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Feb 19, 2020
How dare you! How can you play with my heart like this.
I still dont get it how first few eps are like different anime compared with what happened after ep3. First 3 eps were amazing, they had everything you would want to see after watching anime for decades and seen it all. It was funny, unpredictable and at the same time hilariously predictable. Characters were wearing "masks" so you had no idea what they really think or what will do. Using each other like sociopaths just to get what they want without caring about others. You had love triangle on top of love triangle
on top of love triangle. You could have gone in so many directions with such start, but you did THIS?! I feel violated and need a cold shower.
First 3 eps gave me flashbacks of doki doki literature club. You have no idea whats going to happen next, maybe your childhood friend going to hang her self after rejection, maybe you would have to delete win32 folder to see the last ep. It had so much potential. Its like they fired everybody that was involved with first 3 eps and hired new people and they just copy pasted characters from any other harem club anime.
Ep 4 came and everything was dead, from characters to comedy and it got so predictable it was painful. If you are making fun of other anime where main character gets all the girls for no reason, why now he is pulling girls like he is some pussycat magnet. What happened to the characters, why they become generic clones of each other with personality of toilet paper (cheap one). Its like incel took control of the plot and characters and decided that if you are generic nice guy that does what ever others wants them to do he will drown in pussycats. He will fix all your problems and he will be extra nice at the same time. God damn it, I have seen it like 100 times already. All I wanted is something new and fresh. They even make the same stupid stuff where "your club will be closed" but for some reason its library ( but they used it like a club) because schools close libraries right?!?
So in conclusion, first 3 eps were great and promising, but after spending all budget on cocaine and hookers they had to copy paste characters and plot from any "club" anime and went with it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jul 22, 2019
So you probably know the same shtick: somebody trips falls down and after few seconds you have girls butt on your face.You know, casual Monday in anime world. So this anime is basically same stuff but on steroids and every day is Monday.
It's stupid, and it knows that very well. But I respect it that it did what it intended to do. This anime does not waste time, It goes straight to the point.You know when you have anime about love and it takes 24 eps for main couple just to kiss. This anime does more in few min of ep start. One ep is
around 12mins, and you have 4 pairs. So "story" goes very fast.
The "action" scenes are so predictable and at the same time you will see stuff that you will not find any where else. The clumsiness and coincidence level in here is over 9000.
So if you ask me: "should I watch it?". Well, if you have nothing better to do, and want to watch some stupid ecchi stuff. Then yes. Have in mind, that its hard core ecchi. If you seen kiss x sis then you know what I am talking about.
But if you seen first ep and tough "wow that was so stupid, I don't know if I should watch second ep". Then you can stop straight away, because its basically same stuff trough 12 eps.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 25, 2016
This is it boys and girls, I'm bringing you another anime review that you all been waiting for (No one did).
What is it with this anime, at some points it impresses me and makes me think that I found something good, but then you turn around the corner and you get punched in the face.
How creators were able to balance garbage and awesome in a same anime amazes me. Even if I gave this one 5, I know easy fix how to make it to at least 7. I leave it somewhere at the end of review.
Not because I want you to read all
review or anything B-Ba-Baka! This review may contain some minor spoilers, so please consult with your doctor before reading this, everything is done by professionals with supervision, please do not try this at home.
So this anime has a plot, and it's not bad really. Building fantasy world little by little, and oh boys when I say little by little I mean it. It's SLOW man! Before it get to some good parts another anime could already ended. But when it gets to those points it's pretty good, I like systems where you get your characters ranked by how awesome they are. And massive wars
that involves a lot of characters. There are a lot of strategy involved in battles, and I love that. I think that is the best part of this anime.
If you like battles, you should check this one out. But that only happens when humans are fighting against humans, surroundings get so alive, everything happening for a reason and at the same time, really great stuff.
Now let's have some fun, lets talk about stuff that makes you hate your self for wasting time watching this anime. Characters... oh boy... Who was the smart one to make main character guy with glasses I have nothing against people who wear gasses, but come one, this is anime. Every time I watch character with glasses, its most boring, useless person on that anime, whats up with that. Some guy though that it would be fun to put his little son Timmie in to the anime. Because everybody loves to watch average person living average life in f***ing fantasy worlds. He's weak, cant do anything alone, and will try to save everybody even if it cost his life. Sometimes looks like he is trying to kill him self, because he knows how boring he is. If I want to see something like that, I would go outside, and there is no fantasy involved there.
Then we have Chika, what is wrong with her head? Cmon people, look at it, LOOK AT IT! I would want to know her back story of her head more, that main story. As a character she's horrible, feels like she should have glasses
but there can only be one useless character with glasses. Thank god, that other characters are decent or even good. Like Jin or Kuga. And there are so many characters, that they run out of ideas how to make them difference
so few of them I could not even tell apart.
But you want to know what really killed this anime? Do you? Are you sure? Okay then...
Fugitive arc. WTF was that? It look like different anime with same characters. Well Chika's head got smaller, so that's good, still looked retarded.. (I swear I could draw her face better)
World trigger meeting:
Boss:-okay guys, we have build pretty good world with a lot of possibilities, everything is stable, interesting and makes you want to see what happens next. What should we do next?
Weebmaster3000:-I know just a thing. So you know all that world? Lets trow everything away, introduce few new boring characters and focus anime only on them. Lets put filler episodes in a filler arc. Do some beach, shopping
and random episodes where gag relief side character gets trips with no purpose. And don't try to make any sense with plot, just make it random, it's fun. Trust me on this.
Boss:- well okay then, lets do this! LEEROY JENKINS!!!!
This arc was an abomination, it gives NOTHING to main plot and makes no sense at all, so stupid, so random, so useless.
I bet weebmaster3000 was that smarta**, to place every opening in the middle of episode.It's like:
Oh I see you are enjoying this episode, just let me stop that for you and show you our opening, because maybe you forgot what you are watching, don't worry no need to thank me.
So in the end what to do with this anime? You can make it good on your on. You have the POWER! Skip fugitive arc. Episode 48-63. Believe me, it got NOTHING worth watching. And if you skip it, you will improve this anime dramatically.
Just need to find a way how to kill Osamu and Chika then it would be perfect.
In short: Got nothing to watch? Looking for something new in anime? Watch it, but skip fugitive arc.
Hate boring characters and slow pace? Have something better to do? Don't watch it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Oct 13, 2014
Short / Honest / Free of spoilers review
I deliver a fast way to get an opinion about this anime!
I'm not really a fan of sport anime, for one reason: its made in very similar structure and its easy to guess whats going to happen in plot. This anime makes no difference, but it has to offer something that i have rarely saw in other anime over all.
What is great in most of sport anime? You get introduced to some type of sport and it shows how that sport works in pro world. Who could thought that volleyball is so complex and strategic ? Not
me for sure. (unless some rules are made up, i hope not)
So what is so great about this anime and why should you watch it you may ask? Do you hate cardboard characters (boring, plane, and useless)? Well there are only few of them here and you won't even notice them. Great thing for sport anime which has a lot of characters. So you have pile of different, interesting characters who complete each other in some way.
Show it self is really funny, but it can be sad, serious too if it wants to. You will notice that not only teams fights with each other, but single players will have inner conflicts and personal fights with other team members. Players evolving in the middle of the match, not only after and before games.
And if my memory is not wrong, this is the first anime which shows how loosing team feels. (But wait reviewer dude, we saw that 100 times) Well only from protagonist perspective, but what about teams that lost to protagonist? This anime creates a wold and shows more, not only main characters. Dialogs get interrupted by random figures, you get to see what is going on in different places that has nothing to do with characters or plot. It makes this anime to feel alive, like a real place.
So in the end i would recommend this anime for all. Even if you don't like sport anime, I think you could give it a shot. Its not the best thing you could watch, but it still is a fun/interesting way to spend your time.
(I had even more stuff to talk about in this anime, but i wanted to make this review as short as possible, when most of review are like books some one needs to make a flyer. Joke! )
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 4, 2014
Short review, because you don't need to read a bible to make an opinion about something and it saves time too!
How do you feel about episodical plotless anime? You love it? You hate it? Because your enjoyment depends on it.
First 5 episodes are great!
We got interesting, funny situations. Sadistic, masochistic characters with little bit of schizophrenia. Who doesn't love that, right? Humor is great in this show, so surprising and unexpected. And it mix up some serious themes in between jokes like bullying, stealing, rejection. You can even learn some stuff from this anime with a help of narrator who involves viewer
in the show. And because this anime is self conscious it makes everything even more funny. And i love rule "never judge a book from its cover" when it comes to character (remember schizophrenia? yea the good stuff). Anime got tons of action, because it makes parody's of action movies.
Sounds like an awesome anime right? Well this is when the plotless part kicks in.
After 5 episodes you get used to crazy characters, jokes gets repetitive and expected. All the awesomeness from first episodes disappears. And it becomes just a random parody, of different movies. Still some episodes are funny from time to time, but ecchi and fan service didn't help at all.
So in the end i would say, if you like episodical anime and have no problem with it, then you will have some good time with this anime.
But if you are just like me, who cant stand repetitiveness and lack of development, then 5 episodes are all that you need too watch to have good fun.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 3, 2014
Short/fast review
Do you like your logic in your anime? Well there are none in this one. Till about episode 8 with out picking small logic problems, you can still watch this anime using your brain. But wait till you reach point when everything starts happening at random. Then you need to turn of your brain and don't even try to understand what is going on, why and how. Even ignoring all music/magic rules (if there was any), everything else made no sense. Its like 10 people came in one room and tried to put everything they could think about plot and put it in
on place. And i mean everything: friendship, hatred,courage, fear, trust,betray, you name it. And in one episode? Why not!
Main character reminded son goku from DBZ (not smart and strait forward) Kinda rare pick for main character, but it was refreshing. others were there just for being.
Strong point of this anime would be music side, if you like rock music. There were few good songs, so it was possible to stand watching it till the end.
I won't recommend it for nobody, save your time and do/watch something/ anything better.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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