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Mar 13, 2025
Super Cub (Anime) add
I don't have fancy words for anime reviews that make me sound smart and sophisticated so most of the time i don't leave any. I figure "I'm no expert" and move along. That is not the case with this one.

You see... I am an expert. Due to health issues i spent over a decade housebound with no independence. I had no parents, no money, no friends or hobbies nor any ability to have goals for the future. My own "Days of nothingness." I couldn't afford the mobility scooters that cost thousands of dollars and aren't covered by insurance, so i was dependent on the occasional ...
Jul 22, 2024
Slice of Life is my favorite genre. This was special. I hadn't heard of it and chose it at random because I'd not seen an aquarium based anime before and was craving something regional after rewatching Yuru Camp and Sakura Quest for the umpteenth time. This exceeded my desire to keep that lovely, meaningful, beautiful vibe going. I will say that I enjoyed the first 12 episodes far more than the second half. I can't help that I'm American so the work culture thing can be jarring for me. This basically means I am not likely to be convinced it wouldn't have been better to ...
Jul 22, 2022
Ooof this anime is taking some lumps in the reviews and i respect all points of view, so not saying they're wrong. Still, . I'm still glad to see it's scoring over 8 because as a non-middle aged male, in fact, a girl lol who was desperately in need of some sweetness and positivity this was truly an adorable happy.

No needless conflicts, just joy for the thing you love and learning how to share that joy with others and gasp! maybe even find a little innocent blossoming romance in the process? There's an innocence that comes with learning how to find the joys in life ...
Jan 12, 2022
This was such a joy to watch. I love when a writer can take something we know is utterly unrealistic and fantastical and pretty much the complete opposite of anyone's gaming experiences and say "So what?! What if it WAS like this? C'mon! Let go of realism and let's have fun with it!!!" and they do it so well that you agree. It's the kind of liberty that's hard to hand over to a show, rarely pays off, but oh it's just so great when it does. I adored this anime. It doesn't weigh itself down with overly complex character development, in fact, there's not ...
Sep 20, 2021
Mixed Feelings
Finishing season 1 with tears in my eyes, heart aglow, my only conflict is trying to decide whether to give it a 9 or a 10. Nine ONLY because i give 10's to things i know i will rewatch again and again.

Finishing season 2, glaring at the screen: "Baka baka baka!"

Season 2 RUINED everything that was so delicate and precious and real about the 1st season. Its hamfisted pointless convoluted drama bludgeons rare and beautiful character development, cheapens the rich pacing that had me hanging on every word through a season twice as long. Season 2? I could not WAIT for the misery to be ...
Sep 19, 2021
Hinamatsuri (Anime) add
I was absolutely down to invest in the anime the first episode set up. Strange exceedingly powerful young girl that doesn't understand human interactions being dropped in to learn just that from a Yakuza (hilarious blind-leading-the-blind set up) while i assumed part of what would form their bond is protecting each other from the dangers each of their lives are rife with.

And then that just didn't happen. It was like they got a new showrunner for episode 2 that came in blind and just made it up as they went along. It was incoherent, disjointed and downright irritating because i wanted very much to ...
Sep 18, 2021
Dagashi Kashi (Anime) add
Headline: Dagashi is a Snack Crate anime

Wow this is one love-or-hate-it anime. In America, for sure, but I'd imagine all over the world, we humans have a lot of nostalgia for toys or licensed cereals, foods that came from our favorite childhood shows or cartoons. That's what this anime reminded me of, and while i only have tasted a couple of the dagashi from the show, it made me excited to try many more. Snack Crates are enjoyable for the same reason this anime is. But also, the characters were fun, the interactions were innocent but cheeky, people keep saying it was a 4.5 ...
Sep 16, 2021
Preliminary (4/12 eps)
I love slice of life. I love cute girls doing cute things. This was a let down in every conceivable way. I won't even bother with how much Mika Kukuri's character grated on my nerves, how underdeveloped the main character was, how much I wanted to enjoy the rich potential of a daughter connecting with the mother she never knew through the medium of pottery and artistic self-discovery making lasting friendships along the way all taking place while getting to learn about a beautiful craft and the regions that produce them. What bothers me most is how much there was i could have loved, ...
Jun 24, 2020
Preliminary (12/25 eps)
So, having watched the original, nothing could have prepared me for Season 2, Episode 10 when it became apparent that Fruits Basket is a full-throated story and not just a sweet, slice-of-life, familiar feel good world to slip into.

One of the things I love and am fascinated by (not to mention rebuked by) is how emotionally intelligent anime's treatment of character development can be. I realize how self-indulgent and often childish and flailing I'm used to being, how entitled to outbursts and my own selfish motivation I am by comparison.

The themes anime plays with ... what does it truly mean to be unselfish? ...
May 7, 2020
Shirokuma Cafe has shot up to become my favorite anime of all time. The characters are so dear, funny, touching ... honestly i thought nothing could dethrone Usagi Drop for me but this anime has. I've rewatched it so many times and no matter how low i'm feeling it always manages to lift my spirits.

The voice acting is phenomenal. The absolute star is Pengie-san of course, but they're all brilliant. The art is simple but it doesn't need to be more than it is. The character creation is ridiculously perfect and has everything to do with the voice acting. It's filled with humor and even ...

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