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Nov 13, 2013
Yuyushiki is my favorite slice-of-life anime, and I've seen a lot of slice-of-life anime, thus I was very excited for these specials to come out. However, in the end, these cheaply animated specials could not live up at all to the hilarity that was the original show.
These Yuyushiki specials turns the main cast into cat girls, and they then proceed to mess around and do whatever cat girls do. Which is fine and all, expect unlike the original TV series, the specials are not funny at all. There's an awkward pause between each line of dialogue for some reason, which serves no point besides to
make these specials move really really slowly. Compared to the well written dialogue of the TV series, the dialogue in this is terrible. It's dumb and it almost seems kiddish at moments. It tries to be cute, but in reality, it isn't really. The animation is terrible, with the characters done in cheap CGI designs with no background at all. If there is a good point in this OVA, it's that the characters remain the same. Yukari and Yuzuko seem to be dumber than they already were in the show, but the perfect straight man, Yui, still remains the same, which is good as she's my favorite part of Yuyushiki.
If you're a big fan of Yuyushiki, then I still recommend checking these out. If you only liked and not loved the show though, I recommend skipping out on this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Nov 2, 2013
I hate romances due to the fact they waste too much time on love triangles and misunderstandings. And you know what? Bitter Virgin does that too, and I hate it for that. However, the reason why the two don't get together in the first place makes sense for once, and thus I celebrate that.
Bitter Virgin tells the tale of a boy named Suwa. At first off, he has no interest in a transfer student called Aikawa due to her fear of men, but after overhearing her confessing in a church that her step-father sexually abused her and got her pregnant twice, he finds that
the girl manages to work her way deep into his heart.
It's the main plot that really makes the series. How Aikawa slowly begins to open up to Suwa and get over her fears is the best part of this. Suwa is very nervous getting close to her in fear that he will hurt her. The main thing that prevents these two from getting close truly isn't outside interference, but the fact that they are just too scared. The pure romance in this manga is the fluffy feeling that I like, not the forced feeling, as you can truly tell that they both love each other. The tragedies in this show are truly great and offer some of the best scenes in this series. Suwa and Aikawa are an excellent couple... Of course, a romance remains a romance, and what's a romance without a forced love triangle and a childhood friend with a secret crush?
Bitter Virgin has one of the best main couples I have seen. However, it also has the worst love triangle ever. It wouldn't have been so bad if the other girl in the triangle, Ibuse, wasn't an annoying, clingy bitch with no redeeming qualities, but unfortunately she is. Not to mention the love triangle is useless too. There's already plenty of romantic tension coming just from the premise of this manga to create a series. There's no need for a cliched love triangle. And why did the childhood friend like Suwa besides the fact she was his childhood friend?
Bitter Virgin however, like I said, is a very fluffy read. Suwa is a great main character and is a lovable idiot who has no clue what he's doing while Aikawa does a great job being the shy love interest with a good reason for being shy. Most side characters (minus Ibuse) are also well fleshed out, such as Suwa's sister who appears halfway through the series who suffers a tragedy of her own. She's a great character with realistic problems. All of the characters in this anime are actually realistic, and I like it for that.
The art is decent. It's not really my type of style, but it is good for what it is. All of the characters look different, even if their basic designs are a little plain. The designs are realistic, which adds to the feel of the series.
I would have been all over this manga if it wasn't for that love triangle. However, as it is, it is a very good romance manga and I recommend it to anyone.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 30, 2013
Binchou-tan may look like an energetic slice-of-life anime by glancing at the cover that is just a few chibis playing. Well, it's not. It's a very slow-paced slice-of-life anime with very little comedy. And it works.
Binchou-tan tells the tale of Binchou-tan, a young girl who lives out in the mountains by herself as this world apparently has no social workers. She goes to town every day to work for money, because this world apparently has no child labor laws. In this town, she creates and hangs out with several other young girls.
Binchou-tan is a really simple show. It's just Binchou-tan doing stuff every day.
That's it, nothing more. However, in a way that's the charm of the show. Most slice-of-life anime just show selected scenes from the life of the characters, where stuff happens. Sure it's not exciting stuff, but it's still stuff. However, due to Binchou-tan's really slow pace and having several scenes of just Binchou-tan walking around, in a way you feel like you are watching Binchou-tan's whole life. It's not boring, it's actually very interesting to see how this strange little girl lives. Actually, girls. Most of the episodes switch back from scenes of just Binchou-tan and shows the life of the other girls too. Heck, one of the girls doesn't even meet up with the group for the first time face to face until the last minutes of the final episode. I really liked how they did that, as it gives us a taste of others lives and not just Binchou-tan's.
The characters in Binchou-tan... I hate to admit it, but they're all rather lame. Most have little personality. Binchou-tan is just kind of, well... I don't even know. She never really talks very much during the show. She's rather kind and quiet I suppose, and a little spacey. For the rest of the girls, most of them have gimmicks, not personality. Chiku-tan likes to invent stuff. Ren-tan is a Buddhist, likes dangos, and has good luck. Kunugi-tan is rich and wants to befriend Binbou-tan. Aloe likes to swim. However, the dullness of the characters never really gets in the way of the actual show, due to the fact it doesn't concentrate on comedic scenes but just scenes of everyday life. In a way, their dullness somehow makes the show more relaxing.
The animation is decent. The character designs are definitely more chibi than realistic. They're obviously are meant to look cute and add to the fluffiness of the show. They do work out in the end though. The simplistic character designs allow more fluidity in the animation, even if it does use stock footage a few times. Yes, stock footage in a slice-of-life show. Why not? The music is also rather decent. The opening is cute in a relaxing way and the ending is cute in a, well, cute way. They both fit the mood of the show. The voice acting is also decent, though I do get the feeling I would have hated Binchou-tan's voice actor if she spoke more as she has a really squeaky voice.
If you must have plot and action and comedy in your anime, then stay as far away from this show as you can get. It is a must for slice-of-life fans though, and I give it an 8.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 26, 2013
Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai is a very ambitious anime. However, it also happens to be a harem comedy that really wants to pander to that otaku audience. The result? A total and utter mess that has a lot of good things about it.
Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai tells the tale of three young men and their life in the city and their connections to the people around them. That's more or less all I can say without spoiling this, as it takes until the very end of episode 4 for things to start making at least a little sense in this show.
Before I
go into the plot, I just want to say that Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai has not just the best, the the second best harem protagonists of all time in it. Most harem protagonists are dull and have no personality, but for two of our three heroes, that is not the case. They have unique personalities and side characters in most anime are lucky to have the flair they do. Shuu, the first of the three heroes I will go into, is absolutely wonderful. He's slightly perverted, a fast talker, and really likes to tease the girls in his area of the story. He's basically what would happen if you took that perverted best friend seen in all harem anime and made them the protagonist. The second of our heroes is Hayato, who to put it plainly is rude. He seems like he doesn't care about the people in his side of the story, and speaks in a very deep, mumbling voice. Together, both of these protagonists are very unique and stand out the the sea of harem protagonists who look and act the same. And then there's Takashi, who's, well, the dullest of the bunch and has no personality besides being nice and a wimp, and he's supposed to be the mainest one, which is ironic given the fact he gets the least screen time of the three, but hey. I'll much rather see Hayato and Shuu.
In another irony, most of the times in harem anime you don't care about the main character and only care about the girls, but here it is the exact opposite. Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai has perhaps the worst cast of girls in any harem anime. It's not like they're bad or annoying, it's just that they have no personality at all. Sure one's a little more moe, and the other two are a little more tsundere, but besides that they have little personality. They also add very little to the story also. You could remove two of them and nothing would've really changed. There's also a huge cast of side characters of which are completely useless in every way and serve no purpose besides comic relief.
And well, that's really what Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai is pulled down by, its uselessness. Only about one-fourht of this show serves a purpose. The other three-fourths is typically weird comic relief. And by weird comic relief, I mena weird. It was funny, but not in a “ha ha, that's hilarious” way, but in a “that's so stupid” way. One scene of this anime manages to make rubbing cream on a wound look sexual. You do not want to know.
Due to the filler in the plot, that makes the actual story even more confusing than it actually is. It takes until literally the last minute of episode 4 for the major plot twist the drives the story to happen and it takes like, nine for the show to really kick off and actually begin getting somewhere. Due to this, the ending is very rushed and doesn't make much sense at all. It has ambition, but not the right build-up to make an effort.
And that's my main problem with this show, the fact it has no darn clue what it's supposed to be doing. I mean, there's not enough romance in it to be a romance. None of the characters get together with anyone. Only one of the three main characters even dates anyone. There's not enough drama for it to be a drama. All drama is filtered out by comedic moment. I mean, this show goes into a pretty heavy subject, but it never feels dark at all. Thus it cannot be a psychological anime, as it does not go into the characters enough to become one. Ideally then, it should be a lame harem comedy, but it tries too hard to become one of those. Shuu and Hayato do a flawless job pulling the show along, and the direction is decent also. It's just too light-hearted for what it wants to be.
The art is, well, lame. Character designs look generic, and two of the characters look exactly the same almost. The animation isn't very fluid. The music is a little better. It's still very average, but the opening is very decent for what it is. I don't remember what the ending was, so don't ask on that. The background music has a few nice soundtracks in it. The voice actors tend to vary. Shuu and Hayato have great voice actors to match their great characters, while the girls have lame and generic voice actors to fit their lame and generic characters.
Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai is very bad, but in a way it's kind of fun. If it sounds like your type of show, then by all means watch it. But if it doesn't then don't watch it. I give this anime 6 stars.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 18, 2013
Tomoyo After is a spinoff of Clannad, based off of a visual novel. Instead of Nagisa being the winner of the harem, Tomoyo is, and this manga tells about the trials the pair faces. It's also as rushed as hell.
Tomoyo After is very episodic in nature. The chapters barely connect at all, and each chapter seems to have about five chapters worth of materiel in it. Like Clannad, Tomoyo After has the goal of making you cry. However, due to its rushed nature, you don't get that chance. I never felt any connection to any of the characters, and due to this the drama felt
very force. Actually, the drama is forced, and all of the situations that appear are dumb and have no build-up. Two of the side characters also look exactly the same. The art itself is okay. Nothing special, but nothing really memorable either.
Tomoyo After is a very mediocre manga. Fans of the game might want to check it out, but if you've never played the game like I have, then there's really nothing special here.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 16, 2013
The sequel to Higurashi. Less killing and more speeches? Does it work out? In the end, yes. It's just a lot of pain to get to there.
Kai continues the story of Higurashi, but instead of showing more arcs of everyone going insane and murdering each other, it concentrates more on solving why the mysterious events in Higurashi happen and put an end to them. Minus the first one, the arcs are much longer than they were, and the story has Rika as the main character instead of Keiichi.
The story? I don't know. You see, for me, Higurashi Kai has the worst arc of the show,
hands down. The Massacre arc, the second arc after the 4 episode first one (which is probably my second-least favorite) is just terrible. Every episode is compromised of over 5 minutes of the same, dull speeches on how, by working together, you can overcome fate and create a miracle! Not to mention the fact that it's so slowly paced. The show more or less just waltz around not getting anything really accomplished for half of the arc. Fortunately, the final arc picks up the pace. While what happens in it is extremely stupid, it is well-executed enough that I can look beyond that. The background given to the show is very interesting.
However, on the whole, does Kai provide a good ending for the show? Oh no. There's still so many things that have yet to be explained (such as the whole first arc of the series makes little sense still), and there's also several plot holes too. While they are easy to ignore and you might not even notice them if you don't think, if you do realize them, then it really lowers the quality of the show a bit. Also, the last like, 2 minutes of this make no sense whatsoever, but it doesn't really affect the plot, so it's rather easy to ignore.
The characters. Hm... Kai concentrates more on Rika, which is fine and all, she's a good character. However, the other main characters? They don't get much. You see, in normal mood the cast of Higurashi is vaguely pleasant and all, but none really stand out. It's when they go into crazy mood where they become the awesome characters they are, and they never really have a chance to go into crazy mood. They don't really even do much besides give speeches and offer some abilities to help save the day in the end. Rika does do a decent enough job pulling along the show by herself ot make up for it, but it's still a disappointment.
The animation? It is better than the original (not like that's tough to do, though). Everyone actually manages to stay on model for the majority of the show. Well, minus the time they forgot to draw Mion's arm, but still. It's still obviously a low-budget show, just not obviously low-budget. The animation can get rather nice when it wants to, which is typically about once an episode. It's still pretty bad, but not as bad.
The music is the same as last season. Two great opening and endings, great voice actors, and a background track that doesn't stand out, but still adds to the mood.
This is a must-watch if you saw the original Higurashi season. While the first was better, Kai is not only necessary to understand the plot, but does some notable stuff on its own too. Do not watch this without viewing the original Higurashi though. You will be completely lost. I give Higurashi Kai 7 stars and say that you should watch it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 16, 2013
Animal Dance is a weird little five-minute music video. Its premise is that the animation style is that the background only has one color, and strange shadows move across this background, most of the time those shadows representing animals. And that's basically it. There's no plot, just five minutes straight of a weird animation technique. This is fine and all, expect that it gets very repetitive. The song playing in the background is dull and doesn't have much variety. The animation, while being very neat, some frames repeat themselves, something that just can't be done in a piece where the sole point is the animation
technique. It gets old very fast. All in all, I give this a 5 out of 10. People who enjoy weird little ambient shorts like this might want to check it out.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Oct 10, 2013
Cute girls killing each other. That's what Higurashi is, and it is awesome.
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni tells the tale of a group of ordinary high school students who live their happy lifes together in their weird little club in this little town. However, everything is not what it seems in this little town. Every year, one person dies and another person disappears on the night of the Cotton Drifting Festival. Villagers blame it on the curse of the town's local deity, Oyashiro-sama. And so, the group of high school students find their lives intertwined somehow with these events.
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni has
a very interesting format. Every arc starts out all happy until the characters go all insane. Then once the stories wrapped up in four episodes or so, everything resets and we get another story involving the same characters, but different things happen. This allows us to see different sides of all of the characters and how they react to different situations, allowing us to get a deeper understanding of them that greatly adds to the show. The format also helps as when an arc ends, you really want to know what happens next and who's going to go crazy next arc (as a lot of people go crazy on this show, trust me). And so that adds to Higurashi no Naku Koro ni's experience and makes it such an addicting, show.
And really, this show is so addicting. While I didn't find Higurashi no Naku Koro ni to be scary at all, I did love the suspense. While episodes do not always end with cliffhangers (there's very few actually) due to the mystery of the show, you need to watch another episode so you can try to figure out what's going on. The events that happen to the characters in the show are horrific and you truly pity them, even the ones who go absolutely insane. And while this season doesn't tie up all loose ends (the equal Kai, which I haven't seen but will very soon), it still ends well enough that even without a season two, it's just a really melancholy conclusion instead of a mess like other shows do.
The best part of Higurashi are the characters. While at first glance they seem like your normal harem stereotypes such as the dull harem lead, the moe girl who likes cute things, the tomboy, the moe loli, and the tomboy loli, they are not. All of the characters have hidden sides, almost like split personalities, inside of them. No one in this show is how they seem upfront, and finding out the character's true sides is part of the fun of the show. However, having characters with personalities that can change with a drop of the hat does mean that they can be however the story wants them to be with no pattern. While it does typically come off more as cool than lazy, I can see this angering some.
And now let's talk about the animation. Ah, the animation. To put it simply, Higurashi is one of the most badly animated anime I've seen. While it isn't the worst, it does come really really close at times. Characters almost never look on-model, people do not move when they talk, and their faces are commonly hidden. They always make these really silly faces that are supposed to be scary, but they are not, they are silly. Faces are covered in shadows often, and don't even get me started on the fight scene in the last episode. While Higurashi is not an action anime and good animation isn't necessary, there was more than one time where I thought that if Studio DEEN had just a little more budget, the scene would be more awesome.
Fortunately the soundtrack fairs much better. The opening theme is haunting and fits the mood of the show perfectly, with a slow-paced ending with haunting Engrish lyrics. The background music, while it doesn't have any standout tracks, does fit the show perfectly and adds to the tension. However, these voice actors are awesome. While they do sound average when the characters are normal, when the characters go insane, they just sound so perfect with some of the best acting I've seen in an anime and they really make their characters more believable.
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni is an addicting anime, and once you start watching you cannot stop. I recommend it to any anime fan.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 3, 2013
I originally rolled my eyes when I heard about this. Fate/kaleid. A magical girl spinoff to one of my favorite anime franchises, the Fate franchise. While Fate/kaleid is not the first magical girl spinoff (that award goes to Nanoha, I believe), the Fate franchise is really really popular, and TYPE-MOON seems to have all intention of milking it out for as long as they can. So I came into this show expecting a happy-go-lucky magical girl show that would be little more than fanservice.
Boy was I wrong.
Fate/kaleid tells the tale of Ilya. Unlike in the original Fate, Ilya has lived a perfectly normal life so
far and is just your typical girl. One day however, a magical girl staff comes crashing through her window when she's taking a bath and forces Ilya to become a magical girl. You see,Cards are messing up the lay lines or something like that, and originally the magic association sent two girls, Rin and Luvia, to capture these cards. However, Rin and Luvia hate each other and argued all the time, so the staffs ran away and picked new partners. And so, Ilya must fight the Heroic Spirits defending these cards alongside fellow magical girl Miyu, with Rin and Luvia helping the both of them out a bit.
Listen. Just because Fate/kaleid stars a bunch of fluffy magical girls does not mean it's all light and fun here. Fate/kaleid is more of a drama than a comedy. I'll even call it a deconstruction of the genre. Ilya and friends get hurt often and nearly die more than once. Ilya is forced to face exactly why she wants to become a magical girl and she realizes that's it's not all fluffy like shows on TV. And it deconstructs it perfectly, compared to another magical girl deconstruction (cough) Puella. The drama Ilya goes through feels real, expect one plot point I'll discuss later.
And listen. Just because Fate/kaleid stars a bunch of magical girls does not mean that it can be freakin' badass when it wants to be. These battles are just a joy to watch, I'll even put them alongside Fate/Zero's battles, and those are amazing. The animation during these scenes get way better, they play a little epic track that's more or less a wannabe Yuki Kaijura that actually works, and the choreography is amazing. Due to the fact the danger is real this show, there's also a sense of suspension. Sure you know no one's going to die (dark one or not, this is still a magical girl spinoff), but it is still awesome.
However, there's the category of the characters. My Rin's still Rin (I always forget how much I love her until I see her in action), and the two new characters, Luvia and Miyu, far nicely. Sure Luvia can be a little annoying at times and Miyu your typical mysterious emotionless transfer student who's perfect at everything but yet has problems making friends, but they're still fine. But Ilya? … Now, when creating spinoffs, an important factor is to keep your characters the same as they were before. Sure they're obviously going to be slightly different, but they still need to have a resemblance of the original in them. This Ilya is no way like the original Ilya however. While it does make sense as without her dark past, Ilya has no reason to become the half-insane “Bah-sah-kah, kill them!” girl we all know and love, I still want a little of that girl in there. However, this Ilya is just your typical magical girl heroine. Nice, a little shy, everyone loves her despite her mistakes... Aka, dull.
And then comes the second problem with Fate/kaleid. It can get too dark. Now, I love darkness with a burning passion, but there is a difference between drama and forced drama. You all know the type of episode where the team splits up due to some trivial argument and gets back together at the end? Yeah. Well, Fate/kaleid has a whole arc of that. And it is so badly written. To put it simply, everything just goes bad for Ilya and she more or less loses her confidence she's gained as a magical girl due to the fact one of the characters decides to says she hates her, for a reason that does make sense but is originally done in such a terrible way. She then spends the episodes until the arc is over moping around and being so sad, I almost felt like crying. I mean, if you're going to make Ilya your typical girl, then give her a happy life. Let us see the normal Ilya. However, with the whole darkness of the show, I began to wonder, isn't there just one timeline where Ilya can be happy? This whole arc is horribly done and is pulled out in a way that makes no sense and is ended so easily (hey, at least we get to see a cameo from a Zero character), it almost made me want the happy-go-lucky magical girl spinoff I was expecting over some dark Puella ripoff (okay, the manga did come before Puella, but still).
Now, the animation... I hate it. The animation is fine, but these have to be some of the ugliest character designs I have ever seen. It looks terrible. They were obviously trying to go for the overly cute and moe look, but I just cannot look at it. The lips are animated weirdly, all of the colors are so light, the hair and skin seems to glow, the eyes are weird, it just looks terrible. Some of the characters barely look like their original role. While things do look a little better in the gloriously animated action scenes, in the non-action scenes, it's just not pretty. The music, like I mentioned above, is rather awesome, with really epic tunes playing during the battle scenes and more relaxing, happy tunes playing during the non-battle scenes. The voice acting is also nice too. Expected though, considering most of these seiyuu have previous experience in their characters.
Despite its flaws however, I just couldn't help but really enjoy Fate/kaleid. It was neat to see all of the characters I love in a new setting. And you don't even have to have any previous experience in the Fate franchise to enjoy this. You'll just miss some of the in-jokes. Fate/kaleid is a fun show, and I give it 8 out of 10 stars, though if it wasn't for the Fate name on it it would probably be 7. TYPE-MOON's plan worked apparently. I recommend this to any TYPE-MOON and magical girl fan. There's also going to be a season 2 coming out this winter, and I am looking forward to it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 1, 2013
Warning: You really need to watch School Days before reading this, and so slight spoilers from the show will be alluded to. School Days is the most spoiled anime ever though, so you probably already know all of this.
School Days. The infamous harem deconstruction that everyone either loves or hate, me being part of the love side of things. School Days, as most know, is based off of a visual novel. That visual novel also has two spinoffs without anime adaptions but manga ones, Summer Days and the one right here, Cross Days.
Cross Days is a side story to School Days. It takes
place at the same time as the original story, albeit with a few changes. It tells the story of a boy named Yuuki who has a crush on a girl called Kotonoha. Kotonoha happens to be dating Makoto. Another girl named Kitsuregawa likes Yuuki. Out of jealously, she claims to Yuuki that she is dating Makoto. Yuuki investigates and learns Makoto is dating another girl, Sekai. Yuuki is your typical motivated harem protagonist, and so he decides to show the truth about Makoto to these girls by some sort of convoluted plan involving cross-dressing. As you can tell, these teenagers days at school is anything but simple.
I'll like to get right into the characters. Now, Makoto is not the main character but Yuuki is, and he's generally a likable guy. He's typically very smart and tries his best through this crazy plan to prove to the girls the evils of our Makoto. He wants to help everyone and be a hero basically. Then we have Kitsuregawa, who is a tsundere. Not really much more I can say about her. She's not very memorable as a character. Then there's of course the sweet little Kotonoha who is the same from her role in School Days. Then there's Makoto. Now, I am one of the 9 people who really liked Makoto in the original. I think he's one of the more fleshed out harem protagonists, and before he went and had sex with everyone, I enjoyed his likable idiot personality. However, my little hormone-driven Makoto does not exist in this manga. Instead, we have an evil Makoto, who is obsessed with sex to the point he doesn't care at all about the other girls feelings. And it's not like the second-to-last episode of School Days where Makoto was just emotionless, no. He's plain evil, right down to his laugh. While I do love my original Makoto and all, something about Evil Makoto was just really amusing so I still like him. Most of the other characters from the anime don't really get fleshed out at all. Not even Sekai, who actually plays a rather big role in this manga.
Now, the story. Once you get passed the fact Yuuki could've just cut this plot in half by just telling the girls straight out Makoto was cheating on them instead of Operation Cross Days, how was it? For the most part, it's light-hearted romantic affair, and that's fine. The characters are all decent enough to be seen doing this. And there's no fluff in it either. Most of the scenes are straight and to the point, and add to the story overall. Yuuki's attempts to bring Makoto's evils out in public are fun to watch and he does make the right choices most of the time. While the manga is nowhere near as dark as School Days, it is definitely a drama instead of a comedy. On the ending (as School Days is definitely known for it) no one dies at all, though it is still a little twisted at the end of the day.
The art of the manga is very good. Character designs are detailed and look very cute. You can easily tell apart characters from the original series and no one really looks alike.
I really enjoyed Cross Days personally. Seeing the familiar story through the few of another character was refreshing. It's very entertaining to read and see the characters we all know and either hate or love, depending on the person, through another light. In a way, I feel like Cross Days purpose was this- What would the events of School Days look like through the eyes of a normal person who just happened to get wrapped up in it some way? Is it possible to fix the wrongs of Makoto? The view this manga gave was very interesting.
Overall, I say Cross Days is a must for any School Days fan. If you're a hater of the show (which several people are), then there's nothing new here to really attract you, but if you enjoyed the show at least somewhat, I recommend this manga.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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