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Jan 28, 2025
This had all the potential to become a great anime, full of depth, as we embark on Inori's journey to become a figure skater thru both highs and lows, on one side her love for ice skating and a diamond in the rough talent that gain both encouragement and respect from a very supportive coach, on the other her mound of anxiety and low self-esteem likely the cause of the toxic relationship with her mother
Now did this anime utilize that potential to create a compelling and heartfelt story?
Not. In. The. Slightest.
What we get instead is the overly melodramatic showcase of Inori's broken mind as her
mother puts her down, dismisses and badmouths the sport she so much loves, literally (excuse my language) shits on her dreams every chance she gets. The poor coach Tsukasa is left in an exhausting neverending battle trying to compensate the absolutely vile mind poison this woman is spewing towards her own daughter with words of encouragement and the teaching of healthy coping mechanisms
The constant bombardment of belittling from this woman comes off as if we the audience is being berated along side Inori rather than a critique on her behaviour
As for the skating part, what is supposed to be the main focus of the show... it is (at least in these first episodes) nearly inexistent.
With the majority of skating scenes consisting of close-ups and stills, and opting for full CGI for the few full body skating sequences, a decision i find detrimental and hope for those who are enjoying the show it does not persist thruout the whole series, as in these scenes the skaters come off as robotic and expressionless
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Nov 25, 2024
Picture this, a wacky comedy a la Konosuba has a baby with the gutwrenchingly dark deep dive into the entertainment world a la Oshi no Ko... there, now you have Yuri!!! On Ice
This seemingly innocent tale of ice and a lil love is littered with minute but obvious tell-tale signs of the brutal reality of competitive sports and the traumas left on it's contestants. As they each navigate their way to the Grand Prix Finale while finding various ways to cope with their mental health, we the audience are there to sit along for the unfiltered ride ready to laugh our butts off, cringe at
the WTF moments, and be in absolute awe of their spectactular breath stopping performances all within the blink of an eye
A massive rollercoster of conflicting themes crunched into a studio apartment, on paper this should not work in the slightes, and yet it does, and to perfection
Although i would've liked to see more of these characters, i think the rushed nature of the series is actually what made it work so well in the storytelling format it chose, had certain things been dragged out in more detail it would've needed a much darker tone to not start feeling weird
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 11, 2024
This story would've worked exellently as a dark psychological drama, as a romance though, it is an abomination, and the relationship between the two leads will tell you exactly why
Let's start with Mei
Mei is an abuser, plain and simple, we can analyze why she becomes the way she is, and we will in a moment, but nothing excuses her appaling treatment of Yuzu
Now why is Mei the way she is?
The most likely catalyst is her being put in an abusive situation with her arranged engagement, on top of the already toxic family enviroment. Mei's abusive behaviour is driven by anger, anger towards her fiancé who's
s******* abusing her, anger towards her grandpa for putting her in that situation by arranging the engagement, anger towards her dad whom she feels abandoned by, all of which she projects onto Yuzu as she becomes everything she most loathed, this is what's called redirected aggression
Yuzu on the other hand is the classic empath
Always putting others needs above her own, even at her own expence, always trying to fix people, and always taking on all the blame whenever things go wrong. She has also previously been in a toxic platonic relationship, making her a that much easier target for falling into a toxic romantic relationship
One scene where Yuzu is wearing a backpack with the word "provide" written on it is very telling of her character, as she's always providing emotional support for others while never accepting it for herself
Everything written up there would've made for an extreamly riveting exploration of the human psyche, but it is in no way behaviour that should be romanticized, which is unfortunately the direction this series takes things
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Sep 9, 2024
A new chapter of Code Geass after half a decade and... i'd like to say it does not disappoint, but...
Let's say it's as much of a rollercoaster in how the story's put together as it is an emotional rollercoaster
As it kicks off to a not so great start, we're thrown straight in the deep end with a new plot, new characters, and barely any time dedicated to building up this new part of the story, making the very rushed plot twist come off as being there just for the heck of it and leaving the characters feeling flat or even, in Rozé's case, unlikeable
But around
ep. 3 things start to take a calmer tone and it starts filling those holes left by the initial hyper-speed rush with the necessary character developement and ,kkkkkj988888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888sw ... my cat wanted to contribute
Where was i? Oh yes, the character developement and the missing details necessary to form a connection to said characters and to have an understanding of the current era of the Code Geass saga
This all seems to be going extreamly well, untill it's cut short by it's 1 cour runtime
The series unfortunately ends abrubtly right as we're getting a chance to get attached to the new cast, making the emotional buildup fall flat
After Akito and now Rozé, i'm more and more convinced Code Geass stories need at least a 2 cour season to do them justice
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 2, 2024
Anime Theme Roulette 🎰 Review 2 🎰 Gore
Yet another anime i have avoided like the plague cuz of it's abysmal visuals
But if there's one thing these anime watching challenges have taught me, it's that great animation is not everything... good storytelling and character writing however does come pretty close to that
Though Inuyashiki does set a good foundation for an intersting and engaging story, it fails on all levels to utilize it, favoring a "then this happens, and then that happens" plot progression with hero and villain just running around the city doing their thing over giving them a well fleshed out background to aid their
What could've been an endearing tale about good vs evil turns into an absolute mess, with the very inconsistent characterization of the villain being the nail in the coffin as it completely breaks immersion. These inconsistencies also lead to a very predictable ending
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Aug 21, 2024
An interesting tale that'll both warm your heart and send chills down your spine
The way the mysteries unfold are quite predictable, but their layout is engaging and gives the show a flowing pace making it easy to binge, and although the animation is rather low budget, it's used in clever ways that accentuate the madness that's infused in the series, i especially like the subtle eye movements some characters have, it really intensifies the uncanny vibe of the town of Origon
Despite the exagerated nature, the psychological elements are pretty well done, giving us unfiltered access to the characters minds
There are however some scenes of which
the execution borders on the fetishy which might bother some viewers, but rest assured the anime never crosses the line of outright glorifying unacceptable behaviour
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 17, 2024
Fascinating for all the wrong reasons
From everything i'd heard about this show i expected there to be great depth in character exploration as they face the many tough themes that are presented, and it did have the potential to be all that, had the execution not been so utterly atrocious
I swear i have never come across such a deplorable depiction of the human psyche
There is not one instant with a trace of developement, analysis, or critical thinking, all we get is a constant bombardment of the most repulsive conduct parents can possibly have as that and their kids trauma and psychological turmoil is used all
for the sake of melodrama, and the disgraceful portrayal of human behaviour does not end there
*light ep. 3 spoilers ahead (no plot detail spoilers)
In this scene one of the soft tennis club kids is getting taunted by a school bully, the lil a-hole says a bunch of vile stuff, and so tennis kid proceeds to smash the other kid's head open with his tennis racket, simply put because of some very mean words
Now credit where credit is due, most of the team's reaction to this insanity is "what the f*** are you doing??" as they immediately start first aid, but not only does the MC side with his teammate (and is somehow more concerend of a broken tennis racket than someone's broken head), but their teacher, the person who's suppost to be responsible for them, educate them, protect them, is brushing off PHYSICAL ASSAULT like "well you were wrong to crack his head open, but he's at fault too for insulting you, so here's some candy", no suspension, no detention, barely a lecture and this teacher offers candy to the kid who just sent another kid to the ER... what... WHAT... WTF did i just watch???
This isn't just a normal school yard fight with a couple of scratches and bruises where you can say "you were wrong but i get why you lost your cool", there comes a time when you have to draw a firm line and whenever it's crossed it's unacceptable and that's it!
I don't care how much mom traumatized you, you don't get to use that as an excuse to harm others, and you certainly don't get to claim self defence against words
And no, this is not the only time this series uses mental health as an excuse to enable bad behaviour
Like i said at the beginning of this review, it's deplorable
This anime is a masterclass on how not to write complex psychological issues and is infantile at best disturbing at worst
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Aug 14, 2024
Very interesting concept
The "not everything is as it seems" plot has always been one that fascinated me, and Loser Ranger, though not perfect, was off to a great start, with a flowing pace and wacky characters ready to pull you into their world, all complimented by the stunning visuals
I do have one major issue with this series though, and that is it's ending
The last 4 or so episodes were extreamly rushed, packing in so many character interactions, backstories, new introductions, to the point it just felt like a convoluted mess, i find this to be quite a pity
The Blue Keeper, who was becoming a fav
of mine, had some very emotional scenes that would've hit so much harder had they taken the time to flesh out his character instead of condencing his arc to half an episode, and he's not the only character who would've benefitted from a longer runtime
This is definitely a season that would've needed a 2 cour release to reach it's full potential
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 5, 2024
An interesting premise coupled with beautiful art are part of a recipe for storytelling gold
Sadly, it is not enough to have only those two ingredients alone...
Sakura-hime's awestriking panels unfortunately quickly get overshaddowed by very chaotic characterization
In only two chapters character's motives, philosophies, and views have changed countless times, leaving no baseline for their personalities to be developed on and make them recognizable
I do appreciate the research that went into making this manga (there are very interesting behind the scenes notes scattered thruout the chapters), details like how to make Sakura's battle attire fit into the Heian era, how to keep the language modern enough for
todays audience to understand but still have the feel of it's time (not something noticeable in translations, but nontheless admirable), but the way the story starts off feels like too much focus was placed on setting the tone of the manga while ignoring the character writing aspect of it
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jul 21, 2024
After coming off of the emotional rollercoaster that is Clannad and absolutely loving it, i couldn't wait to dive into After Story
I was told multiple times how After Story was even more heart wrenching, how it'd make you swim in your tears, and it was all that, but...
(From here onwards we're entering spoiler territory)
There's 2 major points that soured my watching experience
1) One of the most tragic parts of the show was caused in great part by Nagisa's irresponsibility
And that is her own death
Tell me why, knowing your own health condition, knowing you have higher risk of complications during child birth, would you insist against all rhyme or reason, to have a home birth??
I'm a very stubborn person myself, i don't really give a crap how stubborn you want to be, when it is souly your own life on the line
But here it is not only your life on the line, it is the life of your child whom you are leaving without a mother (not to mention, what if the baby wasn't able to come out? What if you needed an emergency c-section? What happens to your child then?), it is the life of your husband whom you are leaving without his wife, alone to look after a newborn during what will be one of the hardest times of his life
I'm not saying going to a hospital would've 100% guaranteed Nagisa's survival, nothing is 100% a guarantee, but when more precautions could've been taken to attmpt to avoid this situation, when you are told multiple times to do so, for your own safety, for your child's safety, and you still refuse to do so, i'm sorry, but that is extreamly irresponsible and negligent
2) Tomoya's grandma
We meet this lovely lady when Tomoya and lil Ushio take their first daddy & daughter trip together, and this is what she has to say about her son, Tomoya's dad, "At times he may have been strict or VIOLENT, but it was all to raise you well" ... excuse my language but what in the actual fuck??!!?
Witch! Your son caused permenant injuries to your grandson! You're son's violence caused permenant damage to your grandson's shoulder, now what if instead you're son's violence broke your grandson's back or neck? You know what permenent damage gets left with such an injuries, would you still pull the "he did it to raise you well" card if your grandson showed up in a wheelchair?
Don't give me this BS of "he did it out of love" "he had a hard life", this is no redemption arc, this is pure gaslighting psychological manipulation
My god, with a mom like that no wonder Tomoya's dad is a total and utter wreck
There are more tragic twist leading up to the end, but these were the main points (especially point 2) that brought a wave of disapointment, watching these scenes felt like watching a series that i love crumble into dust
As for the actual ending, it comes off as an asspull, they try the "was he dreaming or is he dreaming now?" "which is reality?", but it is executed so badly, instead of complimenting the heavy emotions that where dropped on us like an avalanche the whole second half of the show and bringing us in that state of dread and reliefe clashing with one another, it completely flops dulling every moment as it devoids it of it's meaning
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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