times where an exchange of dialogue seemed out of place, not really lending much to progressing the main plot-line. Some characters just seemed like they "existed" in this world, not really seemed an integral, living and breathing part. I never once really found myself cheering a character on, rooting for some side to win or not. Hollow, would be an appropriate word, for some of the characters. With several frustrating and disappointing moments, I couldn't find myself enjoying this anime that well. I'm still rather perplexed as to why it has an 8 overall rating from everyone. Perhaps I do criticize and critique something like this too much, but I can say I was not impressed at all. "Emotional" scenes didn't cause that emotion within me - I didn't feel like crying at those touching moments. There were, however, a few moments that will make you smile, but not so sure about anything more than that. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not calling this an abysmal show by any means. Maybe I'm becoming a snob, expecting so much more out of anime. If you do choose to watch this series, there's going to be something you will like, that much I can guarantee you. Whether it's the sound or artwork, both done exceptionally well, or maybe you find something in the story and the characters that I don't, there's something in here for near everyone. Who knows, maybe I just need to watch this again and get my head checked.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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![]() Show all Apr 29, 2009
Clannad: After Story
What is it that ties us as humans together in this vast world? Is it our own personal experiences that we share and intimately bring to our relationships? Or is it perhaps some greater work that is unseen and not felt at all, uniting people in strange and inexplicable ways? What happens when the thing worth fighting for suddenly vanishes, leaves, or disappears?
These questions impose upon us the thought of our own existence - the why's and how's, the intricacies of the human relationship, even the purpose of our own simple existence. In all the anime I have watched ... (you can check the list out, it's quite a bit), heck, even in all the TV shows, books, and movies, I have never come across a story that even attempts to touch these issues, let alone delve into them with such depth as to probe our very souls with thought provoking insights and revelations. When I sat down to watch the first season, Clannad, I had very low expectations. I'll admit, I was surprised to see a show that offered more than just a "feel-good" romance, more than some kind of fan-service harem genre. What I got was a story that made me both laugh and cry and left me quite satisfied with the direction and telling of the entire series. It was with this expectation that I immediately began to watch Clannad ~ After Story~ and submerse myself into the next chapter of the story. However, the questions I presented earlier began to emerge in this iteration of the Clannad world. I expected to witness a romantic-comedy; experience all the joys and frustrations that come along with intimate relationships. And while the series begin with the same "lighthearted" and fun feel, a seriousness begins to come forth and take deep roots. By the time I reached the 12th and 13th episode, I was confronted with an extremely complex and deeply emotional plot that began to tug at my heart and really affect me in ways I have never experienced. I began to take short breaks after each episode and question my own life, examine things that have happened to me. By the 16th episode, I began to cry and sob, near hysterically, at what was happening to the characters. Too many experiences in my own life rang too true with what was going on. It felt as if someone had decided to write a tale based upon my own life. Now, before I frighten you off from watching this anime, I imagine this anime was so emotionally taxing on me because of my own personal experiences. I'll let you know now that there's light at the end of the tunnel. There's hope; a message of life, love and happiness that warms the heart and soul. However, if you do plan on watching this, be prepared to cry... a lot. There's too much to be said about this series and to why I give it a perfect 10 in detail, so instead I offer a few words on each category. The story is unlike any others I've seen or heard of. If you thought the first was good, then this one makes the first one look like it was written by a bunch of kids. There's such a depth and immensity to the story that it will likely take several times re-watching to fully appreciate and bring justice to this phenomenal plot. As for the art, it is breathtakingly beautiful. Everything looks like it was drawn or rendered with care and compassion. No detail looks missed. In terms of sound, that Dango song will grow on you and begin to become a favorite. Other songs make their statement and touch and move appropriately to the scence. Voice acting is top-notch as well. Characters can't even begin to be described. Every single character is clearly and concisely presented, thoroughly developed and represented, and given plenty of attention to intricate details. Rarely do characters ever feel this... real. As for the enjoyment and overall areas... fantastic, amazing, wonderful... pick any positive adjective here - it fits. After saying all that, I've finally found an anime to which I'm not afraid to give a perfect score - a new favorite that has changed my life, my personal views on many things, even my own outlook and expectations out of relationships I've had and still have. Clannad ~After Story~ has earned it's right to be my new number 1.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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![]() Show all Apr 26, 2009 Recommended
If any of you have read my review of Lovely Complex, then you know I'm not exactly a fan of the harem genre. It really bugs me to see girls ridiculously attracted to some male lead (usually for no real apparent reason) and chase after him with incredible fervor.
However, when I began watching Clannad, the thought that this was based off a harem-style game didn't even cross my mind until near the very end of the series. To say I was surprised is a vast understatement. I can normally be an emotional viewer of anime, where touching scenes remind me ... of parts of my childhood, or really sad parts just nag at my heart. What I got in Clannad, was several spots where I had tears well up in my eyes, a few spots where the tears would not cease streaming from my eyes until that comical relief scene showed up, and even spots where I had to pause because my eyes became so blurry I could not see. That being said, I rated this anime a 9 overall because it quite frankly touched me and moved me in ways I have rarely experienced before. There's always the series that's just fun to watch, entertaining, or something like that, then there's the ones that really move and shape you, giving you a lasting impression. I love finding those little gems that surprise and surpass every expectation. *STORY* 8/10 Oh how I wish I could give this section a 10! The story sets itself up wonderfully with character introductions and relationships that develop early on and begin to become very likable and enjoyable. The first few major story arcs are incredible, touching, and very satisfying to watch them develop and conclude. Without saying too much, the Fuko story arc made me need to pause when it concluded, because the tears were making my vision too blurry to see. However, it's as if the anime stalls after this. There's a kind of void after that, in which the rest of the story just doesn't compare. Not to say I didn't enjoy it at all, just to mention that the middle builds up an expectation that is not met in the end. Thus the 8/10, rather than a 10. What you should expect, is a semi-realistic portrayal of school-life with students interacting with each other. *ART* 10/10 I give art 10 because it's just simply gorgeous. Scenery, objects, trees, the characters... everything is very beautifully drawn (or rendered) and just fits. Each character, in particular, has different qualities and features about them that distinguishes them from the other roles (somewhat hard to do with that many characters each having a semi-significant role). Not much more to say here than to watch it and see for yourself. But, if you dislike computer rendered/assisted scenes, sorry, this anime has quite a few of them. *SOUND* 7/10 I'll just say that of anywhere, sound was where I was least impressed. There's nothing spectacular here, there's no song that's really catchy (maybe annoying), there's really nothing to leave a lasting memory. Expect real basic, decent quality work here. Things sound mostly like what they should, music is there, it has some effect, but it's not going to be something you'll want to listen to over and over again. The voices, though, are quite well acted, emotions clearly presented and sound pretty reasonable for the character they represent. *CHARACTER* 9/10 Ah, the characters. This would have been a 10 if only everyone had as much "love" as the others. There are clearly a few characters who are kind of... "left out" of the spotlight, not getting a good explanation as to why they're there, why they fit into the plot and whatnot. But, other than those few minor qualms I have there, the characters are amazing! This section is what surprised me the most. When I learned that this was modeled after a harem-genre game, I was left astonished. The lead male role is quite deserving of the affections the girls have for him. He is a genuinely nice guy who cares about others and goes out of his way to help someone out. He's also not some "pervert" of a guy (Sunohara might be, haha), but instead respects the girls. There also doesn't seem to be any girl who just "loves" the lead guy for no reason. Every action Tomoya does with the girls draws each of them closer to him. So while there is that harem theme present, it's not obvious, especially at first. *ENJOYMENT* 10/10 I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed this anime, even though there were sections that didn't impress me. I was pleasantly surprised throughout, my expectations well surpassed several times over. There were several touching moments that were very close and personal to me, things I could relate to and have had experience with in the past. There are quite a few moments that are very easy to relate to. Along with that, there's PLENTY of humor here. Times that I was laughing extremely hard. *OVERALL* 9/10 If you're looking for a very lighthearted, touching and humorous anime about school life, this one is definitely for you. And if you're wondering about the ending, how it seems to leave many things unanswered and untouched, there's another season, Clannad After Story. Be prepared to lose track of time as you watch this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all Apr 21, 2009 Recommended
First of all, I'm not a huge fan of this genre of anime. It troubles me when the entire series can be seen as a progression of power. Much like in the Dragonball series, Z, GT and such, the villains can only get so powerful, and the main hero can only grow in strength so much. Now, if all you want to see is some pretty cool sword combat, lots of blood and dismemberment, even bodies being cut to little tiny pieces, then you've come to the right place. But don't come expecting some phenomenal story-line either. Essentially, what you
get is a typical tale of revenge - "you took something from me, so I'm taking your life" kind of response. Now while this isn't such a bad thing, it depends entirely upon the presentation. What makes Claymore a respectable entry into this genre is in the characters and the art. Somehow, with over 47 different Claymores, each one has their own unique personality and appearance. Each villain is also given a unique and interesting personality that makes each encounter fresh, exciting and tense. The art, as well, is something unique to this anime. I don't believe I've seen another series that has quite this level of animation. It's hard to describe fully so that you can understand what I'm talking about. But if you watch the first episode, you'll get a feel for what the rest of the anime will look like.
One other issue I had, was a "flashback" that happened in a series of quite a few episodes in the middle. There's no clear reason or indication that this is a flashback. I sat there and wondered for the longest time "What happened to Clare (the main character) and who's this Teresa lady?" It isn't until the end of the flashback session that you realize that is has been a flashback. I feel that could have been done better, but, even then, the characters presented there (in just a few episodes) become likeable and enjoyable to watch. Be prepared for a lot of action, a lot of tense "what's going to happen next" moments, and several incredulous "over-the-top" scenes with limb regeneration/reattachment and the likes. All in all, I enjoyed the anime and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good, bloody action series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Apr 18, 2009
I initially reviewed this piece after watching it only once, but since then, I have seen the series three times and decided to give this a complete and thorough review. I personally enjoy a systematic review that rates each category and explains why, but this first chunk is going to be just my thoughts on the anime as a whole. If you want to see my ratings for each category and why, continue reading at the bottom to see it (or if you'd just rather see scores for each category, then skip to the bottom after the lines of asterisks).
**************************************************************** There are ... times when the telling of a tale becomes more than just a story - it becomes a masterpiece, forever to be treasured and remembered. Everything seems to just work, from the overarching plot-line, down to the background character cast and everything in between, the epic masterpieces move, change and impact in powerful ways. Lovely Complex is an anime that makes its mark as a potential to be one of these phenomenal works. Immediately, this anime begins by setting up the story; a guy and girl who are both very self-conscious about their heights who desperately reach out for some kind of relationship. It becomes apparent almost immediately, though, that these two are nearly perfect for each other. But, of course, they can't begin to see each other as a candidate for a relationship. So the two decide to cheer each other on and help one another. Within just a few episodes, Koizumi (the girl) begins to develop feelings for Otani. Now beyond that is where the actual excitement and enjoyment of the story come into play. Frequently, you will find yourself laughing (extremely hard at times) at the plethora of jokes, but almost as often finding yourself near tears or frowning at that touching emotional scene. Very few stories have the capability to balance both comedy and drama ON TOP OF a romance plot. But not only does Lovely Complex do just that, it's touching, the comedy is genuinely hysterical and the romance is real. There's none of that "lucky" guy who's surrounded by lots of girls who adore him. None of that "hotter-than-the-sun" kind of girl who compels some guy to chase after her. What you get here is a realistic presentation of a developing relationship out of a friendship. One that is easy to relate to, fun to watch and cheer on, and will leave you with a lasting impression. As for the art and sound, they only work to enhance and improve upon the wonders of the story and characters. Tense scenes seem to always have the perfect music playing. Touching scenes have that beautiful, heart-tugging melody playing quietly in the background. Throughout the 24 episodes, a common rag-time kind of theme is played that becomes very catchy and enjoyable - it seems to capture the nature of the characters and their struggles. Art, while being rather unique, is fairly detailed and clearly defines what is being presented. Often times, expressions are exaggerated (quite comically, I might add), and some scenes are taken over by "floating flowers" or "swirling angry purple haze" effects. While these may be distracting at times, they lend to improve the mood and feeling of each scene they appear. (Think lots of XD expressions going on). All in all, Lovely Complex is both a touching and hilarious storyline that is definitely worth checking out. After 3 times watching through this show, I still laugh and cry, ending up with a feeling that I don't really get from any other anime I've watched (or re-watch). The ending seems to tie up a perfect package with an even more beautiful bow. Who knows? Perhaps LoveCom will ease its way into your heart as a masterpiece. ***************************************************************** I rate animes I have seen based upon the categories of Story, Art, Sound, Character, and Personal Enjoyment, each worth 10 points (1 being terrible, 10 being incredible). The overall score is then multiplied by 2 to get a score out of 100. **STORY** 9.9/10 I give the story a 9.9 out of 10 simply because I can't get enough of it. There never seems to be a filler episode, everything seems both relevant and interesting. The story is both compelling and moving. Comedy, Romance, Slice-of-Life, a bit of Drama. Now, why isn't it a 10/10? Simply because it's a somewhat generic story - girl and guy are friends, would make perfect couple but don't see it that way, one side falls for the other, but other side has reservations. You can probably guess what happens in the end. BUT, there's more to a story than just WHAT it is, there's the HOW it's told that really makes a difference. Which brings me to **CHARACTERS** 10/10 This category I don't even hesitate to give a perfect score. Every character, from the lovable, dynamic duo of Risa and Otani, down to even the minor characters (Umibozu) and the somewhat detestable/annoying Mimi and Haruka are given such a wonderful personality. They all seem real, you can identify with them, you can love/hate them, cheer them on. Each of the characters are memorable in their own right and will leave some kind of impression on you. **ART** 9.8/10 As for art, I can't give it a full score just because it didn't blow me away. But, what it did do, is present the story without distracting me, give life and love to each of the characters and clearly convey the mood being set up. I'm personally not one to really care what the anime looks like, as long as it's not... weird... and flows smoothly, doesn't deviate from what it set out to do, and makes changes when change would be expected. (i.e. 3 years go by, from 15-18, I better expect to see some changes in the characters). Thus, I gave it 9.8. **SOUND** 10/10 Rarely do I ever look for the soundtrack from an anime, but this has become one of them (Cowboy Bebop, Welcome to the NHK some of the others). When the music is so good that you want to listen to it separately, without the scene and other things going on, you know that's a good music soundtrack. But beyond the soundtrack, the noises, the voices, every other sound is clear, crisp and beautiful. In that aspect, the sound is just like the art to me; as long as it's not weird or distracting, it's pretty good. But LoveCom had that amazing soundtrack (Risa's theme is so catchy), a great vocal cast and plenty of authentic sounding noises. **PERSONAL ENJOYMENT** 10/10 Obviously, if you noticed that I'm effectively giving this anime two reviews, you should know that I would give this category a 10. I have watched this 3 times and I wouldn't mind watching it again in a few months. Just like that movie of which you never seem to tire, LoveCom grows on you and makes you want to see it again and again. This anime has changed me, too, by inspiring me to have an attitude like that of Koizumi or Otani - never give up and fight hard for what you want. **OVERALL** 99.4/100 If you like any kind of romantic comedy, give this a shot. You'll know if you'll like it after the first episode. XD
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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![]() Show all Mar 29, 2009 Recommended
What is it that draws one towards the most unlikely of relationships? Is it the "underdog" qualities, where one desires to see the more "unfortunate" character have something wonderful happen to him/her? Or would it be more along the lines that a "perfect" couple is just plain boring and those unlikely pairs are just fantastic to watch, making for an amazing story?
Toradora introduces itself into the romantic comedy genre in a method where the two unlikely characters start off by liking the other's best friend. However, the progress of each character with their personal love interest proves to be both entertaining and ... relatable. The story begins with Ryuuji Takasu accidentally finding the confession letter of Taiga Aisaka, intended to be given to Yuusaku Kitamura (Ryuuji's best friend). Taiga storms Ryuuji's room with a wooden sword, but Ryuuji reveals that he has a huge crush on Minori Kusheida (Taiga's best friend). Both decide to help each other in this odd little love square, giving way to hilarity, mischief, drama and of course, romance. Combine that with the rest of a fantastic cast of characters and the result is a romantic-comedy quite unlike any other I have seen. When I began watching Toradora (just a month or so after its initial release), I soon caught up with the airing date and was checking daily for the subbed version's release. That in itself should give away just how much I came to enjoy this wonderful show. Typically I like to review in a very systematic process; giving individual scores to each category and totaling them up to give an overall score out of 50. But I feel that if I left it at that, I would be leaving a lot untold about this great show. So I will give a follow up after my categorical review, for those of you who want a synopsis of my review, or just the "meat" and the bottom line. ** STORY 10/10 ** It takes several things to make a phenomenal story, such as an intriguing plot-line, a believable setting, characters and of course, conflict. Sometimes, these components come together in such a way as to leave a tale that is worthy of being told and retold. Toradora presents itself as one of these such tales, having all the workings of becoming one of my favorite stories. Establishing itself as a school-slice-of-life with romantic, comedic and dramatic elements, the story progresses with quite a satisfying pace (save the last 2 episodes, 24 particularly, but that's another discussion entirely) and leaves the viewer desiring to know what happens next. Each element of the story seems to be quite well balanced; comedic relief comes into play after a dramatic or tense moment to keep a light-hearted mood, the romance never seems too sappy or unrealistic (I'm sure you've seen those shows where the guy is surrounded by women who SOMEHOW just adore him without even knowing him) and generally speaking, each episode is truly enjoyable from start to finish. As for the driving factors in the story's progression, the conflicts that show up are mostly internal, character-driven problems; those that you would expect in any typical classroom setting. Ryuuji's single mom, Taiga's lack of parents even present in her life and the mere fact that their rooms are right next to each other give rise to many of the story's great problems and triumphs alike. This has been, by far, one of my favorite, realistic story lines I've ever seen. There were so many times that I felt like I could relate to any number of the characters that it felt as if I was watching a story based loosely on my own personal life. ** ART 9/10 ** Now that an incredible story has been etched out and realized, what is the most efficient way to portray the events? This is where the art comes in, as the medium in which the writers "show" how the story unfolds. Ryuuji, with his "scary, delinquent eyes" is drawn really well. Taiga is so cute throughout, Ami is pretty darn hot, and even the rest of the characters have their own unique appearance that lends to the believability of their personalities. Each scene looks to be pretty well thought out and plenty of attention was paid to the details. For the most part, art is one category that is hard to put words to, and instead must be experienced first-hand. ** SOUND 9/10 ** Another key component to presenting the story is the sound department, including all the music, ambiance, object noises and voice cast. Music wise, there's not much to say; the opening/ending themes are interesting, nothing to write home about, but can't really complain either. During the show there's appropriate use of background melodies, but again, I was never floored by a scene because of some fantastic music. Ambiance is spot on, many times a busy street sounds like one, the noise of cooking food, the sound of a street all sound pretty darn realistic and blend in smoothly. Every object noise sounds like a live-sampled sound, in decent quality. Doors, windows, footsteps even all sound great. But the thing that pushes my score up to a 9/10 is the amazing voice-cast. Each character is acted out incredibly well; emotions sound real, personalities even show up in the voices. Again, sound is something that is hard to describe but must be heard and experienced. ** CHARACTER 10/10 ** If there were a category in which I could weight the score heavier, this would be it. Characters are what sell an anime to me, along with the story. I have a hard time watching shows in which the characters are hollow or empty, boring, or otherwise lack anything worth mentioning. That being said, each an every character blew me away. There doesn't ever seem to be a "filler" character; each one lends their part to the overall story and just "fits." I almost guarantee you will find a character in which you relate to in some form. Each one is well thought out, well planned and scripted extremely well. Towards the end of the anime, lines from each character seem to fit with the personality they represent. Several "Yeah, you would do that" moments appear, as the main characters are portrayed so well that you feel like you know them personally after a few episodes. ** ENJOYMENT 10/10 ** Of all the categories I review, this area should be taken with the biggest grain of salt. What I find awesome, someone else may find horrible. So, with that, I give this category a 10, simply because I liked spending the time watching this show. I also began waiting (often times very impatiently) for the next episode to be released and subbed, immediately downloading and watching it (even if it was 4 in the morning). After episode 16 (where I caught up with the airing date) I began to watch each episode twice; once on the release date (usually a Thursday night for me) and again on the following Thursday before the next one aired, just to catch myself up with the story. I don't regret it one bit, I laughed, then laughed again when I saw it again, knowing it was coming. I will most likely be watching this again in a few months time, just because it was that good. Also, the ending is very satisfying. I have seen many an anime ending that was very cliche or just plain... stupid. Not so with Toradora. I felt good after watching it; it really resolved itself and finished off strong. (Last episode... freaking awesome scene in it... you know which one I'm talking about, or you will know when you see it). ** OVERALL 48/50 ** A near flawless score from me, with art and sound being the only non-10 scores. This is definitely one of my top-10 animes now. Sure, several things could have made it better, but may have also taken away value from other aspects of the show. ***** BOTTOM LINE ***** Toradora is a very cute and enjoyable romantic-comedy, slice-of-life anime that is definitely a must see. With a very satisfying and smooth pacing, there aren't too many dull moments, making this show very good for either a marathon viewing, or a slow, one-episode-a-week pace. The incredible cast of characters are truly what brings life to this anime, giving a realistic and highly relatable experience. Don't hesitate to spend the time watching all 25 episodes; you won't be disappointed!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all Feb 9, 2009
NHK ni Youkoso!
Once in a great while, you may stumble across something so great, your one wish is to hold it, cherish it, and keep it forever. You may want to remember it all the time, look back at it and smile, or experience a warming feeling whenever anything resembling this comes back to you. Never did I expect to find such a great thing in an anime. I was blown away, nearly from start to finish, by the mastery of several techniques used, the incredible artwork on the backgrounds, the detail, the very appropriate use of music and
sounds and, of course, the impossibly fantastic story. Now, you may wonder what exactly it is that would make this anime that great, let alone any anime for that fact. In my experience, having watched some 25 or 30 shows, most of them similar in genre to this series (comedy, romance, slice-of-life, psychological), I have not experienced quite the same response.
Let me begin by getting aside the things I did NOT like, as that will be quite a short list. First, there was the way they included that ridiculous looking "kidult." I was immediately turned off by the inclusion of such a randomly odd and counter-intuitive creature (what the heck is it??) but by the time I reached the 5th episode or so, I began to understand why something like that would be included. My second qualm, was merely with the ending. The series began with quite the introduction, but I felt as if the ending was slightly rushed, mildly pushed, and didn't feel like it wrapped everything up. Looking back on it, I admit that this is mostly caused by my own nature, desiring to see another outcome from the story (I won't even disclose my own nature, due to fear of giving some spoiler as to what happens). However, I plan on viewing this show several more times to come, as I feel I missed things (ever watched a movie where the first time through, you wonder what some things were, then after knowing the ending, you can watch for other little nuances here and there?). Now, my list of dislikes was short, but I wanted to explain them, as they were only mild and did not take away from my overall experience and enjoyment from this show. I won't even begin to describe the story, as it was just so fantastic. I can't even find the words to say in response to what I viewed. One thing I can say about the story, is that you will often find yourself either a)shouting at the screen, insisting that the characters do something else or b)wondering to yourself why the heck someone would be that dull and not pick up on the hints. That being said, this story is ripe with bits and pieces of comedy here, drama there, heart-wrenching scenes that made me want to bawl like a little baby, and yes, even some bits of action. I couldn't believe it (there's a little tour that the main character takes into an online game - Ultimate Fantasy, a lot like Final Fantasy - and there's some cool scenes) that in such an awesome story line there would be something as cool and fascinating to watch as that. Ultimately, if watching this story, you must make sure you are giving it your full attention, as it would seem that every little piece of dialogue, thought, small scene here, etc, will have it's role in the overall story. There doesn't ever feel like any discontinuities (there was a mild feel for time, as often a month would pass and you wouldn't know it if you didn't hear a character say that one line "that was 4 weeks ago!"), there never seemed to be any "filler" content, as everything seemed to tie back together very nicely. As for the artwork, I'll admit, at times the characters looked a bit odd, but overall, there is some fantastic artwork that makes the feeling of the anime come across very well. Happy scenes feel very bright and cheerful, whereas sad and dramatic scenes have that... air to them that makes you feel in the mood. There never felt to be any dull scenes that didn't belong. The backgrounds were quite possibly the most detailed aspect of the artwork... everything from cigarettes to beer to sheets, beds, bookshelves, dinner plates, magazines... they all seemed so realistically drawn. It adds a sense that the world is plenty in touch with reality, but the characters at times are distant from it. Such a nice visual tone. Other than that, all I can say is just to take a look at it. My taste in artwork might not be the same as yours, but I found it beautiful, gorgeous and wonderful. When it came to sound, this was probably what really drove the overall score up to a 10 for me. Yes, the story, the characters, the art, they were all super fantastic. But I grew up as a musician, playing sax, trombone, guitar, piano and clarinet, but more so spending my time in a studio with my brother, recording, setting up and often lending a hand by playing. So I have a particular taste in music and sound quality. When I started watching the show and hear the sound of a sliding wooden door, well, that's mostly standard noises. But then I hear the things like the music playing next door, sounding dull as if it came from next door, the little noises you heard from the aluminum cans, the rustling papers... it's all live sampled sound. There's no artificial or "created" sound here. Each noise you hear sounds just as if it was created by it's real life counterpart (including that weird ticking noise of a harddrive when everything is utterly silent). But beyond sound, the musical soundtrack is phenomenal! I have only once ever searched for and bought an OS from an anime. Cowboy Bebop was the first one (Yoko Kanno... wow). But as for Welcome to the NHK, Pearl Kyoudai, ROUND TABLE, and all the other fine folks involved... wow! I can't say enough about how fantastic each musical piece sounds... how fitting and proper. There's a drastic mix of hardcore rock to some smooth jazzy feeling stuff, some acoustic rock, a little bit of folk-styled Italian-feeling music and even the semi-J-pop sounding piece. Wow, look at me go on about the music. Anyway, as for characters, this is where the story is driven, where the tears may fall, where the laughter hits and where the frustration with their incredible ignorance will happen. These set of people are so... human. I feel as if I can relate to them all, maybe even knowing some of them personally at some time in my life. So much life, so much personality... there are times towards the end of the show that you can almost guess what a character will do because you know them so well. But, as most really great character-driven stories go, the development of each and every one of the main characters (even some of the side ones) is done perfectly. I never doubted that any of the traits could have existed, and in turn, their direction and path and growth (or recession) is entirely believable and acceptable. So with those categories being reviewed, you may obviously know by now that I was fascinated with this show from start to finish. I found so much to like in the show that I am for sure going to watch this all over again (probably sooner than I thought, too.) I watched the subbed version, first, but from what I could tell about the dubbed version (done by Funimation), it is incredibly acted either way, so even more to enjoy now, comparing the original with subs to the dubbed version. All in all, this has quickly ascended up there into my top 5 animes, quite possibly tied now with Cowboy Bebop and Ai Yori Aoshi for number 1. Man... there's so much to like here and so little to dislike. If you find something that's worthy of mentioning in respect to being bad, please let me know, and I'll gladly view it again, looking for any and every flaw or whatever I can. Thanks for reading my review! I hope that this will help you decide on watching this series. I can tell you, I personally don't regret it at all. From start to finish, I was in love with everything about this anime. So what are you waiting for? Go find the anime and watch it!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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![]() Show all Feb 6, 2009
H2O: Footprints in the Sand
Holy crap. That's the first phrase that comes to mind after I completed watching this anime. There is so much I want to say about this, but I'll try to keep things short. Typically, I like to review an anime by going through each category and explaining why I gave it the rating I did. But this anime is different. There's a uniqueness to it that sets it apart from most other shows I've seen. But first, I will warn you that this is an emotional trip if you connect to the characters at
all, which is incredibly easy to do, as they seem so... human. That being said, I forewarn you, before watching this, make sure that you can take some emotional ups and downs, ins and outs while watching this. I guarantee you that if you feel anything at all about life and the human desires, you will laugh, you will have times that may make you want to cry (or really cry, if you're a sap like me), you will for sure be angry, sad, happy, joyful, somber... I experienced so many emotions while watching this.
Now, on to my actual review. <b>Story - <i>10</i></b> Wow. That is all I can say. I don't usually like to give out 10's here unless I find a story that is unique and fresh, touching, warming, fascinating, intriguing or any other characteristics like that which set it apart from other stories in the similar genre. I am a fan for this exact type of story - that is, one in which romance, drama, comedy, slice-of-life and other elements all seem to blend in, seem to round out and become a work of art. Honestly, when I started watching this, I didn't expect much from this show. I anticipated it being some happy-go-lucky fruity kind of ecchi-inspired plot with minor turns and sub-par content. The first episode seemed to confirm this, until the latter half of that episode, in which some dark secrets began to take form. What I found after the first episode, that is, in the second, third, and fourth, was a dark, depressing and heavy atmosphere that left me wanting to know more. As I continued watching each episode, I was left with a mild sinking feeling, one in which I wanted something to happen, but it didn't. But as the story unfolded, I experienced an emotion that I rarely ever get while watching anything - hope. I began to hope that certain things would happen. I began to feel like the story could take place anywhere. I got hooked, sucked in. Then episode 8 came. I take an aside here to explain a bit about number 8. Consider it something nice before the final 4 episodes. It seems so far out of place from the other episodes. It really is a sore thumb, the only thing that takes away from the overall anime, but I quickly got by it, as it provided a bit of lightness to an otherwise gloomy and dark show. If number 8 was not here, the rest of the anime might be close to unbearable to watch. I might have considered dropping the rest of the anime, without something fun like that. Anyway, episode 8 aside, the story in the other 11 episodes is deep, gloomy, depressing and fairly painful at times. But then other times are so sweet and touching, that you can't help but feel moved. I can't really find the words to describe what I feel right now (not but 15 minutes after having watched the final episode) and how it left me. Don't get me wrong, the ending was phenomenal. It's not what you expect at all. Forget any expectations coming into this story. There is only one thing about the story that somewhat bothered me. At times, it may feel like it jumps around too much, like some things happen to fast, but as I went back and reviewed those scenes, they make sense now. This is a story you must be tracking with, something you can't just sit back and enjoy. If you do track with it, you will not be disappointed with a fantastic story. Ok, enough rambling about the story. You'll get it soon enough if you watch it. <b>Art - <i>10</i></b> Right, so now on to the artistic qualities of this show. I am easily pleased in the graphical department, so take this rating with a grain of salt. Thus, I gave it a 10, as I really enjoyed the art. I am not to partial to needing to see certain things in the art. I tend to look for the continuity, the smoothness, the fullness (if all scenes are drawn out, no corners cut). Saying that, this is well drawn. Oh my. Backgrounds are beautiful, characters are nicely drawn (although sometimes they seem proportioned wrong... I mean they're supposed to be in middle school). But those facts aside, each house looks nice, each outfit seems realistic, the lines on the elder's face, the plants in the fields, the animation is smooth, nice to watch and really fun. <b>Sound - <i>9</i></b> Now, sound. This is a category that I'm fairly stringent on. I prefer to hear samples of the real noise, rather than a constructed, fake sound. I prefer voices that are well acted, those that match their drawn appearance (I dislike seeing a big burly guy who has a weird squeeky girly voice). I also like listening to great background music that matches the mood, that fits with the story. This is why I give this anime a 9. The sounds - bells, doors, lightning, fire, guns, shouting - all sound like they were recorded from real life counterparts. But when it came to music, that's what made me take a point off. It didn't feel like the music fit all the time. There were the dark, slow and tense piano pieces during the scenes that fit them. But sometimes there would be a cheesy, sappy song playing that didn't quite seem to fit. <b>Character - <i>10</i></b> A lot of what I would have to say about character can be tied into the story. I give this area a 10 as well. What good is a character driven story without good characters? Yes, the people in this anime make it work. Each person has an important part to play in the story. There are only a few characters that just seem like extras, but even they have an important aspect to the story. There are the comic relief characters, there are the hated antagonists, there are the lovable protagonists. They just work. 'Nuff said. <b>Enjoyment - <i>10</i></b> Again, I'll be short here as most of my enjoyment came from the story and the characters. I give this a 10. Basically, all those things above can be summed up here. I really liked it. There's not much more to it. I got so much out of this anime - happy, sad, upset, angry, etc... <b>Overall - <i>10</i></b> Well, I seemed to have summed up everything in the beginning of writing this. So, really, I rate this so high because I'm not going to forget this story for a long time to come. I'll probably use this as a comparison to other animes to come, as it gave me a lot of emotional experience I haven't had before while watching an anime. <b>Concluding Remarks</b> I warn you, if you don't like touching stories, if you don't like emotional twists, an overall dark mood, then stay away. But if you like heartfelt, deep stories, ripe with grief, joy, sorrow and other contrasting emotions, then give it a try. I think there's something for everyone (except you action junkies. Turn away now.).
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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![]() Show all Feb 4, 2009
Ai Yori Aoshi
Why do I rate this anime so highly? Why do I give a 10 in nearly every category? Well, it's simple. It's an awesome show! In my own personal taste, in what I liked to see in an anime, this was what hit the spot. I'll review this as I have a few others, by category then by my overall take on it.
**Story** First of all, the story. In my opinion, one of the 2 most important aspects of any anime. You can have crazy action, you can have ecchi-ness and nudity, whatever, but without an actual story that ... makes sense and that is fun to follow, there's nothing to be had from watching it. When I first heard of this anime, I thought it sounded silly - a man who's had some girl devote herself to him since she was little who plans on marrying him and giving herself completely to him. Who does that? But as I watched more and more into the show, I began to realize that it was exactly that point that made this story so unique and fresh. Karou already has Aoi-chan. She's his, will be his wife one day. But then you've got a twist that they have to hide it. Suddenly Karou is surrounded by other girls, and you've got yourself what appears to be a typical harem anime. However (I won't spoil) there's so much more that happens here and much later into the anime that just makes you root for everyone; Karou and Aoi and all the other characters. **Art** What can I say? This one is beautiful. Attention to detail everywhere, from the outfits to the floorboards and walls. It would see that every scene is fully animated and given great care. There are several of those "awww" moments with the gorgeous backgrounds, the shading and texturing on the faces, all that jazz. I really can't say more here, as you just have to see it. **Sound** The only category I did not give a 10. It takes a lot for me to give an anime a 10 in sound. In this category I include the music as well as every little sound effect and noise and speech and everything else. The music was alright, nothing too special, nothing that blew me away. The sound quality, likewise. But it was the character's emotions in the voices that made me rate this as high as I did. You can feel true emotion pouring out. So well voice acted that at times, you want to cry right along with a character. **Character** The other most important aspect to an anime. Without a good set of characters and the way they interact, what's left? A narrative about the beautiful landscape? No, especially in this show, the characters are a major driving factor. I would even go so far as to say that characters are what determine, develop and drive a story. That being said, Ai yori Aoshi brings us some of the most interesting and lovable characters I've seen in an anime. You've got crazies, you've got adorable cuties, you've got sensitives, hard-asses, uptights, lowlives, and nearly every imaginable kind of character, all represented amazingly well. The only other thing I can say about this category is that when you have such high quality characters interacting with each other, you're bound to have an emotional response, be it laughter, crying, anger, frustration or something else. I experienced all these while watching. **Enjoyment** Well, as you can tell thus far, I enjoyed this anime. Like I mentioned before, I've watched it three times. There's just something about Aoi-chan that keeps bringing me back to watch this. Karou, likewise. He's a great guy. He genuinely cares for those around him, and especially Aoi-chan. The same parts that made me cry and laugh and get frustrated the first time had a similar effect the second and third time. I wouldn't doubt it if I watched it again, I had the same responses. Not much else to say, other than mentioning that the dialogue and story are what make this so enjoyable to me. **Overall** How do I feel about this anime overall? Well, obviously I loved it. One of my favorites. I rated it a 10 overall. Why? As I stated above, all these categories shine out. I truly enjoyed every aspect of this anime. I love watching the ending as it feels so resolved (even though they made a sequel, which is also good). I get such a good feeling after finishing this anime. If you at all enjoy romance and slice-of-life genres, then you must give this anime a try.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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