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Days: 63.8
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All Comments (207) Comments
Yeah kuroko got kinda crazy towards the end and was plenty of fun but same problem I have with other sports anime lol Basically right, may as well be shounen but noooot quite. Yeah haikyuu and other sports anime have a lot more tension between the characters and enemies, cause they can actually talk and be around each other before a match, unlike in actual shounen they kinda know about each other and eventually fight, not so much face to face time. Part of the reason Hisoka I think was such a good villain, lots of time with him and the main characters and other stuff with just him, actual focus as a character and not just some random evil dude.
Yeah we are pretty crazy about our hockey. The city I am from has an NHL team but the team I cheer from is from the U.S. haha kinda like a traitor but oh well! Canada's nature is pretty, lots of trees and greenery. Near the coasts you get beaches and mountains and stuff so it can be pretty scenic. Switzerland is pretty scenic itself is it not? What with the mountains and valleys and all! Easy enough to travel if you really want to, lots of places closer to you that are pretty nice, Europe sounds so awesome to me haha
Yeah, just lots of things relating to some people I used to talk with in the club, bad memories and such, kinda stressed out about it too much and so I decided to take off. But yeah, still lots of stuff to talk about here anyways so screw them! muahahah
Not sure until I watch it, should be decent enough I think, haven't really been in he manga mood lately so I'll watch the show and hopefully it inspires me too look into it more lol. Yeah one day I'll get back to Gintama, probably not this week buuuuut soon enough!
Yessss, the smileys are actually such a good way to convey your mood, I can really tell that you have fun writing and talking bout all of the interesting stuff you do over there, so that's plenty awesome, do continue to enjoy yourself!
Yup, it was plenty fun but it was always so much to think about, not too sure if I'm very good at thinking to much, haven't really thought about it lol School does suck, learning is awesome but only when it's interesting, and most normal school stuff is just boring. This though is fun, and as always I hope to hear from you again, until then stay cool ~
On that note I watched the first season of Haikyuu the other day and well... Sports anime still aren't my cup of tea sorry lol I just really couldn't find anything that stood out compared to other sports shows like Kuroko no Basuke. I have heard the second season is better so I will certainly give it a try soon enough and report back once I'm done it lol
Switzerland eh? Crazy, so you guys have like cheese, banks, and army knives right? Here in canada yeah, hockey, maple syrup and beavers I think haha Yeah going to visit other countries has always sounded super awesome to me! Not sure how to hype up Canada all that much but it's a pretty nifty place! I don't recall you mentioning it in the club but honestly lately in the club I had been paying less and less attention for certain reasons and actually quit the club just the other day soooo sadly I will no longer be able to view your stuff that you post there.
I will go watch Makai Ouji eventually as well now I suppose, really easy to watch stuff when someone suggests it so at the least it'll motivate me not to fall behind on my anime watching! I started watching Gintama, 51 episodes in so maybe I will pick that up again soon and watch another 50 episodes or so lol
Yeah, positive wishes all around, good vibes for everyone! It's funny cause I can actually feel your hyper mood by the way you were writing, made it kinda fun to read actually!
I have heard about it, I don't like watching things as they come out but I will be certain to give it a go once it's done airing in a few months. Hopefully this answer is a bit more tame than my last one (it got so freaking long by the end I couldn't even believe it, took me an hour to write it last time haha). So yeah, glad to hear from you again and as always look forward to what you have to say~
Yeah already writing stuff that's roughly a page or a page and a half long so already at that point haha I see this time a round you're using a lot more slang, shortened works and emoticon faces like XD xP :) and so forth. Kinda gets me to chuckle a little bit, not sure exactly why I find that so funny though.
I actually went back and looked at your dragons after posting that last message, most certainly was a frog, at least my memory isn't that bad yet lol You say that you're currently more into drawing other stuff ehhhh what kinda stuff have you been into lately? Well yeah making stuff that sells well only makes sense, so I guess birds are a popular motif then? Feels like I'm learning something every time you respond lol Of course! Hisoka is maybe only my second favorite though, I absolutely love leorio, he's such a badass, reminds me of a more cool version of usopp from one piece. Not nearly as much of a comic relief character and such.
Haha Well mining sounds exhausting yes but I was never directly involved the mining part of the process. I worked in a process plant that mainly involved just keeping watch and operating some machinery. Basically I was a glorified button pusher but it payed really well, well enough for me to take a year off of working anyways. Naw sadly nothing really fancy as far as fabrication goes, mostly just minor shop work and basic machining processes, useful stuff but nothing fancy. Do let me know when all of this new stuff goes up on your DA account and I will certainly take a look, especially if you do put up some new HxH fanart! Thanks for the good vibes and motivation! Honestly just being able to chat like this goes a long way in helping, so all the best wishes to you as well, go out there and do whatever you want to do and I'm sure you'll be great!
Every time I look up to see what I shold respond to next it looks like your response gets longer and longer, I think this may be getting out of hand a little, but that's okay XP (See what I did there, I can use emoticons too! muahahaha)
Getting back on track AHEM! Yeah Magi was really cool, haven't been into manga all that much these last few years though, but if the manga is more like the first season of the show I may look into it one of these days!
Akame ga Kill drove me nuts for a couple of reasons:
Zetsuen no tempest was really good with it's pacing but towards the end it was just too much
Mononoke was really artsy and the main character was the kind of suave calm characters that I usually like. Aside from being interesting I guess the show didn't really have any depth but it certainly served it's purpose and accomplished what it set out to do though.
Moribito now on the other hand was not bad, but the overall plot of the show wasn't anything new.
I mean hey, whatever way you find shows that you want to watch is your own thing, like you said, it seems to be working for you so why not? lol Usually I overhear people talking about certain shows and I look up other shows based on my own curiosity. The poster art can be a big turnoff though if it makes the show look to generic. I put off HxH for so long myself because I didn't know anyone personally who had seen it before so even though I saw it was one of the top anime on MAL I always thought it would be really generic. Yeah the ant arc where everyone is kinda dealing with their own personal demons and thoughts, the king learning or Gon with his feelings of loss. All of that stuff was just amazing to me, such a good show and I recently saw the manga was coming off hiatus again soon so that's good for all of those people who read it!
So often it happens that an anime is made from a manga or lite novel before the actual source material is finished so the writers for the anime have to come up with their own ending and it almost always sucks for some reason lol Unfortunately they are also usually just made to promote the source material and second and third seasons of the show never get made because once the source material ends there is not point in advertising it like that anymore (RIP spice and wolf, my favorite anime series). Lots of anime just never get endings or just have awful endings usually for those two reasons, why they can't figure out how to end things properly is confusing and I'm not sure we will ever know why for sure haha Reverse harem with a guy you say eh, well nothing really wrong with yaoi either, once tried watching sekaiichi hatsukoi and well, was surprised with how aggressive the guys were, basically borderline rape. Yup that's exactly how it goes though, they mess with the order of events and characters to try and make their already stupid ending fit better and then everything is wrong and nobody wins lol But where would we be today without the lovely anime industry, regardless of how much it likes to screw us at times lol
Yeah I guess you having grown up with that kind of family you're used to the more alternative way of looking at things. Well everyone sees things differently to some degree! It's cool though to end up with so many kinds of talents and hobbies like you have. Not giving into peer pressure is also certainly another good trait to have. Your confidence is just divided into some of your other hobbies and such I suppose lol Canada is pretty cool, most of the stereotypes are pretty accurate I would say, lots of beer and friendly people yup. We love out hockey and beer and syrup so forth hahaha Sorry if I had already asked or if you had already mentioned but where were you from? I feel like you may have already said but I can't seem to recall exactly.
No problem! like I said earlier often just being able to chat like this helps me with certain things so I do appreciate it as always! Yup it's great to be able to really get into your hobbies and talk about them as much as you want to. You make perfect sense so no worries there lol.
I had started to watch it a while back yup, got 51? episodes in I believe and put it on hold for now, just so far behind it's hard to watch it all at once, it was funny as far as I remember. And with that I feel like I have written an essay, best wishes reading through all of this again!~
Ahh yeah usually if you give more people extra time to accomplish something they will take advantage of that extra time to slack off, human nature to wait till the last second I guess lol. The toucan dragon I thought was funny, but the one I liked the most from what I saw was I think a frog? A lizard perhaps? Don't remember exactly and I probably should have taken the 1 minute to double check before writing this reply but yeah, it had a very reptilian feel to it and I really liked the way it looked! Either way it's awesome to hear that you guys all put in the effort to keep the chat up and stay friends with each other!
Yeah getting along well with your sister would certainly make sense, I couldn't imagine you'd choose to go to school together if you hated each other haha Most siblings it seems don't get along too well when they are younger but are better when they get older. Took a peek at their page, it seems they really enjoy birds, seems to be all that from the couple of sculptures I saw. Also saw them favorite a certain Hisoka picture of yours, good choice, loved that character!
Confidence is one of my weaker points as well, part of the reason I don't care to pester people to much if they don't respond, but then I get anxious and do it anyways so it just ends up being me wasting my own time lol Just try and be bold more often and your confidence will get better! Easier said than done but it helps to think about it that way anyways! When you start sculpting more let me see your new pieces of art for sure.
As for what I do, well, when I do work it's in construction (aimed in the mining field) or working in metal shops. I haven't worked in over a year at this point though. Had a job up north working in a zinc/copper mine but for personal reasons I decided to take some time off and work on some issues. It's a long story and honestly not the happiest one so I won't put you through the trouble of having to listen to the whole thing lol
Yeah well Claymore is pretty long so I'm sure most of the characters are way better conveyed than in the anime. I have Watched the 2 seasons of magi that have come out yes! The ending to the second season was really upsetting though and felt like they just had to make things really action heavy because of how lacking a lot of the rest of the season was. They certainly seem to put more effort into some characters than others that's for sure. Most of it again was pretty typical shounen stuff, time skip for training so forth, I felt the series strong point was when it fixated on things that were not fighting, like political intrigue and character building.
Yeah that's the exact thing with darker anime, tend to be way more adult oriented so not as often are thy just a bunch of kids running around. Though even then there are still some out there that just try to be a dark version of the high school scenario, always a safe bet with anime lol
Yeah AgK will spent a small while goofing off and then instantly be like BAM people are dying everyone is upset! Action! Fighting! Then an episode with nothing really. The character designs are so ridiculous for a few of the characters. You will see when you get further in and meet the rest of the badguys group. It's very strange designing some characters very seriously and then others are just a big joke. Yeah that dog chick is just completely insane, she seems normal at first then just completely loses her mind and is like KILL MURDER AHAHAHA! Let me know how you enjoyed it after you finish! That reminds me, I finished Zetsuen no tempest and Mononoke! Started on Moribito. Won't get too in depth right now but I did enjoy both the ones I finished and both for totally different reasons, so thanks for recommending them to me!
Yeah I mean it's their own time they are wasting so whatever they can have fun doing that is they really want to, though usually it just feels like they do it to talk down to others about their hobby in which case screw them anyways!
Judging an entire show based on the poster art eh, that actually makes a lot of sense to me lol. I say that because it's so easy to tell when a show is going to be really generic or just not at all to your interests just based on the poster. There are some exceptions, like HxH looks really generic but is actually great! Hopefully you find a few things you like this season and enjoy them to the fullest, makes it a lot easier to watch stuff when you enjoy it more at least lol So you do go and sample a few episodes before deciding sometimes eh? That's cool that you give more shows a chance like that, though I imagine you've ran into a couple of shows that started off really well and ended really poorly... it's another thing anime loves to do of course!
You know as long as you find it enjoyable there isn't any reason to stop. Even if it's shows that people shit talk a lot or tell you not to watch, if you enjoy a good silly laugh or characters that most don't then who cares. Just watch what you want to and get the most enjoyment out of it!
Okay so not a drinker then, that's cool. It's always respectable to see people who do what they want regardless of the norm. This actually seems to be the case with you a lot during these conversations I feel. You kinda do what it is you want regardless of the norm and it certainly shows, you do come across as a very open and unique person so that's totally awesome. I think you are looking for the word liqueur, hard alcohol that have all the different styles and flavors, like cream or nut flavors yup yup. Never heard of ouzo or anise, so no idea what that would taste like haha.
Typically I drink beer just with friends at one of our places, certainly not the kind of person to go to bars, social interactions with the kinds of people that typically go to bars is a big no thanks lol Just had mine and my friends shared birthday parties here the other day and it was really fun, luckily avoided drinking too much though there were a few people who didn't and got sick, poor them lol I'm canadian and all so the stereotype of us being big beer drinkers is usually true.
What happened to the time, look at how long this response got! They just keep getting larger and larger! Soon enough people will have to scrool entire pages down in our comments just to read a single reply lol Not that I mind, taking the time to read and write these replies has been really enjoyable so at the very least thanks for being good conversation~ Can't wait to see the reply I get from this hahaha
Yeah, I can imagine it's easier with some animals, to pick features that is. Some have some really obvious features, or features that stand out more than others. I think I went back and looked at your new ones a few days ago and had a good chuckle at the toucan dragon lol. Still the longer it takes the more time you have chatting in that group of people and enjoying the challenge so that's always nice at least!
So you went with your sister eh, that's really cool! Going through an experience of learning with a close family member doesn't happen all that often so it must have been a pretty unique experience. Does she still sculpt, tombstones or whatnot? A translator as well gees many talents! Sounds like any given day could be pretty fun knowing all kinds of stuff like that, always been jealous of you talented types. Well at least you have these skills so if you take an interest in them again, such as the sculpting, or the confidence and luck to land a job otherwise that would be really awesome, best wishes!
Yeah they were certainly cool, in the anime at least, I briefly read up about the manga and it sounds like spirals out of control pretty quickly and gets kind of silly lol Yeah watching shows that put characters through stress, or show their pasts in a dark way are usually very enjoyable to me. Character building, though even in those shows you still never see any of their parents, because everyone in anime seems to be a high school kid mysteriously living by themselves. In that sense Claymore is way different than most anime or manga at least lol
Akame Ga Kill was really annoying, as I'm sure you've seen already, but they are really fond of killing characters for the pure reason of the characters being complete idiots and doing something stupid. Really action oriented which was fun but at the same time frustrating. Hopefully you enjoy it and that character you hate gets killed lol
Yeah, I can see on your profile you've watched quite a bit overall, awesome to find people that enjoy watching so much. Some people watch anime but really don't enjoy it all that much which is confusing, having a hobby you don't like lol Yeah plenty of time to watch lots of shows eventually, just need more really good shows to come out, though every so often going and watching some over the top comedy or action heavy show is fun regardless of how bad they may be. Hobby wise though thinking about it drinking is also a thing of mine, beer of course. You the type to drink?
So an actual sculptor eh, that is certainly an interesting career path! What made you originally decide that, it's very unique to say the least. Just an online group of people that draw eh, certainly a long list of animals, certainly curious as to how they will all look. The raccoon one was awesome, terrified to think of what the spider one would look like haha.
I'll come back to this list of manga soon and give a few a read. I've watched the claymore anime but I know it's much different from how the manga turns out so maybe I'll give that one a look first, though the art style of their faces always bugged me honestly. Dark and depressing stuff is the best, I like to watch characters suffer and go through all sorts of awful stuff hehehe
Yeah I can see by our shared rating that we must give stuff fairly different ratings, but that's just how we feel about a show, I would never recommend a show I know isn't good even if I enjoy it a lot. Haven't been watching all that much lately so may take a bit though!
It's really awesome to hear about people being so motivated and in love with their hobbies or passions, keep it up with the drawing! As for myself sad to say I am currently not very passionate about anything, been rough going so I just spend my time trying to focus myself and regroup my thoughts so forth. Whenever I do get motivated it is usually with anime though, I can watch hundreds of episodes in a week if I really get into it lol. P.S. Thanks for the friend add!~
A drawing challenge you say, how does that work? Do you all get together and draw then critique each others drawings? Either way it's really cool to hear that you actually have a group of friends that you can share your hobbies with like that, certainly seems like you really most love drawing and having a hobby you can be so invested in is a very nice thing! At the same time don't forget to take proper breaks and don't do it so much that it starts to feel like a chore, art is love after all haha.
You saying that totally reminded me about your drawing on your profile, I went and clicked it thinking it was going to lead to a story based on the art but to my surprise it brought me to a pages full of different art and those stone sculpture pieces. It was all very interesting! Did you make all of those, like a real fancy pants artist cause that would be totally awesome!
Yeah! I should also read the manga, but I honestly have barely read anything these last 2 years so I probably won't sadly : ( Though if you have any really great manga suggestions I'll take a look!
Yup! Most of Carnival Phantasm was really funny! Let me know if you plan on watching it and I will go through it again myself so we can chat about all the hilarious little bits and references~
Yeah I'm sure I will like at least a few things off of that list you gave me, so far one outs was great so I'm feeling like I can trust your taste in good shows, should be lots of fun! Glad to hear you are finally getting back into watching stuff again, you make it sound like drawing is your real passion though so take care of that first of course.
Hmm I think that's it for this response, I look forward to hearing from you again as always, have fun drawing but don't tire yourself out!
Yeah one outs was really cool, sadly even that towards the end kinda became repetitive in how it worked, plus the ending left much to be desired lol. Genereally as long as the characters are good I still enjoy the show, like you said, the comedy always helps as well. Still eventually have to get around to Haikyuu at some point, probably when the second season ends, I hear it's supposed to be really good.
Yeah Tsukihime was originally a visual novel, a lot of people really liked it, though if you ask me it wasn't really the greatest. It does this thing where the entire story changes depending on what choices you make, as in, old storyline is completely changed and/or disregarded in certain playthroughs of the novel, which just seems like really sloppy writing to me. The best part in carnival phantasm was the race they had, and assassin talks to the arch that he brought on his semi-truck and Berser-car was hillarious.
Probably gonna start up some more of the stuff you suggested soon, I know I have a few more of them downloaded somewhere so that should be fun! Have fun drawing and not watching anime haha
Sorry to say I haven't been that big of a fan of sports anime myself. Watched koroko no basuke and enjoyed how it started off, some bad ass characters and good development (Midorima will always be my favorite lol). As the show got further in though I just felt it became a pretty standard battle show, winning/losing trying their hardest and gaining powers so forth. There were some scenes that really stood out, and like you said the animation was really a huge plus but in the end there is really only so much you can do with that kind of show. Currently just downloaded one outs and zetsuen no tempest so those will be my next shows, already have haikyuu! season 1 downloaded but I'm gonna wait till season 2 finishes to watch it all.
Yeah it's weird what they did with Fate/ but that's how it goes, personally i hope they adapt more stuff by type moon afterwards. They already had an awful tsukihime anime, multiple stuff from Fate/ and the garden of sinners movies. also if you are at all familiar with any of their other stuff I would suggest watching carnival phantasm. Great comedy that pulls characters from a bunch of type moon stuff, though there will probably still be some characters you don't know because they pulled some from the fighting game Melty blood.
I've had plenty of free time lately, so I'll probably finish a series or two that you recommended within the week. No worries your self haha I really don't have anything better to be doing with myself right now so may as well cram a bunch of anime in.
I do have haikyuu! ready to go myself but am also waiting for the second season to finish! I have heard lots of good things, especially considering it's a sports anime, and am looking forward to that.
Don't even get me started on Fate/Stay. Ever read the visual novels? really great stuff, lots to read though. The way they chose to do the adaptations is really bizarre though, the movie that will be coming out, heavens feel, is easily the longest in the visual novel, and yet they decided hey lets make it the movie! completely ridiculous if you ask me. Of course as you say, can always rewatch Fate/Zero cause that show was fantastic, I love the lancer in that series, the upstanding and duty bound hero types always get to me haha
Trying my best here to give an appropriate response to your very lengthy and unexpected response, do forgive me if i doesn't quite match up though, I am currently just waking up after a bloody battle with a bunch of booze last night. Anyways that's what I've been up to anime wise, will get started on some of your suggestions within the week I'm sure, thanks for swinging by!