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Feb 3, 2025
Like with chainsaw man at his time of emission being a series that gained a lot of popularity and became mainstream on this media dandadan does the same though this time all the fuzz surrounding it is actually justified for the most part making it an enjoyble experience all the way through.
Dandadan is a shounen with a plot that revolves around yokais (ghosts) and aliens with the main genres being comedy and action, the aliens doesnt encompass the same relevance than the ghosts (at least on this season) which makes them to show up much more less than this last one, when some funny scene
takes appeareance the series delivers with good comedy that might use in some cases a little of fanservice though i really wasnt expecting laughing so much like i did, the fights are really good accompained of solid animation, not gonna lie the main protas ayase momo and takakura ken are pretty flat and predictable characters but the series manage to make them decent enough providing of a charisma and quimic that makes them quite likeable depise the fact that the tropes that handle are used to dead on shounen at this point.
I feel the series moves a little too fast at moments especially early on with how establish the relationship between ayase and takakura (the protas) and their development which makes some situations a little rushed, i get that from the comedy side why is pretty frecuent but i didnt liked how much fanservice there is generally speaking which even if is not huge is not little neither, it feels there is some gap and lack of connection between events or episodes which make it feel sometimes rather episodic.
Worth to mention i feel one of the main (if not the main) strength of this series is his comedy that made everything else much better is used on the right moment with the right timing and with the perfect amount of it, just with the protagonists this element helps so much on them growing in you in some degree wharever you like it or not and carries the series a lot.
The op is pretty catchy and the visuals really cool , the ending song was fine and the overall soundtrack was decent.
You see dandadan on the fields that is playing is nothing new or revolutionary plot, character, direction, genres, sound, or even visually wise speaking we have seen it before and even better on each respective aspect BUT surprisingly it manages to deliver a funny , enjoyable and exicitng experience as a whole which here is what draws a line againt many others series of the same nature and this is the reason why i feel has gained so much popularity.
You want to watch an action-comedy series ?? alright then this is for you 100% recommended.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 4, 2024
Uzumaki an adaptation of the same name from one of the works of juni ito now on the big screen that has been on production for quite a while with a couple of delays in between with the promise of deliver something of quality that was on pair to the original source which..... sadly at the end wasnt the case past the first episode.
Animation suffers a HUGE downfall past the first episode even there were a couple of questionable moments that foreshadows what it comes on the next ones with really noticeable poor animated secuences that in each episode gradually starts getting worse, with
just a total of 4 episodes and given the amount of time under production the series doesn't hold an at least decent quality speaking animation wise which in comparision with others like "Sousou no Frieren" with a format much longer feels like night and day on this aspect.
The sequences sometimes feels kinda off and the general writting on this is not great which gives me the impression that is not the forte per say of my guy junji ito, on one moment we have these two chicks fighting with their possesed hair and just a couple of seconds after that the series just keeps moving on with this snail kid without connecting both events well and the little information that we have to know what was about some of these characters later on are one scene of some seconds that happen in the background, in general feels like a bunch of differents stories that besides of happening on the same town have little to nothing to do one with the other.
Though worth to mention that the overall scheme of the main plot is in general terms quite interesting and the way how it ends is also to say the least good.
Beyond all that uzumaki with the main plot of those strange events taking place, the genius decision of making the series black and white, the impeccable selection of spooky tracks that stablish the atmosphere freaking well the entirety of the series and the fact that is one of the few IF not the only anime series that touches an weird genre like the horror on this media (which is somthing we dont use to get almost never) in a manner quite pleasing makes it hard for me to not reccomend it to watch at least once despite all the bad things aforementioned, only for the originality and freshness that has in constrast with the generic and cclasic isekais that seems to be the norm for each season it enough reason to give it a chance.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 27, 2024
A chinese series that its gonna caught you with the guard down (on the good sense) with an overall solid quality on most aspects that makes as a whole the experience that you are gonna have with this series.
Starts off with our two main characters (mainly one) the kid does nothing on the entirety of the series (besides fullling some stereotype) which makes you wonder the reason why he is here on the first place, on the other part Dao Ma is the one who takes most of the spotlight though what early on the series seemed to be revolving all around these two turn
out pretty quickly not being the case with not only taking place a plot that is on scale much bigger than what we could think on the beginning but also focusing on multiple characters along the episodes giving us a different perspective on how are unfolding the events that at the end of the series converge on all of them getting involve in it, all of this executed really well.
The characters are interesting, have good developments, design wise almost all of them dont resort to some cliche or stereotype leaving few exeception like the kid or one chick (Yan Ziniang), and the motivations are solid, just to give an example really surprised me Ayuya shu a female character not only as an strong one persona and as a fighter but also the whole transition on her along the episodes is really well executed not relying on the cclasic tropes we are bore to death on seeing for this kind of characters makes it even more a pleasure to watch, not even mentiong other one to not make so long the review XD.
The animation was good sure if i get very very picky i might catch some moments that could look bad but speaking on general terms nothing to complain even i would go so far to say that was a little over the standart, the fights scenes also decent.
Sound wise the op was fine, the ending didnt like it, and the ost was kind generic.
The episodes supposedly last 20 minutes each and i say that because there are some that end a little before and others that even go to last more than normal which i found it kinda strange and might be due to the format in which was released maybe.
I only have watched a couple of chinese series so far and this one like the others i watch it with chinese dubs (because i couldnt find it on another language) and might be the reason why i found that the delivery on the lines for the characters mainly on key moments lacked of emotion and really didnt convey well the whole situation which maked me really dont feel completly invested on them on really important events mostly on the last strech of the series, with that also i have to say it feels a little off on how connect the events of previous episodes for the firts couple of minutes for some of them.
End up in a manner really satisfying and of course without closing the story yet, we get to know a little on the past of Dao Ma but there is clearly a lot more that wasn't told on this season which leaves room for a future secuel of course.
Due to the settings in which the series take place with many historical elements infused in it feel might not be the most appealing to many people who are not into works that deal with these kind of themes although i would say give it a try because it might hook you either way, and to those who already watched series of the same nature like kingdom or arslan senki this one is most than certainly for you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 30, 2024
Is a series about this pair isshiki totomaru and kamonohashi ron who goes resolving different murder cases along the series with the last one doing most of the work and leaving totomaru as a comedy relief and like a counterpart persona wise to balance the chemistry between these two.
With a format of being episodic most of the cases are solved on a single episode (leaving some exceptions to the rule) , most of them are kinda mediocre because the actual solving part and the whole thing revolving about the case just happen on the last 10 minutes being the first half just pure comedy making
this series as a whole 50% mistery and 50% pure comedy, that together with just trying to encompass everything on mere 20 minutes makes for simple and rather forgetabble episodes.
As you are moving forward the series also tries to shed some light and delve on the past of our protagonist kamonohashi ron which you could say start building up the main (and to me the most interesting) plot of it, there are little "good" cases like the observatory one which worth the redundancy last more than just 1 episode and also serves as starting point to what is gonna be the main story.
Tries to add more interest also with the addition of some more fictional elements like the supernatural power of kamonohashi ron though doesnt make up for pretty flat characters that just mentioning our protagonists neither of them are to say more than just some steryotype even going so far to say that from these two totomaru is the worst not even a single substantial change or development since the first to the last episode is just there like a filler.
The thing kinda at the end introduce something related to sherlock holmes and moriarty on his own way and interpretation which leaves you with a hook for what it coming.
Sounds wise nothing really to mention, op and end are decent enough, animation is fine on these aspects i cannot complain really.
I would decribe it like a very light series character and story wise that might work well as accompaniment/sidedish if you are watching something more heavy and that requires more thinking and attention, is fine and entertaining for some moments but is very far from been an staple for any of the generes that is trying to be.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 12, 2024
This season serves as preparations for what its coming on the arc of the "inifinty castle" so there is not much action overall besides minor fights here and there, instead we have here a little more development for some hashiras accompained of some training for our main protagonist zenitsu, tanjiro and inonosuke or... kinda like that you see i need to explain a little about this.
From the 7 hashiras only tomioka and himejima are the ones we get to see more of their past and even then i still feel dissapointed on how were handle, with the first one the way his dilemas are solved
on just like 10 min of an episode on a manner really sketchy and for worst with a comedy from part of tanjiro that didnt fit the moment at all an interesting character that could have been dflesh out much more instead of just getting this wrap up super poor just to get him ready for what its coming next, with the second one ihe thing doesnt improve much neither there are things were doesnt expand much and just touch the bare minnimum for the character (again on just half an episode).
The "training" part is for the most scarce to very little with some just been like skipping the whole thing until the last part where tanjro its able to move on to the next one (mist Pillar) , not happening at all for a certain reason (wind Pillar) or just being a silly routine (love pillar) and from those where actually happens something only two i woulds say were decent enought.
It continues to make the same mistakes as previous seasons with an excess of comedy in situations that do not need it and feel forced and a level of monologues that reaches the absurd, literally narrating everything that happens on screen, treating the audience as if they had 5 years old which man i would appreciate on both instances they decresed the amount of use of it because starts to pissing me off.
Op and ending were good and the soundtrack still it's pretty good, animation wise also good on these aspects ufotable doesnt disappoints.
With all the aformentioned i STILL would say that i enjoyed more than the previous season, in constrast to most modern shounen where they seems to forget or actually skip the whole training part (im seeing you jujutsu kaisen) this one at least bothers into doing one which i highly appreciate even with all their cons and had some moments that without going so far to say they were a masterpiece i enjoy them quite bit, the last episode ends up hyping you for the next season where the shit gets real.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 22, 2024
This is not a ghibli movie on the normal sense of the word from not only others works of the studio but anime in general that i have watched over the years this one really wins into having the most shocking and disturbing scenes which makes for a movie that on my opinion is not for childrens like others works of the same studio even when the message or "lesson" that tries to embody is aimed for them.
One of the main problems that i have with this movie is the narration aspect makes it very confusing to undertands the characters (mainly Maki Mahito but also
some others like Heron Man or kiriko) and some parts of the story, for example you really dont get the intentions of the heron man guy early on the movie (besides all the horror movie that starts gradually turning out XD) he want to eat the boy? take him to the other world? help him trying to reunite him with her mother? or what? questions like this are left on blank and the relationship between this two is not clear netiher, on one second my guy want to eat the child and like abduct him and minutes later without much explanation these two are getting along like nothing, with the boy also being rather than fearless kinda crazy how reacts on most dangerous situations along the movie, not even mentioning kiriko and the whole younger version of her on the fictious world to make it the most briefly possibly.
Hisako dissapering for some days when she was a child like one of the maids told to the father reafirms the fact that she was from the same world like the boy and he just meet the "youger" version of his mother but here is kinda also confusing when you see young kiriko there but not even a mention of her traveling when younger.
Key moments that are supposed to serve like an explanation for the overall story are handle really poorly like when the boy finds the book his mother left him, that scene by itself hold a LOT of weight to undertand the story and was displayed in a very shaby way that im sure might be overlooked for most people.
The great uncle and his stones trying to keep the balance of the world, the dying pelican , the big golden gate that leaded to somekind of grave, those dolls that resemble the maids all of them holding some meaning and at the same time falling flat on more or less degree on deliver what they tried to encompass, you see... the imaginery its there but as as whole the conextion between them is almost null which together with like i said characters and story that resulted confusing makes for an experience quite dissapointing.
The backgrounds and animation were beautiful, the music wasnt bad but also i feel in comparision with others ghibli movies was pretty average.
There is nothing wrong with reflexive movies i love them but also you need coherence and a good direction on the thing you wanna tell, this movie doest not a good job on that which makes for the question what is the point of having some message when 90% of the people doesnt gonna get it.
Kimitachi wa Dou Ikiru ka or traduced like "how will you live?" it ends in a manner also quite abrupt and not satisfying at all, even when you try to deliver something like "life is tough and there are gonna be many things that are gonna try to make you give up still even then there is beauty and worth on living on it and depends on you on living a life that you will not regret of" on a little over 2 hrs movie it doest not makes up for what it doest bad.
Maybe due to age or who know the reason behind it this movie of hayao miyazaki is not by any means close to being something at pair of others like spirited away or Howl's Moving Castle, is not a bad movie but also not a amaizing one worth giving it a try and see if something on it resonates with you but i feel that from all ghibli movies this one together one "Tales from Earthsea" are the more weak ones of the litters by far.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jun 16, 2024
Garouden: The Way of the Lone Wolf is a series that shares a lot of similarities with others like baki or kengan ashura with the fights being the main spotligh now the thing is to make it short that the choreography of the fights are really good even to standarts of others series in the same nature this one really stands out on that but the fights itself are shorts and end in literally seconds wharever might be the most important ones or not all of them leaves you cold because are so fleeting that feels like you blink and all ended like nothing.
There are
episodes that starts like out of nowhere feeling like there is a lack of continuation in contrast with the previous episode and doesnt even connects the scenes many times well leaving you expecting some kind of explanation of how ended like that (which never happen btw), the protagonist has so blurry motivations that starts to derail so fast the logic in which they work arriving on the end with a very hollow and overall bad character, the beast thing inside the prota or the boxer guy that was kind a thing the whole series ends up like nothing.
Saeko izumi that serves as one of the reasons for Juuzou fujimaki on the trama on him not wanting to fight is literally one of the worst wirtten character i saw so far, the series literally doesnt know what light to shed on her or if it does it is only for worst trying to glorify a freaking fuck up bitch at the end, most if not all of the cast are just there to fill some kind of stereotype and dont even expect any development because with 8 episodes if does a bad work with the main one the rest of them dont even have an apportunity to ahve one to begin with (which i dont complain given how bad was handle).
The little arc of the whole underground tournament was nonexistent and the few fights due to the aformentioned were dissapointings,
Animation wise was fine thougt nothing oustanding, sound nothing that i can remember to being honest op didint like it and not even mention the ending song.
In general terms it felt cheap and its cheap does not a good job on almost anything and the fights which it supposed to be the forte per say are not great neither, the characters or are just filler for some moment or just confuse you and you dont care because not even the people on charge of the production of this knew where were they going with them.
Not recommended even if you like these kind of genre there are much better series than this one that dont gonna feel like you are wasting your time as this one.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jun 16, 2024
I grew up with digimon and hold a lot of good memories of those times so it goes without saying that it means a lot to me, now with the last couple of new releases on these years with the ovas of tri or this new movie of digimon 02 we can get to see more about what was about our beloved characters and their life after all these years which for all fan of the franchise was amazing to first galnce but.... sadly just like with tri this movie also is not what we deserved story wise or actually generally speaking in comparision with
the original ones.
One of the problems here that comes to light very early on and pretty obviously is the overly fast pace of it with an introduction that just feels like tries to skip and go straight to the main dilema without giving a proper room to developt not only to the new character (with resolutions very poor and silly on rui dilemas for example) but the situations that take place also and this stay present along all the movie, i didnt like it and there should be in another format to begin with (series or ovas) to deliver a proper and compelling story.
Not gonna throw spoilers but the plot on this movie is on scope under my eyes huge and on paper sounded good but just due to the aformentioned wasnt handled properly, i mean what is touched here is linked to the origin of ALL (season 1 and 2) the digidestined and yet with all that promesing premise does a very bad job on narrating it.
To mention something about owada rui design wise was kinda generic on my opinion, persona kinda also the same but what make him decent enough as an character was his backstory that was good sure the way how was resolved was lame and shows how little effort was putted on the climax of the movie yet i would even go far to say that still is better than Meiko Mochizuki of tri though wouldnt be a bar really hard to surpass given the standarts of what we are talking about.
The battles are little to null on this movie and even if the plot takes much more relevance on this one neither of these two are decent enough wharever be because is not present at all or because is not handle properly on each respective case.
It tries to pay homage to some degree with introducctions that resemble the older movies, mentions of characters like Willis or events of previous movies like "Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon no Gyakushuu" or even showing a more young tai and hikari that we could place a little before the first movie "Digimon: The Movie", all these little nuances are hugely appreciate it and gives much more weight to the movie but doesnt hold for the things that sins even if are a good touches.
Sound wise we can hear remix versions of cclasics like target or brave hearts for the ost in general was pretty forgettable leaving aside those more memorable songs.
The ending arise the question of what is gonna be from now on given how ended, because the truth is most things here were very dissapointing, the experience that i had with this movie leaved me cold as fuck and the only way i can see that this can be fixed is releasing this again but like a series with more scenes and overall development.
It wasn't a good digimon movie by any means and i just wished like with tri that the people involved on this installments cared more for the franchise itselft and fans that are awating to get a proper secuel of the same quality of the old ones.
There might be people who are not so demanding and find this movie entertaining or even good but i feel for most of us is not something that i would recommend mucyh more less if you are a avid fan of digimon.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Apr 22, 2024
This is by all means an spiritual succesor of evangelion not only on themes but many elements presents on this series resemble on more or less degree to the aformentioned though still is his own thing as a whole.
With more than 20 years on his back since aired soukyu no fafner is a anime of mechas, drama and sci-fi that touches a lot of existencial themes with a pacing that is falling to the side of being slow (at least that is what most poeple are gonna feel watching it although wasnt a problem to me) accompained of LOT of drama, it takes his time
developing the characters and their respective struggles but still manage to allow the action to happen more than enough.
Like i said it puts a lot of enfasis on the characters and all the background story revolving about the world which is one of the reason why the begining might feel it like its drag down if you are not used to this kind of pacing and anime of this nature, is very dark, gloomy and oppresive the atmosphere after just the firts episodes, the way how portray the situations and show to the spectator how desperly situation humanity is facing are very good executed, of course that i feel the drama by itseflt also helps a lot when so many dialogs and conversations take place along the series with heavy-tone themes.
Around the second half of the series is where things puts on motion and things start to move faster, most of the story happen on this island-fortress and even if the plot overall is not overly complicated it can result kinda confusing or you might not undertand everything, having to rewatch some moments on certain episodes because has this terminology and somekind of intricate way to narrate some lore of the plot which is not bad at all but also some dialogs like when this scientific (Akane Makabe) talks the shit starts to get serious XD with all this theories and logic explanations.
The only criticism would be one on the early moments of the series with Shouko Hazama which the event wasnt a problem but i feel was handle kinda mehh and the weight although had a huge impact on the rest of the cast also was delivered in a questionable way.
I cant not mention the ost of this series which is GOLD, all the tracks are lit with many cclasical pieces that are beautiful and melancolics and others are so epic it just makes all the experience so much better and the op and end also are freaking good with our dear angela for the vocals that when you reach the last episodes hits you really hard when starts to sound that ending.
Animation wise was okay not bad neither really good, on design i really like how the characters looked having the vibe of that era (early 2000).
Its a shame that most poeple dont know about this anime even after all this years, i hope that those interested on this kind of genere give it a try having on mind all the aformentioned because is a good series to say the least and deserves much more recognition.
Also there is a precuel and secuel to this series that i havent seen yet but glad to know that the story doesnt ends here.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 14, 2024
Having finish pluto actually months ago im most than aware that my review its kinda late based on his emission date and most people might have seen it already at this point though if you havent yet you are lucky because this review could help you to decide (which it doesnt gonna be hard hehe).
Pluto an adaptation of a work with the same name from arasawa naoki praised and acclaimed for many like the pinacle of anime or even going so far calling it an materpiece now the question would be its really true? and the reality is that on a sea surrounded of
9 of ten times for each season of generic and formulaic series pluto feels like some kind of rare catch that its not usual at all and much more less holding such high productions values on many aspects, now that leaves you little to noexistent opponent against whom compete when you only have a bunch of cheap seasonally series is more than surely that yours is gonna outstand and even more doing the things right.
Said that by no means im not trying to diminish all the good of it but also is true that have been series and movies of the same degree and even better than this one.
With 8 epidoes of 1 hour each is something that is not usual on this media but kinda undertandable based on where was released first (netflix) but i would say that i actually liked this format 1 hour more on my opinion is better than only 20 minutes per episode though if we do the maths this would be an 24 episodes series if followed the rest of the series.
Its an series with mistery and sci-fi that revolves on a distant future touching themes like what draws the line from a mere robot to a human being and everything that entails that or the morality of war and his consequences with Gesicht encompassing the protagonism for most of the series, the pacing on this is not the traditional one and doesnt follows the classic structure we are used on many series, very frecuently we get full episodes where the focus goes to another characters like atom hilselft, episolon or others robots which makes you wondering if truly there is one protagonist on the strict means of the word.
In a way feels kinda superficial because many things are touched very lightly, sure you get the intention and messages but at the same time i cant avoid to think that pluto is floating without much idea where is going on the trama and overall story, has moving and touching moments that are gonna make you drop a tear and characters that are well written yet also feels like an collage that is not properly united on al his parts storytelling wise.
VIsually stunning and the ost is pretty good and so far from what i hear and saw is very truthly to his source material which its very appreciate it also the intro of each episode its freaking sick.
With an ending that leaves us with hope and a belief that with time the infinte cycle of hate might change pluto closes this story and like many others elements presents there is not better way to end it on a more real and human way than this.
Worth to mention with renows works under naoiki urasawa wings like monster (that enjoys of an amazing adaptation) or 20th century boys pluto is on my opinion one of the most weak ones but still a very good series not for less.
Pluto cames like an storm and leave on his path many people satisfied with it, is a fresh air that happen from time to time nowdays with that feeling of old anime but at the same time infused with a modern adaptation yet respecting the original material, is an series that worth at least an opportunity to anyone into this kind of genere, the quality is more than assure and like most urawasa works is a captivating and a thought provoking piece, sure its has some downs and things that could be improved but overall i feel was a really good series maybe not a materpiece like many people like to rate it yet i enjoyed and had a blast all along the episodes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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