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You Should Read This Manga My MALentine Story
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Jul 6, 2024
Jeez i'm going to receive threats for this one, Recently I re-read Akira and If i'm being honest, it did not really age well.
Especially many ppl call the anime inferior, it actually did most of the things better than the manga.
Story: 5/10
The story is pretty dated, and stale, really nothing special as most of the time is invested on action and the overall exposition of Akira in the starting volumes rather than fleshing out the overall plot. The story also kind of drags out a little too long with the whole akira business gets too messy and the ending felt too out of the
place. The fights were really intense with blood and gore. Here and there but that's really it. It's neither ambiguous nor completely direct, just stuck in the middle cause for the most of the time we don't even know, how can someone even obtain psychic, it eventually does explain but it was not really sufficient enough. If u are not capable enough to actually explain then pls just leave it which actually worked in the movie.
There is nothing much to explore in the plot, The world is neither as immersive as Eden, nor the plot.
Like literally the plot is like an actual fucking joke, like in one moment, Tetsuo is so powerful that he can go through space and make a hole in the moon or just fucking teleport to the military ship and just destroy everything in his way, but on the next scene, He gets whooped by small fries like Kei whose psychic powers were not as destructive as Tetsuo's but still give a hardtime and even that fodder Kaneda with no power beats his ass for some fucking reason, Also the main characters got insane level plot armors. Like how in the actual fuck Kaneda survives most of the conflicts thrown onto him like every fucking time, How did he survive the neo tokyo incident wtf happens no one knows and no one even wants to question, Cause none of them are actually smart enough and the story is obnoxiously inconsistent
Art: 9/10
The art is actually really good, it is in it's own league, it is a great classical hand drawn manga.
Characters: 4/10
They are as one dimensional and comical as u can find in many other media, most of the characters are like they are out of Western movies, Kaneda the hardheaded guy, Kei the cool marystu who just can use psychic powers by borrowing the abilities from all the other psychics in the manga, It was like reading a power fantasy nonsense, Chiyoko the fucking Japanese female Arnold Schwarzenegger, and there are many more apparently they are very poorly written, The characters relationships are so underdeveloped, It's baffling
Like for instance take Kaori's relationship with Tetsuo in the manga, Otomo tried really hard to make Tetsuo look like a broken villain but that actually backfired, i mean just look at Tetsuo, It feels unrealistic, like at first he was just killing ppl left and right then all of a sudden, she finds Kaori and even used her as a lab rat, basically testing her if she could actually endure the pain and gain that psychic power then out of nowhere, Tetsuo fell in love with Kaori, It doesn't even make sense
In the anime, it at least made some sense cause Tetsuo was always a dick, Him cold shouldering Kaori then later care about her was a better decision, cause Otomo is really bad at handling Romantic relationship so better just leave it
And in Kei's situation, it's even worse like He used to be attracted to Ryu for some reason then all of a sudden, he cares about Kaneda Jeez. It's totally weird and out of place, the romantic relationships are completely unrealistic and nonsensical
Overall, It's not really worth the read, Just watch the anime until and unless u like mindless action with no good or a cartoonishly dragged out story than ur welcome,
I would rate this a 5/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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May 17, 2024
This is a review for both the anime/manga, There are sparring differences between anime and manga, the first episode was completely its own thing different from it's manga, even tho most people liked it, It kind of alters the whole point of Oscar's motive
Here we are introduced with a beautiful, charming, elegant but a strong young girl named Oscar who lives in France as she is the daughter of a general who was expecting a boy but instead got a girl baby, whom he later trains under his supervision in order to compete in a male dominant field of military
So to start with, Rose
of Versailles is the type of anime that is more into the character driven side as the psyche of each characters are partially different and unique in its own different. The characters in this anime/manga is challenged by different norms and traditions of that era. Whether we are talking about Marie Antoinette, who is basically a spoiled brat, she was the archduchess of Austria whose life turns upside down after the whole proposal to be the new queen of France, She was an ambitious girl with different things in her mind, but this changes once she feels the burden of handling a throne, It is a burden far heavy for a child like Marie but the way she grows makes us intrigued even the rest of the cast whether it be Oscar are well developed, A girl with a different burden of preparing your mindset for men's battlefield, the pure brave soul, has her own ups and downs, incidents which challenge her ideology, her confidence, her own incapability as a comparatively weak sex as her fragile body cannot hold up to the likes of men, The way she struggles is what is so intriguing about the story. Even the side casts are fairly developed like Andre, His dynamic with Oscar the one and only he truly loves and also the one who acted as a comrade in the battlefield , or whether it be the queen's actual love Fersen. All of them has their own reasoning and justification for their own actions. Truly a character driven anime/manga, but enough about the characters
The story is well simply not as good as the characters, It's fairly simple but effective. A story related to how the things escalate when the throne is handed over to incompetent children with less EQ level, the tragedy starts through within the inner conflict with the power and responsibilities, the indecisiveness of the king, the incompetency and the whole naivety costed them the trust of the citizens, Simply he trust of the devil's and giving in to greed and lust was the flaw of King and queens reign(Marie was even warned by Maria her mother) they furthermore angered the citizens in their infamous "reign of terror" but all the characters were still so human, u cannot just hate everyone of them u can be frustrated but u cannot brings them down, even tho the story is not as complex or as dynamic as it's characters but the tragedies in this anime/manga is like a Sharp edged knife, which cuts through deep enough when the tragedy hits with it's outstanding sound score by Shinji Ueda and the opening with the ending song is so beautiful
Characters: 9/10
Story: 7/10 (they simply just couldn't change much as it is an already established history, but still could have been better)
Art: 9/10 (simply beautiful)
(Music for anime: 8/10)
Overall I would give this a 9/10, It was really good definitely worth a try
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 1, 2024
Today I'm going to shit on this dumpster fire,
Spoiler Warning:
Well to start with, it's a story about a shy girl (i forgot the name cause that girl is annoying, now who even cares) who is afraid of normal men but gets groped by a crossdressing predator named Kirishima Ryou, but instead of resisting that monster, she cries and cries, and for the upcoming segments she lets her do all this stuff, while this brain rot girl is scared of normal guys but isn't bothered by a crossdresser cause they/them look so hot man, "i want to French kiss this fine woman", she is still
in delusion that he is a woman what kind of an idiot is she, and the next clown is the predator himself, the self proclaimed seeker of justice, bro fr "he rEsPEcTs women". He respects so much that he don't want other men to be near her victim, but in reality he is one heck of a villain who calls other men as "wolves". Meanwhile he himself is doing stuffs to a girl without her consent, "he is more of a wolf than those guys". He plays with that girls psyche into making her fall in love and the obvious lewd shit goes on until she confesses that she likes him cause he looks like a hot woman❓only one emoji can describe her "🤡". There is also an addition of a lesbian girl in it too which is uninteresting and boring to watch nothing good happens after what I just said, I won't even start with that, that lesbian girl wants to hide herself from the world the fact that she likes girls but still shows affection for Ryouko aka ryou. It's honestly so stupid
The story is simply not there, the characters are unapologetic, shit music, shit art, even tho the guy kind of looks hot in that female attires but oh well nothing special
I rate this a -100/10
Absolutely trash never try it unless ur too much into corn, ur beyond help my friend
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Mar 29, 2024
Man I am too lazy to even write a review so i will keep it brief
Gushing over magical girl is one of the worst yuri ecchi manga and is completely disgusting, It keeps on sexualizing little girls like kiwi (basically any girl in the manga) and the fact that she looks like a literal 8 year old or so makes it even more bad and in the anime they give her a child like voice. The situational comedy where they showcase different types of porn video techniques (i do know what are they called but i don't want to mention it) used by Utena
(This perverted creepy lesbian should be kept away from children, if someone like her exists) when she gets turned on by those magical girls and do all sorts of creepy stuff like tickling, touching weirdly and all those creep stuff, i am convinced this manga is only liked by mods and pdf files and i won't hear otherwise.
Imagine a human being getting turned on by this manga, that person is not normal, how do u even get boners by this cringy stuff and also the plot is complete blocks of non-sense like imagine making a story about a creepy underaged girl doing weird shit with another underaged girls and there are some development for that green head girl which is not much compared to that weird ecchi shit, the characters are defined by how they are sexualized by utena with god awful character designs, they don't even look good or cute, they look like fucking horny aliens. Props to the author who wants to show the world that he like girls (underaged girls) and how creepy he is. Basically the whole industry is infested with this disturbing sexualization of goofy ahh looking underaged girls.
"But uhm actually, this symbolises utena as a strong independent woman who is not bound by men and it also has great symboliisms as you can see a red flower in all the magical girl's panties, this symbolises that they will turn into utena's sex toy" 🤡🤓
Nuff said
All in all, this is a terrible manga/anime which is mainstreaming/normalizing child sexualization, there are many more but this is the most popular one i can find. This kind of shitty series must be stopped asap
I give this a 0/10 rating
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jan 31, 2024
This review contains heavy spoilers from Gunnm
This is one of the best manga of all time despite some of its obvious flaws..... I repeat MYSELF once again.... It's one of the best manga of all time but I won't be biased everything has a flaw, there is no such thing as PERFECT
Well I would go into the story in brief the story is about a cyborg named Gally, Who was found in Junkyards below the grand floating city of Zalem, the creators of the most advanced technologies also a rotten/corrupted city lead by an anonymous higher up (for the beginning) named Desty Nova
Ok, Well this girl was found in the Junkyards basically all the waste of Zalem. A man named Dr. Ido Daisuke found him and then fixed her and treated her like her own child and even named her after his own cat 😺. She has an Amnesia, she doesn't remember her own past, what she was and how she reacts to the world, She lives in is fascinating to read….. A perfect deconstruction of Battle Shonen done by a Seinen Manga pretty ironic. The story continues pretty much in a really fast pace as we are also introduced with Alita’s lil crush who is also a thief who steals spare parts of cyborgs…… Alita also pretty much funds out about many secrets of Ido, This is the beginning of the fire igniting in her, As this continues we are also introduced with our street level antagonist named Zapan who gets humiliated by Alita, pretty much at such a fast pace the story even brings out our big bad, one of the few one dimensional villains in Gunnm…. Who absolutely destroys Alita….. but u know what SHE IS THE FUCKING MAIN CHARACTER, She ain't losing that's what I used to think but it's not about the win or lose…. It's more like she is learning from her mistakes BUT Still we need something reminiscent to her past “Berserker Armour” GODDAMN Miura, CHILL, U don't need to rip off that….. But as the story goes it just is not anymore about just battle, It's more about filling the puzzles that will connect her past and the reason, She is stucked here in the scrapyard, Then after some sneek peek to motorball action, the tragedy strucks as his boyfriend was killed by Zapan who is an egoistic pussy who wants his revenge….. Oh I forgot to mention that Alita’s bf Yugo was collecting money just to go to Zalem as he was an orphan who was raised by his unnamed older brother and his brother’s wife Nana (she actually betrayed her husband’s illegal activities, which resulted in his death). Hugo then ran away from Nana and was forever determined to make it to a sky city himself, which is how he became involved in stealing cyborg parts for Vector, He actually first caught Vector’s eye by selflessly trading his own hand for his brother’s which he recognized being sold by one of Vector’s dealers. Now enter Vector, the dude who works under that retard (Desty Nova).... The scumbag who basically tricked Yugo into doing his bits but what can we say, He was a really well developed character and it was indeed a tragic death even tho Yugo didn't recognise Alita’s affection for him, in attempt to climb Zalem…. THIS MANGA IS WAY BETTER THAN WHATEVER TF WAS HAPPENING IN THAT MOVIE
After the Time Skip Alita is...... 🤓
The story of this cute badass cyborg is well a pretty good of a roller coaster as it has its up downs in story telling...... It's the best when it's focused on Alita and her surroundings and how she reacts to them and changes every arc.... How she struggles to search for her identity but also honing her ancient fighting skills aka Panzer Kunst with one of the best fight choreographies in manga and great art but the problems are mostly rooted with it's lack of challenges to Alita at times remember I'm not saying it's always the case but most of the time like just look at zapan (pre-modification) or Grewinshka that dude wasn't a threat at all to Alita like just look at fairy tail, First Natsu and friends gets their ass whooped then later wipes the floor, the same thing happened to Grewinshka, This problems were mostly in the beginning, I can just predict that Alita is going to whoop her opponents fucking ass at the beginning.. U get it right it is somewhat predictable at some times which kind of puts me off, but what these shonen don't get it is to flesh out each and every character which Gunnm is superior in, otherwise who tf even cares about them, which gives us a brief side of the antagonist or any character who is against Alita and they are also not just some one dimensional characters each of them has their own depth and personality and not just some destroying the world nonsense..... Each of them has some sort of personal conflict with Alita as Alita affects the whole cosmology as it is explained in the later manga adaptations (Gunnm Last Order) which I'm not going to talk about here. Also the fact that it's such a high quality story which is main character focused but I faced some problems with the above mentioned issues, then later after some chapters of motorball arc I understood her character really well through the battles, it is sort of a way of finding her memories as a warrior of Mars, as she made new friends and foes all of them were tragic... I loved every one of them especially Jashugun was the GOAT but the fast pace of the story is also a big issue which ruins the enjoyment and uhh that zesty ass Nova is always at my nose ugh i hate him, He is an important character but can be really annoying after dying so many times but still comes back through its established technology, I have seen most people complaint about the ending, it was not even bad it was much important as the later extra chapters expanded the world surrounding Alita even far more depth but the issue is that Kishiro really was in a hurry like he could have taken some time instead of rushing and info dumping everything it had which can be agonising to read but overall all this complaints gets completely overshadowed by its great world building, amazing art, established technology which has a connection to real life technology (Kishiro did a great re-search on Nano technology, i appreciate that), and Ofc our Battle Angel Alita, From a literal innocent child with hidden talent or you can say the past hard ships (pre-Junkyard) to a literal monster who dominated the whole universe in the Zenith of things tournament, The Angel of Death, Octopus lips, Alita
Overall a solid manga, Definitely an 8.5/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 3, 2023
This is my first review btw so enjoy
I want to keep it brief...... This manga feels like it keeps on repeating the same thing that happened with the characters over and over...... It looks touching and beautiful with pretty visual or art from the outside but it's just a facade an excuse for all those sluggish and lazy writing...... I can assure you that in these manga hardly anything happens it's just those type of series where literally nothing happens but still will be highly praised for pretty visuals and somewhat decent characters like we have literally seen this kind of
stuff so many times it's literally tiresome now
Yes guys you can already sense it the cry bait energy...... The main character really lacks any depth or complexity it's literally yet another manga that's going to make you cry but lack any substance
u can literally predict how many casual fans have cried so far, I honestly didn't feel a thing yes it was sad but still did not feel a thing about any of the events as it was not backed up by good writing which can somewhat excuse all those long dragged out boring "Nothing Happened" stuff
This manga hardly has any plot or like that good of a cast to excuse the whole "Story ain't going no where type" of plot and literally the character interaction which was pretty good untill some time also gets pretty old and boring and overall this manga really has nothing going for it even the fights felt cheesy only the art style was pretty good about it and which ages pretty well but overall it's just a recycled To your Eternity but not as much impactful, emotional or even slightly as well written compared to the latter
So basically the story starts with introduction to this group of guys who are considered as "Heroes" which consists of a guy named Himmel basically your "noble hero", Next is our main heroine Elf Frieren who is basically the most op character in this manga (from what I have read so far) but tries to act all weak and all with her aura restraining mastery or some shit but she is really overpowered guys (as if we haven't seen the same thing in To your Eternity), another one is a useless dwarf named Eisen who was of literally no importance except for always getting mentioned every single time by his so called disciple which is going to be introduced later in this manga, and last but not least somewhat of a drunkard priest named Heiter who is also called Corrupt priest by our super op heroine and you know why they are called the justice league of the anime world cause they saved the f'ing metropolis of our yet another magical world from demon king or something and now they are back after 10 years of journey and are going to split apart so they are going to enjoy whatever view they can see from some Village which our super op immortal heroine has recommended..... Yes guys you can already sense it the cry bait energy and of course after their parting they reunited yet again where our super op witch still looks like that old smug faced loli which she was before and obviously everyone can see the reunion of the justice league after 50 years where Himmel turned into an old fart, meanwhile Heiter still looks the same literally u can predict that they are going to die by old age (except for the dwarf Eisen) u can literally predict how many casual fans have cried so far, I would say it was not as emotional like how people say I honestly didn't feel a thing yes it was sad but still did not feel a thing and our Heiter entrusted yet another cute face for journey and the dwarf guy did the same as I mentioned before....... In total this manga isn't anything really worth your time some might like it as they love to consume "nothing happens" type of SOL......It does have it pros like a pretty neat cast of characters, Frieren's interaction with his surrounding characters and her relationship with Fenn is pretty good like one is your average immortal girl who is devoid of normal processing and pretty stupid especially when u take a good look at her dialogues she is pretty much dumb like that one time where she clashed with that demon girl named Aura where she was literally holding back against the army of dead she was not blowing them up just cause Himmel got angry at him "Lmao" Dude is dead already what a dumb girl and I know She wants to give proper burial or some thing but her reasoning is pretty awful and another is just an ordinary girl who has her fair share of sufferings and her cause for travelling with Frieren was pretty well though our too I will give it that also the student and master relationship was pretty good here and overall the relationship of Frieren with the main cast are pretty good especially with the new ones, the old ones (party members were not that good they were just tearjerkers honestly) were not that good characters they just feel like they are their for references, plot progression and adding some depth to them by talking about their journey piece by piece they are just their to be mentioned about their legacies every now and then like u can hardly find any chapter where that Himmel is not being mentioned and the story is just moving at a speed of turtle like literally it's going from one place to another in search of heaven and a grimoire of her master I don't remember......
Overall this Manga is a 3/10 so far I have read...... Nothing really unique, special or good about it...... Just pretty art style or u can say visuals if u have watched the anime
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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