My raiting system
[10] Masterwork: Nothing is perfect, but there are some excellently crafted anime that I find personal significance to the point that I would consider them subjectively perfect.
[9] Exemplary: These are shows that excel in almost every way. Although they may have a few issues, any flaws get negated by overall greatness.
[8] Great: A well-rounded and strong experience. These shows may have a few minor stumbles along the way, but the positives compensate for many flaws. I recommend them to everyone.
[7] Good: Overall a very positive experience worth watching despite a few noticeable flaws. It may have apparent issues, but they are less distracting thanks to highpoints. I recommended these anime to most people. This is what most anime will end up being thanks to the fact there’s always something to make an anime stand out
[6] Decent: These are above-average shows with good aspects that slightly outweigh the bad. Flawed, but I found it worth watching enough to warrant a tentative recommendation.
[5] Average: These are middle of the road anime: mediocre—they could have been better with more time, management, talent, or budget. Any potential of these anime got wasted—I would not recommend a five without significant caveats.
[4] Subpar: I do not recommend watching these anime; they are below average, not a wholly awful experience, but far from satisfactory. There may have been good ideas or good production values, but the writing lacked substance and the ideas were poorly executed.
[3] Bad: If there were any good ideas along the way, the anime did not successfully execute them. Amateur writing, terrible visuals, or shallow character writing earned this score. There may have been a few worthwhile moments, but serious issues overshadowed them.
[2] Abysmal: Watching these anime was a harrowing experience. However, it may not have been insulting. Maybe braver people could find an average show in it, but I found nothing—no redeeming qualities except for ironic entertainment.
[1] Pathetic: The shows that are so offensively bad—I want nothing more than to unsee them. Unforgettable, but in the worst way you could imagine. Avoid at all costs. Or they ruend a all ready good this *clears throat* wonder egg
Credit to for this scoring sheet. I’ve basically copped his and mad some of my own tweaks
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