It’s simple, if the anime has an overpowered MC, I watch and enjoy.
I started off watching Ninja Scroll as a small child, which is honestly not the best parenting decision, but then got into Dragon ball, Pokémon, Naruto and Yu-Gi-Oh!. Fell off most of those but I stuck with Naruto so it’s a childhood favorite even though I know it’s not the best. When I’m not grinding anime, I’m usually refueling my serotonin via YouTube or Twitch.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
The first anime that had me captivated start to finish and rarely made any missteps. Allowed me to understand what separates good anime from great anime.
Hunter x Hunter (2011)
An anime that I started on a whim, having not known anything about it, but saw it was highly rated on MAL. The first few episodes I was genuinely confused at how this was up there on the scores and then the story really just started taking a turn towards enjoyability. This anime is very much a favorite of mine despite some flaws here and there such as pacing and the lack of more episodes for me to enjoy.
Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute!
A new favorite of mine that while initially watching I genuinely though it was going to be another mid Isekai, which don’t get me wrong; I still very much enjoy those, as apparent by my completed list, but it really blossomed into a fun and interesting anime whose fight scenes were built up to in very quality ways. It’s a new addition to my favorites that snuck up on me.
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