>Naive enough to think that MAl's numbers actually correspond to the person's reality (I myself am gradually adding everything I've seen in my life);
>To think that a mature woman cannot review anime because she is not a nolife like himself, who probably watched and read other things besides manga/anime, such as literature and other forms of foreign productions;
>It's up to him to decide whether to use a real photo or not, I've seen a lot of guys around here using it.
explain to me how akame ga kill is a 9/10, SAO 8/10, and Danmachi 8/10. Those are all generic fantasy anime which are mediocre at best and you're telling me that a great romance like after the rain a 3/10 piece of trash
A good anime or any form of entertainment doesn't need any complex story to be enjoyable or good. You liked yuru camp and that anime can be boiled down to cute girls go camping but I don't hear you complaining about the lack of story in yuru camp or how the whole story of yuru camp can be summarized in just 10 minutes(which literally can be done given how simple the story is).
Did you watch the show or did you just watch the first 10 minutes and proceed to write the review because everything that you said in your review suggest that you don't understand anything and just basically oversimplifies every aspect of the show
All Comments (10) Comments
>To think that a mature woman cannot review anime because she is not a nolife like himself, who probably watched and read other things besides manga/anime, such as literature and other forms of foreign productions;
>It's up to him to decide whether to use a real photo or not, I've seen a lot of guys around here using it.
Typical incel loser. Just ignore the worm below.
>real photo on an anime website
Typical woman.
Did you watch the show or did you just watch the first 10 minutes and proceed to write the review because everything that you said in your review suggest that you don't understand anything and just basically oversimplifies every aspect of the show