Spot on on Re.Zero. That particular shows popularity and score baffles me to no end. I suppose the otaku isekaing into another world and getting the pure beautiful elf to fall for him appeals to many people around these parts. That's why the tracksuit stays firmly on no matter how much time passes. It must reek by now.
I understand that some things aren't for anyone, but I don't understand how the storytelling or characters were bad since the use of foreshadowing is great, and I think they explored the backstories of characters very well. World building is one thing Re: Zero doesn't have since it's not paramount to the story, but I've seen so many isekai with worse storytelling than Re: Zero, which is why for lack of better words I called it "different." Animes that came after it and used elements that derive from the series doesn't really change anything cause many shonen animes take inspiration from their predecessors.
At the very least, I think the writing was well done in my opinion cause it's hard to write a story about the mc looping again and again without it being redundant. Agree to disagree, I suppose.
I personally don't get the 2/10 for the re: zero review. It's pretty different from any other isekai I've watched from the genre, but I guess others don't feel the same.
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Thanks for speaking for us in that review, common sense ppl ahah
"""""""pay"""""2 attention
At the very least, I think the writing was well done in my opinion cause it's hard to write a story about the mc looping again and again without it being redundant. Agree to disagree, I suppose.