How do I feel about "deep" anime. It's like sitting in a room with philosopher for 2 hours. And you watch him how he is picking his nose. After 2 hours he will tell something like: "If everything is something, how can there be nothing".
Oh boy, that was fun... And then a guy next to him takes a shit in to a box and calls it art.
If you like my list and you want to pick what to watch from it, then this is explanation of my rating system:
10 - Great anime which captivated me for some reason.
9 - Good anime which has something more than other good anime.
8 - Good anime which i recommend for watching.
8> (everything below 8)- Not recommended to watch.
5>(everything below 5) - Save your self from this horror, and don't waste time on it.
Because of difference experience on anime watching, some anime has bigger or lower rating that it would get now, so it is not precise, but close enough. And don't forget that everything is only my opinion.
By the way, if you are reading this, then there are 50% chance that I'm not wearing pants. What you will do with this information is up to you. May the odds be ever in your favour.
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