note: I'm watching in dub as this is my 1 dub weekly anime this season
2nd note: I've not rated the story as i will do that after it finishes
Im gonna keep watching this. I'm liking the look of this and the concept, while could be a state up henti plot, i think its gunna be a very trash anime and I'm gonna love it
The whole power consept sounds "cool" and the charters seem to be pretty ok from the 3 ive met and been introduced to.
The mc is also voiced by Matt Shipman who is one of the best English voice actors of
Aug 25, 2020
Kanojo, Okarishimasu
I'm writing this as I watch the second ep and my cringe level was off the charges but like hell am I not enjoying this to as much as other better anime. Like I'm watching this going "I wanna stop, lets this stop" but I just can't click off the damn page. For any anime fan who is at the very least 3 years into watching anime and can get past most of the anime antics then I do recommend this anime. When I catch up to where the eps are i don't know if I will keep watching as I don't think I'm invested
Aug 21, 2020
Bunny girl senpai. I found this after watching Giguks vid on it so I came in with a little prior nolige. What can I say? let's start with the charter I wanna talk about
Sakura I think I like him a lot as he is kinda like me but with even less of a filter. I also like to just speak what I'm thinking with somewhat of a filter where as Sakura just lets it all out. The idea of Pubioty syndrome is a fun one and while it could be better in certain aspect I can see what they wanted to do and I think they ... Aug 21, 2020
This film was so good. It was an amazing contusion of bunny girl senpai. The only thing about the movie which was a problem, which wasn't enough to bring it down a rank was that u need to watch the show before the movie to make sense of whats going on. Other than that the charters in the film were amazing and while it was hard to follow at time's it normally cleared up what was hard to understand. I also think that could be something to do with watching it subbed but that's a convo for another day. The film had me doing the
Aug 9, 2020
Darling in the FranXX
holy krap laps. at this point in time, I have been watching anime for 4 years. I've watched angel beats,Akame ga Kill, code geass and many anime a like and in all that time I have never broken down at an anime till I watched this. the story of FranXX was something I knew I was gonna love from the day I saw it. So like any sane otaku, I put off watching it for 2 years. I regret that so much. If you haven't yet, go watch it. or at the very least have it on high priority on our watch list. I'm