Today, An unpopular opinion, I liked the "Boring isekai", But I think it's cause its flaws are front and foremost and its strengths are hidden to the typical viewer, Which makes it flawed non-the-less, but it's important that someone with my opinion speaks out so other like-minded individuals won't pass up a product worth watching."
Art: This is the easiest to tackle as it was played pretty straight.8
There were no amazing arthouse scenes and there were whole cuts that did seem overly awkward and unfinished but it's A-1, The Ea of anime so there are gonna be things like that, but credit where credit is due,
The backgrounds were very nice to look at standalone.
I can see how people would dislike them and think that they're out of place but then I felt the character designs fit in fine, And watercolor is honestly very unique and every background (For the most part.) was stunning and consistent with the theme of twisted melancholy (See story).
The character designs for the girls made me feel more things then I care to talk about, The main male cast also had really nice color combination and made them look pretty badass but not in an excessive way, Very tasteful exaggeration of certain parts which made the fanservice very pleasant.
And the animation was good enough, there were few action scenes where I got lost in the enviorment wondering where the hell things were but the first fight and others in the series were beautifully executed and really sold me on the fight as everyone maintained their actual positions which is more then I can say for some "Masterclass" works. so animation was alright and the choreography was good.
Overall:8/10 art.
Sound: Good music, My music tastes are unrefined though, And the world effects never really stood out, and I'm anal about that stuff so 7/10 but I'm sure others will find it less appealing than I did, Wouldnt re-listen to the track but I liked the raping, That was cool.
Characters: I feel as though the character were never meant to be deep, And ARE "deep" cause of that, I think the idea of depth has been misunderstood as something that just breaks convention and feels realistic, People call psycho pass's characters deep (I agree) because of their actions and positions lining up with complex ideologies, Which is uncommon but exists and is much more inherently interesting then fleshed out normal people in an intriguing setting.
Hey, I'm Domnick and I just said an explosive opinion, Uh-ohs~
But on the real I really liked the characters and how Ranta doesn't understand how much he needs his friends to how Haruhiro probably just cruised through life as a result of our over comfortable modern lives, Or how Ranta goes out fishing cause there's nothing else to do and how Yume takes to a more obscure hobby probably as a result from her previous life.
Everyone has a different level of importance to how they treated their break and gave me a very intriguing insight with next to no dialogue, Though I do admit Manato kinda sucked aside from the romance he and Shiharu totally had. Also, Shiharu is the only actually boring character aside from her thiccness.
Token meat stick I guess.
But yea, They honestly were nuanced in certain ways and felt like they got overlooked, 9/10.
Story: I think I like it, But I have the most issues with this.
The world is fun enough, The background that makes the town seem like they just built houses wherever they would fit and to many people were there for them to change it so it just kinda stayed clustered was really fun and Japanese esque while being fantasy as fu*k, And how leveling is based primarily on silver and how they give it just enough attention to seem feasible but not quite enough to get trite and overcomplicated. And how everyone's guild experience aside from Haruhiro's is implied rather than spoken which leads to some really natural and fun dialogue.
Now there are also things I don't like. Manato's death is shoved down your throat for the entire show when we didn't have enough time with him to care that much, And it goes on till way after they are adequately independent and eeking out a living. And when they fight Mary's friends, That was poorly choreographed and poorly animated in comparison to the rest of the world, They all come out in a group of 3 and get into stance despite being zombies yatta yatta complaint complaint the scene was trash moving on.
In all honestly, the point of the story to me, Was different then to other people. To me it represented young adults trying to find their place in a confusing world, I relate to it even more than when I first watched it as I'm 18 now, And I find the concept of going out into the real world right after coming to the conclusion that my role-models are still just as lost as I am despite being twice my age, Kind of like everything familiar just... Vanished.
The characters in this show are in the same predicament, However, they don't writhe, They struggle, They cry, But they have hobbies, Laugh, Work with people they don't like, Deal with depressing moments and try their best, They aren't revolutionary characters who will change the world, And they don't need to be, Cause that's not the point to me or them, It's watching them struggle but enjoy doing it despite the tribulations, The unimportance to some is the show's the biggest flaw, But to me its the show's biggest strength.
Overall, 8/10.
Jun 20, 2020
Hai to Gensou no Grimgar
Today, An unpopular opinion, I liked the "Boring isekai", But I think it's cause its flaws are front and foremost and its strengths are hidden to the typical viewer, Which makes it flawed non-the-less, but it's important that someone with my opinion speaks out so other like-minded individuals won't pass up a product worth watching."
Art: This is the easiest to tackle as it was played pretty straight.8 There were no amazing arthouse scenes and there were whole cuts that did seem overly awkward and unfinished but it's A-1, The Ea of anime so there are gonna be things like that, but credit where credit is due, ... Mar 3, 2020
Imawa no Kuni no Alice
Fuck... This won't be seen.
Disclaimer: The numbers reflect not what I think you'll get out of the piece of media i'm reviewing, It all is just to pay lip service to how much I love this series and may even go down on subsequent reading, So I ask you base your understanding from one of intense bias, And tackle it based on if you think we'll have similar tastes as I explain why I love it so much. Alright! I need to explain myself before I explain my score, so here we go. I came into this looking for a generic Isekai to waste time away ... Jan 22, 2020
(Review of the series thus far.)
Let me get something straight. I will be watching season 4, And not ironically either, I'm genuinly curious as to how it'll turn out and gave story and art some pretty good scores despite the visual quality of the animation as a standard dropping heavilt, Let me explain. Now, For less critical individuals who can still identify as intellectuals, will still enjoy this show ,greatly in fact, But for someone who wishes to work in media with no distinct talent for it and have thusly spent my entire teenage years analyzing and spending hours reading reviews and debating about animation, sound ... Aug 5, 2017
Metal Fight Beyblade: Baku
It's fine. Nothing to shout about. It's a cartoon for kids where tops fight nothing amazing simple as that.
The story is some snot nosed teen (literelly) meets another kid while getting bullied which made it seem kinda gr8. then it comes down to ginga beating everyone. the beggining is boring but it gets cooler. the 3rd season is trash tho. On all seriousness though the story is ginga plowing through multiple people making friends outta the non main villans intil he beats em. all stereotypical people with cliches no depth at all realllllllly nice to look at but the fights are TOPS so it's not to ... |