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Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex
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Zankyou no Terror
Both anime have terrorism as a main part of their story. Both excell in visuals and sound. But, GitS is way better in everything else. If ZnT is like a dull painting with beautiful borders, then GitS is like a chef-d'oevre of a painting with every kind of detail and masterful handle.
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Fukumenkei Noise
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Love triangle between one childhood friend and one newer one. Both protagonists play the guitar. In terms of melodrama, Fuuka does it terribly and its characters are hollow. Noise does the formula a little better but still falls vicitm to cliches and the endless void of plotholes. Noise has better music than Fuuka which reuses only the OP song in every episode and remembers that it is about a music band and add two more just for the variety. Noise has better lyrics and music is not just a plot device, it is a means for characters to bear their souls to the viewer.
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Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi
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Shinsekai yori
Both titles have a great focus on world-building.The first arc of Shinsekai Yori serves as a world-building arc and Spirited Away explores its universe through Hayao Miyazaki's imagination. However, Spirited Away is a Ghibli movie aimed for younger audiences, while Shinsekai Yori targets a more mature crowd.